
Query : 2010A&A...520A..86Z

2010A&A...520A..86Z - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 520, A86-86 (2010/9-2)

Post-common-envelope binaries from SDSS. IX: constraining the common-envelope efficiency.


Abstract (from CDS):

Reconstructing the evolution of post-common-envelope binaries (PCEBs) consisting of a white dwarf and a main-sequence star can constrain current prescriptions of common-envelope (CE) evolution. This potential could so far not be fully exploited due to the small number of known systems and the inhomogeneity of the sample. Recent extensive follow-up observations of white dwarf/main-sequence binaries identified by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) paved the way for a better understanding of CE evolution. Analyzing the new sample of PCEBs we derive constraints on one of the most important parameters in the field of close compact binary formation, i.e. the CE efficiency α. After reconstructing the post-CE evolution and based on fits to stellar evolution calculations as well as a parametrized energy equation for CE evolution, we determine the possible evolutionary histories of the observed PCEBs. In contrast to most previous attempts we incorporate realistic approximations of the binding energy parameter λ. Each reconstructed CE history corresponds to a certain value of the mass of the white dwarf progenitor and - more importantly - the CE efficiency α. We also reconstruct CE evolution replacing the classical energy equation with a scaled angular momentum equation and compare the results obtained with both algorithms. We find that all PCEBs in our sample can be reconstructed with the energy equation if the internal energy of the envelope is included. Although most individual systems have solutions for a broad range of values for α, only for α=0.2-0.3 do we find simultaneous solutions for all PCEBs in our sample. If we adjust α to this range of values, the values of the angular momentum parameter γ cluster in a small range of values. In contrast if we fix γ to a small range of values that allows us to reconstruct all our systems, the possible ranges of values for α remains broad for individual systems. The classical parametrized energy equation seems to be an appropriate prescription of CE evolution and turns out to constrain the outcome of the CE evolution much more than the alternative angular momentum equation. If there is a universal value of the CE efficiency, it should be in the range of α=0.2-0.3. We do not find any indications for a dependence of α on the mass of the secondary star or the final orbital period.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - stars: evolution - white dwarfs

CDS comments: Text : Sanders 1040 is Cl* NGC 2682 SAND 1040 in Simbad.

