
Query : 2010A&A...509A..38G

2010A&A...509A..38G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 509, A38-38 (2010/1-1)

Comparison between the luminosity functions of X-ray and [OIII] selected AGN.


Abstract (from CDS):

We investigate claims according to which the X-ray selection of AGN is not as efficient compared to that based on [OIII] selection because of the effects of X-ray absorption. We construct the predicted X-ray luminosity function both for all Seyferts as well as separately for Seyfert-1 and Seyfert-2 type galaxies, by combining the optical AGN [OIII] luminosity functions computed in SDSS with the corresponding LX-L[OIII] relations. These relations are derived from XMM-Newton observations of all Seyfert galaxies in the Palomar spectroscopic sample of nearby galaxies after a correction for X-ray absorption and optical reddening. We compare the predicted X-ray luminosity functions with those actually observed in the local Universe by HEAO-1, RXTE as well as INTEGRAL. The last luminosity function is obtained in the 17-60keV region and thus is not affected by absorption even in the case of Compton-thick sources. In the common luminosity regions, the optically and X-ray selected Seyfert galaxies show reasonable agreement. We thus find no evidence that the [OIII] selection provides a more robust tracer of powerful AGN compared to the X-ray. Still, the optical selection probes less luminous Seyferts compared to the current X-ray surveys. These low luminosity levels, are populated by a large number of X-ray unobscured Seyfert-2 galaxies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): X-rays: general - X-rays: diffuse background - X-rays: galaxies

Simbad objects: 4

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Number of rows : 4
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Chandra Deep Field-South reg 03 32 28.0 -27 48 30           ~ 2113 1
2 NGC 4395 Sy2 12 25 48.8633109888 +33 32 48.700168152 10.84 10.54 10.11 9.98   ~ 1195 1
3 3C 273 BLL 12 29 06.6998257176 +02 03 08.597629980   13.05 14.830 14.11   ~ 5837 1
4 NAME Chandra Deep Field-North reg 12 36.8 +62 13           ~ 661 0

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