
Query : 2009A&A...499..483B

2009A&A...499..483B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 499, 483-501 (2009/5-4)

Composition of the Galactic center star cluster. Population analysis from adaptive optics narrow band spectral energy distributions.


Abstract (from CDS):

The GC is the closest galactic nucleus, offering the unique possibility of studying the population of a dense stellar cluster surrounding an SMBH. The goals of this work are to develop a new method of separating early and late type stellar components of a dense stellar cluster based on narrow band filters, applying it to the central parsec of the GC, and conducting a population analysis of this area.We use AO assisted observations obtained at the ESO VLT in the NIR H-band and 7 intermediate bands covering the NIR K-band. A comparison of the resulting SEDs with a blackbody of variable extinction then allows us to determine the presence and strength of a CO absorption feature to distinguish between early and late type stars. This new method is suitable for classifying K giants (and later), as well as B2 main sequence (and earlier) stars that are brighter than 15.5 mag in the K band in the central parsec. Compared to previous spectroscopic investigations that are limited to 13-14 mag, this represents a major improvement in the depth of the observations and reduces the needed observation time. Extremely red objects and foreground sources can also be reliably removed from the sample. Comparison to sources of known classification indicates that the method has an accuracy of better than ∼87%. We classify 312 stars as early type candidates out of a sample of 5914 sources. Several results, such as the shape of the KLF and the spatial distribution of both early and late type stars, confirm and extend previous works. The distribution of the early type stars can be fitted with a steep power law (β1''=-1.49±0.12), alternatively with a broken power law, β1–10''=-1.08±0.12, β10–20''=-3.46±0.58, since we find a drop in the early type density at ∼10''. We also detect early type candidates outside of 0.5pc in significant numbers for the first time. The late type density function shows an inversion in the inner 6'', with a power-law slope of βR<6''=0.17±0.09. The late type KLF has a power-law slope of 0.30±0.01, closely resembling the KLF obtained for the bulge of the Milky Way. The early type KLF has a much flatter slope of (0.14±0.02). Our results agree best with an in-situ star formation scenario.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Galaxy: center - stars: early-type - stars: late-type - infrared: stars

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/499/483): typelist.dat>

Nomenclature: typelist.dat: [BSE2009] NNNN (Nos 1-5914). Table 8: [BSE2009] +xx.xx+yy.yy N=35.

Status at CDS : All or part of tables of objects will not be ingested in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 30

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Number of rows : 30
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14704 0
2 GCIRS 13 Em* 17 45 39.76 -29 00 29.8           ~ 139 0
3 GCIRS 3 * 17 45 39.80 -29 00 23.9           ~ 148 0
4 [PGM2006] E53 s*b 17 45 39.8320 -29 00 30.914           B0/1I 6 0
5 [GEO97] W14 WR* 17 45 39.9190 -29 00 28.592           O8.5/9.5I? 23 0
6 [PGM2006] E43 s*b 17 45 39.9206 -29 00 30.877           O8.5/9.5I 8 0
7 [GKM98] S2-66 s?b 17 45 39.9309 -29 00 25.921           O8/9I? 10 0
8 [GEO97] W10 * 17 45 39.9393 -29 00 28.416           O8/9.5I/III 25 0
9 GCIRS 7 * 17 45 39.987 -29 00 22.24           M2 370 0
10 GCIRS 16 Cl* 17 45 40.0 -29 00 28           ~ 368 0
11 [EG97] S31 * 17 45 40.0206 -29 00 27.844           B4/9V 37 0
12 NAME Sgr A* X 17 45 40.03599 -29 00 28.1699           ~ 4464 3
13 GCIRS 33N s*b 17 45 40.0381 -29 00 30.302           B0.5/1I 41 0
14 [PGM2006] E89 * 17 45 40.0417 -29 00 15.800           B1/3V 5 0
15 [EG97] S2 * 17 45 40.0442 -29 00 27.975           B0/2V 382 1
16 [GKM98] S2-19 s?b 17 45 40.0743 -29 00 25.787           O9/B0I? 17 0
17 GCIRS 16SSW s*b 17 45 40.0967 -29 00 29.711           O8/9.5I 20 0
18 [GKM98] S4-71 s?b 17 45 40.1004 -29 00 32.164           B0/1I? 13 0
19 GCIRS 16SW WR* 17 45 40.1245 -29 00 29.018           Ofpe/WN9 163 0
20 GCIRS 8 * 17 45 40.14 -28 59 58.7           O 72 0
21 GCIRS 15NE WR* 17 45 40.15 -29 00 16.5           WN8/9 59 0
22 [PGM2006] E47 s*b 17 45 40.1685 -29 00 31.057           B0/3I 8 0
23 GCIRS 16SE1 WR* 17 45 40.181 -29 00 29.26           WC8/9 49 0
24 [PGM2006] E69 * 17 45 40.1812 -29 00 34.424           ~ 6 0
25 GCIRS 21 WR* 17 45 40.222 -29 00 30.85           WC9 100 0
26 [PGM2006] E87 * 17 45 40.2377 -29 00 17.133           B:III/V 5 0
27 GCIRS 35W WR* 17 45 40.26 -29 00 29.3           WN5/6 49 0
28 GCIRS 1W Em* 17 45 40.442 -29 00 27.51           Be? 104 0
29 GCIRS 9 LP* 17 45 40.447 -29 00 34.49           M3III 104 0
30 GCIRS 10W * 17 45 40.5305 -29 00 23.001           ~ 48 0

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