
Query : 2008A&A...485...63F

2008A&A...485...63F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 485, 63-70 (2008/7-1)

New XMM-Newton observations of supernova remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud.


Abstract (from CDS):

A complete overview of the supernova remnant (SNR) population is required to investigate their evolution and interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Recent XMM-Newton observations of the SMC cover three known SNRs (DEMS5, SNRB0050-72.8, and SNRB0058-71.8), which are poorly studied and are X-ray faint. We used new multi-frequency radio-continuum surveys and new optical observations at Hα, [SII], and [OIII] wavelengths, in combination with the X-ray data, to investigate their properties and to search for new SNRs in the SMC. We used X-ray source selection criteria and found one SMC object with typical SNR characteristics (HFPK334), that was initially detected by ROSAT. We analysed the X-ray spectra and present multi-wavelength morphological studies of the three SNRs and the new candidate. Using a non-equilibrium ionisation collisional plasma model, we find temperatures kT around 0.18keV for the three known remnants and 0.69keV for the candidate. The low temperature, low surface brightness, and large extent of the three remnants indicates relatively large ages. The emission from the new candidate (HFPK334) is more centrally peaked and the higher temperature suggests a younger remnant. Our new radio images indicate that a pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) is possibly associated with this object. The SNRs known in the SMC show a variety of morphological structures that are relatively uncorrelated in the different wavelength bands, probably caused by the different conditions in the surrounding medium with which the remnant interacts.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: Magellanic Clouds - ISM: supernova remnants

Simbad objects: 49

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Number of rows : 49
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME SMC B0039-7353 SNR 00 40 55 -73 36.9           ~ 32 0
2 SNR B0044-73.4 SNR 00 46 32.9 -73 08 01           ~ 25 1
3 SNR B0045-73.3 SNR 00 47 30.40 -73 06 01.1           ~ 15 0
4 SNR B0045-73.4 SNR 00 47 32.9 -73 07 46           ~ 50 0
5 DEM S 32 HII 00 47 43.9 -73 08 22           ~ 25 0
6 WMAP J0048-7312 SNR 00 48 05 -73 12.0           ~ 21 1
7 LHA 115-N 19 HII 00 48 06 -73 08.7           ~ 64 0
8 DEM S 42 Em* 00 48 18.9 -73 19 43           ~ 28 0
9 IKT 4 SNR 00 48 19.6 -73 19 40           ~ 23 1
10 SNR B0047-73.5 SNR 00 49 07.75 -73 14 02.0           ~ 56 0
11 [MA93] 401 Em* 00 50 50.0342302080 -73 24 22.397147784   14.83 17     B0V 75 1
12 LIN 193 HXB 00 51 52.0250520000 -73 10 34.140066780 13.39 14.38 14.459 14.24 14.28 O9.5-B0V 72 0
13 NAME SMC G 00 52 38.0 -72 48 01   2.79 2.2     ~ 11311 1
14 NAME DEM S 68SE SNR 00 52 43.00 -72 37 06.0           ~ 43 0
15 DEM S 69 HII 00 53 01.5 -72 53 42           ~ 10 0
16 NGC 300 GiG 00 54 53.4465638304 -37 41 03.168402396 8.83 8.69 8.13 7.46   ~ 1517 2
17 SNR B0056-72.4 SNR 00 58 00.00 -72 11 01.4           ~ 11 1
18 AzV 201 Em* 00 58 09.9974648736 -72 11 01.961584440   13.90 13.6     B1V 15 0
19 SNR B0056-72.5 SNR 00 58 18.40 -72 17 22.7   20.58 20.70     ~ 54 1
20 NGC 346 Cl* 00 59 04.4000 -72 10 39.000           ~ 498 0
21 2E 245 X 00 59 25.7 -72 10 11           ~ 32 1
22 SNR B0057-72.2 SNR 00 59 27.40 -72 10 10.7   12.37 12.57     ~ 240 0
23 NAME SMC B0058-7149 SNR 01 00 23.3 -71 33 23           ~ 34 1
24 RMC 19 sg* 01 00 40.7462641728 -71 32 30.153582636   11.74 11.60     A3Ia 35 0
25 LHA 115-N 71 SFR 01 00 58.22 -71 35 28.6   14.64 13.9     ~ 35 1
26 [MA93] 1367 HXB 01 03 13.9173060552 -72 09 14.258500452   14.70 14.79 15.0   B0.5IV-V 92 1
27 MCSNR J0103-7247 SNR 01 03 29.2 -72 47 23   16.6       ~ 13 0
28 LIN 422 Em* 01 03 53.8121640432 -72 08 25.660181544           B0-5(III) 25 0
29 SNR B0102-72.3 SNR 01 04 01.2 -72 01 52           ~ 402 1
30 SNR B0103-72.6 SNR 01 05 05.6 -72 23 20           ~ 82 1
31 RX J0105.1-7211 HXB 01 05 09.941 -72 11 47.00   15.62 15.63 18.3   B1-B2III-V 53 1
32 SNR B0104-72.2 SNR 01 05 21.7184178024 -72 08 42.548832456 14.41 15.53 15.75   16.01 O9V 34 1
33 DEM S 131 HII 01 06 18.1 -72 05 24           ~ 7 0
34 2E 273 XB* 01 06 19.49 -72 05 27.8     16.70     ~ 59 0
35 [FBR2002] J011333-731704 Rad 01 13 33.00 -73 17 10.0           ~ 4 0
36 NGC 456 HII 01 13 44.4 -73 17 26           ~ 127 0
37 LIN 500 Em* 01 13 50.896 -73 18 01.03   13.36 12.5 13.78 14.62 ~ 62 0
38 LHA 115-N 83C SNR 01 14 00.0 -73 17 08           ~ 71 0
39 NAME SMC B0113-7334 HII 01 14 44.9 -73 20 06           ~ 14 1
40 PKS 0252-712 rG 02 52 46.15578 -71 04 35.2742   19.0 19.0     ~ 101 1
41 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
42 SNR B0453-68.5 SNR 04 53 36.00 -68 29 30.0           ~ 79 1
43 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
44 NGC 2403 AGN 07 36 51.3381434280 +65 36 09.650825640 9.31 8.84 8.38 8.19   ~ 1802 1
45 M 81 Sy2 09 55 33.1726556496 +69 03 55.062505368   7.89 6.94     ~ 4489 3
46 M 94 SyG 12 50 53.0737971432 +41 07 12.900884628 9.15 8.96 8.24 7.78   ~ 1401 2
47 M 101 GiP 14 03 12.583 +54 20 55.50   8.46 7.86 7.76   ~ 2949 2
48 ICRF J193925.0-634245 Sy2 19 39 25.0245304992 -63 42 45.640373400   18.87 18.37 17.64   ~ 1260 2
49 NGC 6946 H2G 20 34 52.332 +60 09 13.24   10.5       ~ 2546 2

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