
Query : 2008A&A...483..567G

2008A&A...483..567G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 483, 567-570 (2008/5-4)

Chemical composition of A and F dwarfs members of the Pleiades open cluster.


Abstract (from CDS):

We derive the abundances of 18 chemical elements for 16 A-dwarf, both normal and chemically-peculiar, and 5 F-dwarf members of the Pleiades open cluster to place constraints on evolutionary models. Abundances and rotational and microturbulent velocities were derived by fitting synthetic spectra to high-resolution (R∼42000 and R∼75000) observations of high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). The abundances exhibit correlation with neither the effective temperature nor the projected rotational velocity. Interestingly, A stars exhibit larger star-to-star variations in C, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Sr, Y, Zr and Ba, than F stars. F stars have solar abundances of almost all elements. In A stars, the abundances of Si, Ti and Cr are correlated with that of Fe, and the [X/Fe] ratios are solar for these three elements. The derived abundances are compared with the predictions of evolutionary models for the age of Pleiades (100Myr). For F stars, small predicted underabundances of light elements and overabundances of Cr, Fe and Ni are confirmed by our findings. For A stars, the predicted overabundances in iron-peak elements are confirmed for a few stars only. The large scatter in the abundances of A stars, discovered previously in the Hyades, Coma Berenices, UMa group, and in field stars, appears to be a characteristic property of dwarf A stars. Hydrodynamical processes competing with radiative diffusion in the radiative zone of A dwarfs, could account for the scatter in abundances that we determine.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: abundances - stars: rotation - diffusion - Galaxy: open clusters and associations: individual: Pleiades

Simbad objects: 26

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Number of rows : 26
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 22615 V* 03 39 00.0585760560 +20 54 56.784028824   6.646 6.493     A4III 62 0
2 HD 23157 ** 03 43 41.5325750160 +23 38 56.977320660   8.25 7.95     A5V 90 0
3 V* V624 Tau dS* 03 43 43.2412431936 +24 22 28.445642868   8.49 8.22     A7V 126 0
4 HD 23247 Er* 03 44 23.5411594200 +24 07 57.471196908   9.564 9.111 9.23   F2V 86 0
5 HD 23325 Pe* 03 45 06.5388153048 +24 15 48.650236236   8.96 8.70   8.16 kA6hA9mF1(IV) 100 0
6 HD 23351 SB* 03 45 20.8608183282 +24 55 19.454554726   9.46 9.03   8.43 F3V 89 0
7 HD 23375 dS* 03 45 34.4631249960 +24 27 47.922382692   8.94 8.58   8.33 F0V 96 0
8 HD 23387 ** 03 45 37.7883282408 +24 20 08.303093844   7.33 7.19   6.96 A1V 123 0
9 Cl Melotte 22 OpC 03 46 24.2 +24 06 50           ~ 3470 0
10 HD 23489 ** 03 46 27.2785317984 +24 15 17.995532328 7.56 7.44 7.34 7.28 7.23 A2V 115 0
11 HD 23511 PM* 03 46 39.3335012425 +24 06 11.531508492   9.75 9.28   8.75 F5V 127 0
12 HD 23609 * 03 47 17.1423427464 +23 43 36.294494628   7.487 6.97     F5 56 0
13 V* V647 Tau dS* 03 47 19.3458598776 +24 08 20.815318464   8.51 8.26   7.97 A7Vs 166 0
14 HD 23632 * 03 47 20.9688302904 +23 48 12.036277512   7.04 7.02   7.01 A1V 125 0
15 * 24 Tau * 03 47 21.0386292336 +24 06 58.564163952 6.26 6.30 6.28   6.30 A0V 90 0
16 HD 23631 SB* 03 47 24.4137493776 +23 54 52.826531688   7.34 7.30   7.11 A0V 124 0
17 HD 23732 * 03 48 16.8727819416 +25 12 54.442464768 9.67 9.62 9.21 8.70 8.55 F4V 92 0
18 HD 23763 * 03 48 30.0969016008 +24 20 43.894342464   7.08 6.96   6.79 A2V 126 0
19 HD 23791 * 03 48 43.8952872624 +23 15 35.332233840   8.64 8.38   8.05 kA7hA8mF0IV 93 0
20 HD 23863 * 03 49 12.1871337168 +23 53 12.438137328   8.36 8.15   7.88 A7Vn 108 0
21 HD 23924 * 03 49 40.9233801600 +23 20 29.652869940   8.32 8.13   7.91 A5VkA7mA7 107 0
22 HD 23948 * 03 49 56.5953892752 +24 20 56.372246016   7.61 7.54   7.48 A0 95 0
23 Cl Melotte 25 OpC 04 29 47.3 +16 56 53           ~ 3113 0
24 NAME Coma Dwarf Galaxy G 12 26 59.0 +23 54 15     14.1     ~ 460 1
25 NAME Ursa Major Moving Group MGr 12 32 +57.0           ~ 441 2
26 ACO 1656 ClG 12 59 44.40 +27 54 44.9           ~ 4849 2

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