
Query : 2009A&A...500..185G

2009A&A...500..185G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 500, 185-186 (2009/6-2)

Commentary on: Sunyaev R.A. and Titarchuk L.G., 1980, A&A, 86, 121, 1980A&A....86..121S. Unveiling cosmic x-ray/γ-ray sources from their scattering screen.


Abstract (from CDS):

Commentary on: Sunyaev R.A. and Titarchuk L.G., 1980, A&A, 86, 121, 1980A&A....86..121S.

Abstract Copyright:

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Number of rows : 6
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 GRB 080913 gB 04 22 57.90 -25 07 38.6           ~ 198 0
2 Fermi bn090423330 gB 09 55 33.19 +18 08 57.7           ~ 364 0
3 NGC 4151 Sy1 12 10 32.5759813872 +39 24 21.063527532   12.18 11.48     ~ 3724 2
4 ICRF J122222.5+041315 Sy1 12 22 22.54962606 +04 13 15.7760715   17.88 17.98 17.06   ~ 329 1
5 GRB 080319B gB 14 31 41.04 +36 18 09.2           ~ 474 0
6 HD 226868 HXB 19 58 21.6757355952 +35 12 05.784512688 9.38 9.72 8.91 8.42   O9.7Iabpvar 4379 0

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