
Query : 2008A&A...485..117S

2008A&A...485..117S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 485, 117-126 (2008/7-1)

Hen 2-104: a close-up look at the Southern Crab.


Abstract (from CDS):

The kinematics, shaping, density distribution, expansion distance, and ionized mass of the nebula Hen 2-104, and the nature of its symbiotic Mira are investigated. A combination of multi-epoch HST images and VLT integral field high-resolution spectroscopy is used to study the nebular dynamics both along the line of sight and in the plane of the sky. These observations enable a 3-D spatio-kinematical model of the nebula to be constructed, which, with the measurement of its apparent expansion in the plane of the sky over a period of 4 years, provides the expansion parallax for the nebula. The integral-field data featuring the [SII] λλ671.7, 673.1 emission line doublet provide a density map of the inner lobes of the nebula, which with the distance estimation provide a measurement of its ionized mass. We measure densities ranging from ne=500 to 1000cm–3 in the inner lobes, and from 300 to 500cm–3 in the outer lobes. We determine an expansion-parallax distance of 3.3±0.9kpc to Hen 2-104, which implies an unexpectedly large ionized mass for the nebula of approximately one tenth of a solar mass.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: binaries: symbiotic - ISM: planetary nebulae: general - ISM: kinematics and dynamics

Simbad objects: 12

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Number of rows : 12
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 IC 2448 PN 09 07 06.3191779848 -69 56 30.692677668   11.1 11.10     O(H)3III-V 232 0
2 NGC 3242 PN 10 24 46.1335521792 -18 38 32.296857792   11.83 12.15     ~ 824 1
3 NAME Homunculus Nebula ISM 10 45 03.5 -59 41 04           ~ 371 1
4 WRAY 16-147 Sy* 14 11 52.0604355768 -51 26 24.187122024     14.20     ~ 234 1
5 WRAY 16-208 Sy* 16 14 01.1094201648 -56 59 28.043753388     16.00     M8/9e 88 1
6 PN Mz 3 PN 16 17 13.3915382496 -51 59 10.711893480   10.8 14.00     O9.5 351 0
7 PN M 2-9 PN 17 05 37.96152 -10 08 32.5068           ~ 523 0
8 NGC 6543 PN 17 58 33.4039587288 +66 37 58.750734000   11.09 11.28     [WC] 1176 2
9 NGC 6578 PN 18 16 16.517 -20 27 02.67           [WC4/6] 204 0
10 V* HM Sge Sy* 19 41 57.0795884928 +16 44 39.805863828   12.37 10.99 12.217   M7 451 0
11 NGC 6884 PN 20 10 23.6424784416 +46 27 39.631794408   11.9 10.9     ~ 314 1
12 NGC 6891 PN 20 15 08.8435405584 +12 42 15.584146740   12.11 12.51     O3Ib(f*) 395 0

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