
Query : 2008A&A...487..901S

2008A&A...487..901S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 487, 901-920 (2008/9-1)

Luminosity-metallicity relation for dIrr galaxies in the near-infrared.


Abstract (from CDS):

The luminosity-metallicity relation is one of the fundamental constraints in the study of galaxy evolution; yet none of the relations available today has been universally accepted by the community. The present work is a first step to collect homogeneous abundances and near-infrared (NIR) luminosities for a sample of dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxies, located in nearby groups. The use of NIR luminosities is intended to provide a better proxy to mass than the blue luminosities commonly used in the literature; in addition, selecting group members reduces the impact of uncertain distances. Accurate abundances are derived to assess the galaxy metallicity. Optical spectra are collected for H ii regions in the dIrrs, allowing the determination of oxygen abundances by means of the temperature-sensitive method. For each dIrr galaxy H-band imaging is performed and the total magnitudes are measured via surface photometry. This high-quality database allows us to build a well-defined luminosity-metallicity relation in the range -13≥MH≥-20. The scatter around its linear fit is reduced to 0.11 dex, the lowest of all relations currently available. There might exist a difference between the relation for dIrrs and the relation for giant galaxies, although a firm conclusion should await direct abundance determinations for a significant sample of massive galaxies. This new dataset provides an improved luminosity-metallicity relation, based on a standard NIR band, for dwarf star-forming galaxies. The relation can now be compared with some confidence to the predictions of models of galaxy evolution. Exciting follow-ups of this work are (a) exploring groups with higher densities, (b) exploring nearby galaxy clusters to probe environmental effects on the luminosity-metallicity relation, and (c) deriving direct oxygen abundances in the central regions of star-forming giant galaxies, to settle the question of a possible dichotomy between the chemical evolution of dwarfs and that of massive galaxies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: fundamental parameters - infrared: galaxies - galaxies: dwarf - galaxies: irregular - galaxies: ISM

