
Query : 2008A&A...486..165L

2008A&A...486..165L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 486, 165-176 (2008/7-4)

Near-infra-red spectroscopic ages of massive star clusters in M 82.


Abstract (from CDS):

Like other starburst galaxies, M82 hosts compact, massive (>5x105M) young star clusters that are interesting both in their own right and as benchmarks for population synthesis models. In addition to assessing or reassessing the properties of some of the brightest near-IR sources in M82, this paper addresses the following questions. Can population synthesis models at λ/δλ≃750 adequately reproduce the near-IR spectral features and the energy distribution of these clusters between 0.8 and 2.4µm? How do the derived cluster properties compare with previous results from optical studies? We analyse the spectra of 5 massive clusters in M82, using data acquired with the spectrograph SpeX on the InfraRed Telescope Facility (NASA/IRTF) and a new population synthesis tool with a highly improved near-IR extension, based on a recent collection of empirical and theoretical spectra of red supergiant stars. We obtain excellent fits across the near-IR with models at quasi-solar metallicity and a solar neighbourhood extinction law. Spectroscopy breaks a strong degeneracy between age and extinction in the near-IR colours in the red supergiant-dominated phase of evolution. The estimated near-IR ages cluster between 9 and 30Myr, i.e. the ages at which the molecular bands due to luminous red supergiants are strongest in the current models. They do not always agree with optical spectroscopic ages. Adding optical data sometimes leads to the rejection of the solar neighbourhood extinction law. This is not surprising considering small-scale structure around the clusters, but it has no significant effect on the near-IR based spectroscopic ages. The observed IR-bright clusters are part of the most recent episode of extended star formation in M82. The near-IR study of clusters that are too faint for optical observation adds important elements to the age distribution of massive clusters in dusty starbursts. Further joint optical and near-IR spectroscopic studies will provide strong constraints on the uncertain physics of massive stars on which population synthesis models rest.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: individual: M82 - galaxies: star clusters - galaxies: stellar content - galaxies: starburst - infrared: galaxies - stars: supergiants

Simbad objects: 10

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 [SWG2006] L Cl* 09 55 46.78 +69 40 36.9           ~ 18 0
2 [SWG2006] F Cl* 09 55 47.08 +69 40 42.3   17.61 16.50   14.94 ~ 61 0
3 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
4 [SWG2006] A1 Cl* 09 55 53.5 +69 40 49           ~ 31 0
5 MGG 1c Cl* 09 55 53.7 +69 40 49           ~ 5 0
6 HD 92738 * 10 41 26.0457559622 -54 06 24.303558132   8.45 8.45 9.424   B9V 12 0
7 NGC 4038 EmG 12 01 53.002 -18 52 03.32   10.91   9.74 11.0 ~ 1336 1
8 NAME Antennae IG 12 01 53.170 -18 52 37.92           ~ 1698 0
9 NGC 4039 GiP 12 01 53.51 -18 53 10.3   11.08   9.77   ~ 1163 1
10 MGG z Cl* ~ ~           ~ 2 0

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