
Query : 2010A&A...509A..41C

2010A&A...509A..41C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 509, A41-41 (2010/1-1)

IPHAS and the symbiotic stars. II. New discoveries and a sample of the most common mimics.


Abstract (from CDS):

Knowledge of the total population of symbiotic stars in the Galaxy is important for understanding basic aspects of stellar evolution in interacting binaries and the relevance of this class of objects in the formation of supernovae of type Ia. In a previous paper, we presented the selection criteria needed to search for symbiotic stars in IPHAS, the INT Hα survey of the Northern Galactic plane. IPHAS gives us the opportunity to make a systematic, complete search for symbiotic stars in a magnitude-limited volume. Follow-up spectroscopy at different telescopes worldwide of a sample of sixty two symbiotic star candidates is presented. Seven out of nineteen S-type candidates observed spectroscopically are confirmed to be genuine symbiotic stars. The spectral type of their red giant components, as well as reddening and distance, were computed by modelling the spectra. Only one new D-type symbiotic system, out of forty-three candidates observed, was found. This was as expected (see discussion in our paper on the selection criteria). The object shows evidence for a high density outflow expanding at a speed ≥65km/s. Most of the other candidates are lightly reddened classical T Tauri stars and more highly reddened young stellar objects that may be either more massive young stars of HAeBe type or classical Be stars. In addition, a few notable objects have been found, such as three new Wolf-Rayet stars and two relatively high-luminosity evolved massive stars. We also found a helium-rich source, possibly a dense ejecta hiding a WR star, which is surrounded by a large ionized nebula. These spectroscopic data allow us to refine the selection criteria for symbiotic stars in the IPHAS survey and, more generally, to better understand the behaviour of different Hα emitters in the IPHAS and 2MASS colour-colour diagrams.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: symbiotic - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: Wolf-Rayet - stars: pre-main sequence - surveys