Simbad objects: 52

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Number of rows : 52
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 59 EmG 00 15 25.126 -21 26 39.68 14.01 13.21 12.59 12.31   ~ 100 0
2 ESO 294-10 AG? 00 26 33.37 -41 51 19.1   15.76 15.3 14.97   ~ 112 2
3 ESO 473-24 AG? 00 31 22.51 -22 45 57.5   16.11   15.87 17.7 ~ 58 1
4 NAME Scl Group GrG 01 00 06 -33 44.2           ~ 514 0
5 LEDA 166061 AG? 01 08 21.93 -38 12 34.5           ~ 30 0
6 NGC 625 AGN 01 35 04.632 -41 26 10.32 12.37 11.78 11.25 11.03 11.5 ~ 287 2
7 ESO 245-5 AG? 01 45 03.74 -43 35 52.9 13.45 12.92 12.63 12.51 12.8 ~ 140 1
8 Mrk 600 AG? 02 51 04.57 +04 27 13.9 14.76 15.07 14.70 14.50 14.29 ~ 123 0
9 NGC 1156 rG 02 59 42.8528847264 +25 14 28.352017320 12.13 12.32 11.74     ~ 314 1
10 SBSG 0335-052 bCG 03 37 44.06 -05 02 40.2     16.65     ~ 474 1
11 NGC 1569 IG 04 30 49.186 +64 50 52.52 11.72 11.86 11.03     ~ 1249 3
12 UGC 3860 AG? 07 28 17.724 +40 46 11.36   15.50       ~ 149 0
13 NGC 2363A HII 07 28 42.8 +69 11 21           ~ 568 3
14 NGC 2366 H2G 07 28 52.4529 +69 12 38.859 12.25 11.86 11.39 11.33   ~ 772 0
15 NAME M 81 Dwarf A G 08 23 55.1 +71 01 56   16.5       ~ 205 1
16 UGC 4459 GiG 08 34 07.20 +66 10 54.0 15.39 15.03 14.70 14.49   ~ 340 2
17 UGC 4483 GiG 08 37 03.00 +69 46 31.0 15.70 15.46 14.98 14.89   ~ 304 0
18 CD-32 5613 WD* 08 41 32.4290850497 -32 56 32.915823461   12.07 11.85 12.3   DA5.5 305 0
19 UGC 4945 AG? 09 22 26.63 +75 45 58.8   17       ~ 22 0
20 Mrk 116 PaG 09 34 02.1 +55 14 25           ~ 1114 1
21 Mrk 116B EmG 09 34 02.389 +55 14 23.14           ~ 58 0
22 LEDA 3097963 GiG 09 39 02.0 +69 25 01           ~ 3 0
23 LEDA 28529 G 09 53 48.8 +68 58 09   18.89       ~ 93 1
24 NAME M 81-82 Group GrG 09 55 +69.1           ~ 721 0
25 M 81 Sy2 09 55 33.1726556496 +69 03 55.062505368   7.89 6.94     ~ 4489 3
26 UGC 5336 AG? 09 57 32.8632 +69 02 50.735 15.19 15.15 14.10 14.12   ~ 316 4
27 UGCA 201 SBG 10 06 18.175 +28 56 41.49   14.64 14.12     ~ 53 0
28 UGC 5692 GiG 10 30 35.03 +70 37 07.2 14.81 13.69 13.01 12.73   ~ 131 0
29 Mrk 33 AG? 10 32 31.956 +54 24 03.53 13.29 13.66 13.13 12.71 12.27 ~ 368 1
30 NGC 3353 AGN 10 45 22.390 +55 57 37.36 12.90 13.25 12.79     ~ 361 1
31 NAME M96 Group GrG 10 48 +13.3           ~ 317 0
32 Mrk 36 SBG 11 04 58.298 +29 08 16.54   15.5 15.29     ~ 225 0
33 Mrk 178 bCG 11 33 29.12 +49 14 17.4 14.69 14.61 14.25 14.17   ~ 230 1
34 NGC 3738 AGN 11 35 48.982 +54 31 24.70   12.12 12.04 11.56   ~ 282 0
35 Mrk 1307 Sy1 11 52 37.19 -02 28 09.9   14.79   14.09 14.9 ~ 174 0
36 NGC 4228 SBG 12 15 39.174 +36 19 36.80 10.63 10.30 9.93 9.74   ~ 973 1
37 Mrk 1318 H2G 12 19 09.840 +03 51 23.34   14.5       ~ 165 0
38 Mrk 209 bCG 12 26 15.69 +48 29 38.3   15.3       ~ 348 0
39 UGC 8201 AG? 13 06 24.85 +67 42 25.0 14.08 13.61 13.08 12.98   ~ 256 1
40 UGC 8320 AG? 13 14 27.997 +45 55 11.14 13.63 13.26 13.02 12.81   ~ 283 0
41 NAME Cen A Group GrG 13 20 33.9 -44 58 51           ~ 266 0
42 UGC 8578 SBG 13 35 35.658 +29 13 01.55   15.25 14.91     ~ 45 0
43 MCG+05-34-080 bCG 14 36 08.833 +28 26 58.98   15.4       ~ 51 0
44 Mrk 829 GiP 14 50 56.495 +35 34 18.27   14.5 14.83     ~ 209 0
45 UGC 9562 GiP 14 51 14.3956253136 +35 32 32.932212324   14.2       ~ 161 0
46 Mrk 487 bCG 15 37 04.237 +55 15 47.60   15.2       ~ 133 0
47 NGC 6052 AG? 16 05 12.8715178104 +20 32 32.607297132 13.01 13.44 13.00     ~ 352 2
48 NAME Sgr dIG G 19 29 59.0 -17 40 41   15.5 13.6     ~ 309 1
49 Feige 110 HS* 23 19 58.3996844256 -05 09 56.171142864 10.360 11.45 11.50 11.970 12.145 sdO8VIIIHe5 640 1
50 ESO 347-17 GiG 23 26 56.21 -37 20 48.9 14.90 14.69 14.35 14.19 14.2 ~ 67 0
51 ESO 471-6 G 23 43 45.549 -31 57 24.37 14.55 14.03 13.73 13.63   ~ 149 1
52 ESO 348-9 AG? 23 49 23.4984 -37 46 25.536   14.6   14.7 14.4 ~ 58 0

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