
Query : 2009A&A...494L..25J

2009A&A...494L..25J - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 494, L25-28 (2009/2-1)

The metallicity of the most distant quasars.


Abstract (from CDS):

We investigate the metallicity of the broad line region (BLR) of a sample of 30 quasars in the redshift range 4<z<6.4, by using near-IR and optical spectra. We focus on the ratio of the broad lines (SiIV1397+OIV]1402)/CIV1549, which is a good metallicity tracer of the BLR. We find that the metallicity of the BLR is very high even in QSOs at z∼6. The inferred metallicity of the BLR gas is so high (several times solar) that metal ejection or mixing with lower metallicity gas in the host galaxy is required to match the metallicities observed in local massive galaxies. On average, the observed metallicity changes neither among quasars in the observed redshift range 4 <z<6.4, nor when compared with quasars at lower redshifts. We show that the apparent lack of metallicity evolution is a likely consequence of both the black hole-galaxy co-evolution and of selection effects. The data also suggest a lack of evolution in the carbon abundance, even among z>6 quasars. The latter result is puzzling, since the minimum enrichment timescale of carbon is about 1Gyr, i.e. longer than the age of the universe at z∼6.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: abundances - galaxies: abundances - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: high-redshift - galaxies: quasars: emission lines

Simbad objects: 30

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Number of rows : 30
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 SDSS J000239.39+255034.8 QSO 00 02 39.403 +25 50 34.83           ~ 65 0
2 SDSS J000552.33-000655.6 QSO 00 05 52.333 -00 06 55.65   26.37 25.36     ~ 82 0
3 [VV2006] J001714.6-100055 QSO 00 17 14.6697391392 -10 00 55.416842280   26.50 23.59     ~ 31 0
4 [VV2006] J012004.8+141107 QSO 01 20 04.824 +14 11 08.30   25.37 23.49     ~ 26 0
5 [VV2006] J015642.1+141944 QSO 01 56 42.1193920008 +14 19 44.410913436   24.03 22.19     ~ 26 0
6 QSO J0231-0728 QSO 02 31 37.6463945454 -07 28 54.550661965   25.25 23.17     ~ 72 0
7 [VV2006] J023923.5-081004 QSO 02 39 23.4785598768 -08 10 05.060634600   21.43 20.28     ~ 29 0
8 QSO J0338+0021 QSO 03 38 29.3153623704 +00 21 56.241639108   25.10 23.26     ~ 102 0
9 QSO J0756+4104 QSO 07 56 18.139 +41 04 08.61   25.29 23.32     ~ 56 0
10 SDSS J083643.85+005453.3 QSO 08 36 43.8598536120 +00 54 53.233681320   26.19 24.17     ~ 157 0
11 [VV2006] J085210.9+535948 QSO 08 52 10.8945249864 +53 59 48.869088288   22.96 21.43     ~ 29 0
12 QSO J0957+0610 QSO 09 57 07.6752919152 +06 10 59.568335400   26.20 23.10     ~ 39 0
13 [VV2006] J102119.2-030937 QSO 10 21 19.159 -03 09 37.23     20.09     ~ 10 0
14 SDSS J103027.09+052455.0 QSO 10 30 27.092 +05 24 55.02   26.15 25.44     ~ 272 0
15 SDSS J104433.04-012502.0 QSO 10 44 33.040 -01 25 02.08     21.81     ~ 177 1
16 SDSS J104845.05+463718.3 QSO 10 48 45.058 +46 37 18.38   25.87 24.76     ~ 130 0
17 SDSS J114816.64+525150.3 QSO 11 48 16.647 +52 51 50.31   25.73 25.04     ~ 459 0
18 QSO J1204-0021 QSO 12 04 41.7296276952 -00 21 49.533353712   25.41 22.94     ~ 80 0
19 QSO J1208+0010 QSO 12 08 23.82 +00 10 27.8     20.79     ~ 36 0
20 SDSS J130608.25+035626.3 QSO 13 06 08.259 +03 56 26.19   25.59 24.81     ~ 163 0
21 SDSS J141111.27+121737.3 QSO 14 11 11.277 +12 17 37.31   24.79 23.82     ~ 78 0
22 SDSS J160253.98+422824.8 QSO 16 02 53.982 +42 28 24.86   24.32 24.32     ~ 69 0
23 QSO J1603+0721 QSO 16 03 20.8885067088 +07 21 04.515609672   21.92 20.46     ~ 38 0
24 QSO J1605-0112 QSO 16 05 01.2156865656 -01 12 20.699725824   26.55 24.30     ~ 42 0
25 [VV2006] J161425.1+464029 QSO 16 14 25.1340 +46 40 28.937   25.35 23.41     ~ 34 0
26 SDSS J162331.81+311200.5 QSO 16 23 31.806 +31 12 00.55   24.77 25.16     ~ 82 0
27 [VV2006] J162626.5+275132 QSO 16 26 26.5027122120 +27 51 32.474301588   25.41 23.37     ~ 49 0
28 SDSS J163033.89+401209.6 QSO 16 30 33.898 +40 12 09.68   26.45 25.01     ~ 86 0
29 QSO J2200+0017 QSO 22 00 08.6658519792 +00 17 44.881206144   24.25 22.24     ~ 44 0
30 QSO J2216+0013 QSO 22 16 44.017 +00 13 48.12     23.0947 21.8154 20.1849 ~ 37 0

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