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Number of rows : 73
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 IPHAS J000432.31+580854.0 Em* 00 04 32.3086266600 +58 08 53.826195300           M6 2 0
2 IRAS 01224+6120 PN 01 25 44.6229188358 +61 36 11.672162568           ~ 4 0
3 IPHAS J031704.34+601500.0 TT* 03 17 04.3313954736 +60 15 00.030274776           ~ 2 0
4 IRAS 03168+5613 LP* 03 20 39.4907033880 +56 23 58.150514760           ~ 4 0
5 IPHAS J035823.95+522312.6 Em* 03 58 23.9581509528 +52 23 12.560408592           M1.5 2 0
6 V* T Tau TT* 04 21 59.4319873992 +19 32 06.432393336   11.22 10.12 9.80   K0IV/Ve 1406 1
7 V* DG Tau Or* 04 27 04.6921275888 +26 06 16.060169268 13.57 13.97 10.50 12.28   K6Ve 1035 1
8 IPHAS J045625.15+434931.8 Em* 04 56 25.1638845936 +43 49 31.866649248           ~ 2 0
9 IPHAS J053018.12+313558.9 Be? 05 30 18.1197211584 +31 35 58.992753048           ~ 2 0
10 IPHAS J053113.16+382006.6 Be? 05 31 13.1599900008 +38 20 06.602867988           ~ 1 0
11 IRAS 05315+2540 PN 05 34 40.7641542936 +25 42 38.213397252           ~ 6 0
12 M 42 HII 05 35 17 -05 23.4           ~ 4115 0
13 IPHAS J055254.08+171424.7 TT? 05 52 54.0774137520 +17 14 24.621957888           M4 3 0
14 IRAS 06022+2040 LP* 06 05 15.1464740856 +20 40 36.613364016           ~ 4 0
15 IPHAS J060821.91+295255.7 TT* 06 08 21.9103675896 +29 52 55.698347496           ~ 2 0
16 WRAY 16-147 Sy* 14 11 52.0604355768 -51 26 24.187122024     14.20     ~ 234 1
17 PN Mz 3 PN 16 17 13.3915382496 -51 59 10.711893480   10.8 14.00     O9.5 351 0
18 PN M 2-9 PN 17 05 37.96152 -10 08 32.5068           ~ 523 0
19 IPHAS J182906.08-003457.2 Sy* 18 29 06.0840793800 -00 34 57.117632268         14.22 M5.7III 5 0
20 EM* RJHA 105 Sy* 18 35 01.8263495616 +01 46 55.837669800     15.9     M5.5III 10 0
21 IPHAS J183748.03-001617.2 TT* 18 37 48.0322342872 -00 16 17.287307580           ~ 3 0
22 IPHAS J183807.38+001113.6 TT* 18 38 07.3710029424 +00 11 13.461448488           ~ 4 0
23 IPHAS J183814.63-012213.8 TT* 18 38 14.6258123424 -01 22 13.792090692           ~ 2 0
24 IPHAS J184222.67+025807.0 * 18 42 22.6744507056 +02 58 07.055344992           dMe 1 0
25 IPHAS J184431.46-001652.4 Be? 18 44 31.4646353736 -00 16 52.397418612           ~ 1 0
26 IPHAS J184446.08+060703.5 Sy* 18 44 46.0812918936 +06 07 03.561515796           M2III 17 1
27 IRAS 18440+0052 TT* 18 46 35.8513822082 +00 55 21.355551524     15.7     ~ 5 0
28 IPHAS J184733.03+032554.3 Sy* 18 47 33.0213351792 +03 25 54.388466400           M6.5III 5 0
29 IPHAS J185005.71-004041.2 PN? 18 50 05.7039972240 -00 40 41.210642316           ~ 3 0
30 LS IV +00 5 WR* 18 52 17.5478270448 +00 59 44.304835128       13.77 12.25 WN10 46 0
31 IPHAS J185323.58+084955.1 Sy* 18 53 23.5838785632 +08 49 55.102933344           M6.5III 6 0
32 IPHAS J185349.55+052353.7 Y*O 18 53 49.5544656480 +05 23 53.632592304           ~ 1 0
33 IPHAS J185424.82+041905.0 TT* 18 54 24.8176007592 +04 19 04.885292244           ~ 1 0
34 IPHAS J185448.29+005033.5 TT* 18 54 48.3013588920 +00 50 33.499136292           ~ 2 0
35 IPHAS J190015.86+000517.3 WR* 19 00 15.8650650720 +00 05 17.355372828           WC8 3 0
36 IPHAS J190021.58+052001.1 Be? 19 00 21.5790603744 +05 20 01.235784048           ~ 3 0
37 IRAS 18598-0232 Em* 19 02 29.971 -02 27 57.05         15.52 B[e] 2 0
38 IPHAS J190441.53-005957.2 Sy? 19 04 41.5347284496 -00 59 57.162024096           ~ 3 0
39 IPHAS J190832.31+051226.5 Sy* 19 08 32.3148987168 +05 12 26.561704212           M4-5III 6 0
40 IPHAS J190857.31+053620.6 Be? 19 08 57.3163789632 +05 36 20.629381500           ~ 2 0
41 IRAS 19078+0647 Y*O 19 10 17.4296570760 +06 52 58.049521392           ~ 3 0
42 IPHAS J192033.79+231040.3 TT? 19 20 33.7916455572 +23 10 40.212039391           ~ 1 0
43 IPHAS J192249.80+142236.3 LP* 19 22 49.7980937736 +14 22 36.254672256           ~ 6 0
44 IPHAS J192400.05+230253.1 Em* 19 24 00.0559125816 +23 02 53.072983968           ~ 2 0
45 IPHAS J192515.05+224720.3 TT* 19 25 15.0467948400 +22 47 20.218072344           ~ 2 0
46 IPHAS J192841.27+174819.9 Y*O 19 28 41.2677325968 +17 48 19.960807968           ~ 5 0
47 IPHAS J193038.84+183909.8 WR* 19 30 38.8386309696 +18 39 09.821200680           WN8-9 2 0
48 IPHAS J193232.88+151711.5 Be? 19 32 32.8810310016 +15 17 11.561933112     13.6     ~ 4 0
49 IPHAS J193436.06+163128.9 Sy* 19 34 36.0530302632 +16 31 28.976160684           M5.9III 5 0
50 IPHAS J193501.31+135427.5 Sy* 19 35 01.3123575624 +13 54 27.480754152     13.6     M1.5III 9 0
51 IRAS 19439+2223 Sy* 19 46 07.5203560176 +22 31 12.287649900           ~ 7 0
52 IPHAS J194609.56+225423.2 Be? 19 46 09.5580554448 +22 54 23.179216104           ~ 2 0
53 IPHAS J194907.22+211741.9 PN 19 49 07.2239949696 +21 17 41.961886332           ~ 3 0
54 IPHAS J195935.55+283830.3 WR? 19 59 35.5407299952 +28 38 30.200253252           ~ 4 0
55 IRAS 20032+3212 PN 20 05 14.5946361144 +32 21 25.100767512           ~ 2 0
56 IPHAS J201057.51+343732.4 Y*? 20 10 57.5188702728 +34 37 32.442260880           ~ 2 0
57 IPHAS J201152.98+281517.0 Y*? 20 11 52.9735011240 +28 15 16.972424784           ~ 1 0
58 HD 193077 WR* 20 17 00.0260987184 +37 25 23.785483116 7.82 8.32 8.01 8.71   WN5o+B? 290 0
59 WR 138a WR* 20 17 08.1192896544 +41 07 26.991896268   17.25 15.44     WN9h 14 0
60 * P Cyg s*b 20 17 47.2019733389 +38 01 58.549132671 4.66 5.24 4.82 4.28 4.02 B1-2Ia-0ep 1180 1
61 IPHAS J201918.94+381448.5 Y*O 20 19 18.9400349952 +38 14 48.432847884           ~ 1 0
62 IRAS 20266+3544 Y*O 20 28 34.2437845560 +35 54 17.383789044           ~ 11 0
63 IRAS 20278+3549 Y*O 20 29 47.9309721984 +35 59 26.478448044   16.93 15.32 14.90   B2 10 0
64 Ass Cyg OB 2 As* 20 33.2 +41 19           ~ 955 0
65 [CPR2002] B7 LP* 20 34 13.3841898528 +41 01 57.847574856           ~ 6 0
66 IPHAS J203545.40+400332.6 TT* 20 35 45.3903779256 +40 03 32.502311496           ~ 1 0
67 IPHAS J204134.22+393239.0 TT* 20 41 34.2166693608 +39 32 38.973346944     15.1     ~ 6 0
68 EM* UHA 78 Em* 20 55 44.3119412496 +46 33 13.176844272   17 17     B[e] 20 1
69 IPHAS J210404.87+535124.4 TT* 21 04 04.8662611632 +53 51 24.390333684           M6 4 0
70 IPHAS J222628.63+612049.0 TT* 22 26 28.6353537504 +61 20 49.102018188           ~ 3 0
71 IRAS 23015+6102 TT* 23 03 42.1805466288 +61 18 50.428108080           ~ 2 0
72 IPHAS J231334.92+620944.1 TT* 23 13 34.9237207248 +62 09 43.976647224           ~ 1 0
73 NAME Galactic Bulge reg ~ ~           ~ 4377 0

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