Simbad objects: 84

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Number of rows : 84
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 GALEX J005245.1-005337 WD* 00 52 45.1155098856 -00 53 37.527493848           DA+dMe 25 0
2 G 269-70 CV* 00 59 28.8888716656 -26 31 05.656933319   16.22 15.94     M5.5 44 0
3 GALEX J011009.1+132617 WD* 01 10 09.0943093512 +13 26 16.376271612           DA+dMe 34 0
4 GD 803 WD* 01 10 41.9918451240 -01 08 39.165286236   15.5       DA+M 14 0
5 * 39 Cet RS* 01 16 36.2879453688 -02 30 01.328624496   6.310 5.428     G6III:eFe-2 257 0
6 WD 0137-349 WD* 01 39 42.8531929464 -34 42 39.577891392 14.60 15.33 15.30     DA3 93 0
7 V* FS Cet CV* 02 35 07.5939240480 +03 43 56.816311296 11.027 12.209 12.412 12.325 11.968 DA1+dM 367 0
8 SDSS J023804.39-000545.7 WD* 02 38 04.3965744168 -00 05 45.710139732           DA+M 19 0
9 2MASS J02464256+0041372 ** 02 46 42.5574093864 +00 41 37.120650540           dMe+DA 25 0
10 US 3566 WD* 03 03 08.3621593176 +00 54 43.921390896   18.9 18.06 18.1 16.00 DC+M4.5e 40 0
11 GALEX J030351.9+003549 WD* 03 03 51.9718320192 +00 35 48.391109664           DA+dMe 14 0
12 V* CC Cet CV* 03 10 54.9907539360 +09 49 25.681183680           DA2+dM 55 0
13 V* LL Eri SB* 03 32 43.4696700072 -08 55 39.254639412   14.482 13.586 13.377   DA+M2.5V 39 1
14 V* V471 Tau SB* 03 50 24.9666549840 +17 14 47.430910716   10.258 9.373   8.393 K2V+DA 672 0
15 V* RR Cae WD* 04 21 05.5631820426 -48 39 07.061113433 14.50 14.92 14.40     DA7.8 159 1
16 HZ 9 WD* 04 32 23.7569977200 +17 45 02.672275356   14.28 13.93 14.21   DA3+dM 150 0
17 * 14 Aur C XB* 05 15 23.6000866920 +32 41 05.232329700   8.25 7.88     F2V+DA1.3 82 2
18 HD 269696 HS* 05 31 40.3594532592 -69 53 02.153902236 9.74 10.92 11.15     sdB+dM 194 0
19 NGC 2346 PN 07 09 22.5215800440 -00 48 23.610997332   11.76 11.58     A5V 578 0
20 V* V470 Cam HS* 07 10 42.0513241680 +66 55 43.521505680           sdB+dM 111 0
21 V* HR Cam WD* 07 17 09.7856917536 +74 00 40.535184924   14.91 14.97     DA2.6 74 0
22 V* IN CMa CV* 07 20 47.9109655416 -31 47 02.732961552           DAO+dM 92 0
23 NGC 2682 143 SB* 08 51 23.7746734704 +11 49 49.338989364   12.39 11.420   10.61 G4III 97 0
24 GALEX J092452.4+002449 WD* 09 24 52.4057728488 +00 24 48.996111996           DA+dMe 29 0
25 HE 1013-0505 WD* 10 16 28.6043334312 -05 20 35.222859276     14.1     DAO+Me 106 0
26 V* UZ Sex WD* 10 28 34.8776549016 -00 00 29.394837900   13.89   13.9   DA3+dM 80 0
27 WG 17 WD* 10 44 10.2360886800 -69 18 18.075899052   13.05 13.09     DA2+dM 59 0
28 GALEX J104738.2+052319 WD* 10 47 38.2443295416 +05 23 20.342931072           DA+M 19 0
29 CD-48 6027 HS* 10 54 40.5601100160 -48 47 02.815818036 10.92 11.99 12.12 12.39   sdO 118 0
30 HS 1136+6646 WD* 11 39 05.7718884456 +66 30 17.776235160           DAO.6 41 0
31 LBQS 1140+0026 WD* 11 43 12.5738603472 +00 09 26.642788056   18.45 18.3     DA4.0+dM 36 0
32 EC 11575-1845 HS* 12 00 05.6456553960 -19 02 03.968781864   13.02 13.20 13.51   sdO+dMe 38 1
33 GALEX J121258.2-012309 WD* 12 12 58.2526059240 -01 23 10.195008864           DA+dMe 40 0
34 V* UX CVn RS* 12 14 48.5246337120 +36 38 49.336629900   12.9 13.18     sdB 108 0
35 V* EG UMa CV* 12 15 44.0979312096 +52 31 01.289011692   13.0 13.230 13.149   DA+dM 112 1
36 Ton 617 WD* 12 26 30.8730979008 +30 38 52.652529600   16.099 16.05     DA+M3 63 0
37 BD-07 3477 HS* 12 44 20.2386233232 -08 40 16.846099536   10.46 10.594 10.895   sdB2VIIHe3 290 1
38 HE 1247-1738 WD* 12 50 22.0733116080 -17 54 46.559601540   16.32 16.19 15.7   DA3+dM 21 0
39 V* DE CVn ** 13 26 53.2712830008 +45 32 46.685746104   14.23 12.96 12.59   M3V+DA 57 0
40 EC 13349-3237 WD* 13 37 50.7139610760 -32 52 21.590443776   16.7 16.34     DA1+dM 16 0
41 V* NY Vir HS* 13 38 48.1466908176 -02 01 49.207286748   13.43 13.66 13.75   sdB1VIIHe1 227 1
42 PB 4095 WD* 13 48 41.6345425224 +18 34 10.567727472   17       DA+M4 22 0
43 SDSS J134849.25+183418.7 QSO 13 48 49.2532212480 +18 34 18.770323476   19.67 19.45     ~ 13 0
44 V* QS Vir SB* 13 49 52.0029035208 -13 13 37.000132212 14.27 14.98 14.40 14.37   DA3+dM 136 1
45 GALEX J141134.7+102840 WD* 14 11 34.6996128888 +10 28 39.821940948     19.15     DA+M 25 0
46 2QZ J141451.7-013243 ** 14 14 51.7344040944 -01 32 42.791901720   19.31       DA+M 19 0
47 V* GK Vir WD* 14 15 36.4128319176 +01 17 18.226779000   17.0       DAe+M 105 0
48 2MASS J14295117+5759492 SB* 14 29 51.1906922112 +57 59 48.976316700           M3+D 11 0
49 GD 337 WD* 14 34 43.2932850600 +53 35 21.186386556   16.06 16.09     DA3+K 64 0
50 HE 1432-1625 WD* 14 35 45.6657474288 -16 38 16.935355212   15.14 14.58 15.0   DA3+dM 17 0
51 SDSS J143547.87+373338.5 WD* 14 35 47.8735199952 +37 33 38.699663868           DA+M4.5 43 0
52 SDSS J150657.57-012021.7 WD* 15 06 57.5783653464 -01 20 21.680881296           DA+M 20 0
53 CSO 579 WD* 15 19 21.7358813784 +35 36 25.804056348   17       DA+M 25 0
54 CBS 318 WD* 15 24 25.2151600800 +50 40 09.848642160   17       DA+dMe 31 0
55 GALEX J152933.2+002031 WD* 15 29 33.2587800336 +00 20 31.217685504           DA4+M: 33 0
56 GALEX J154846.0+405728 WD* 15 48 46.0071409320 +40 57 28.797200712           DA+M6 33 0
57 V* NN Ser RS* 15 52 56.1203524080 +12 54 44.429312196     16.51     DAO1+M4 275 0
58 GALEX J155808.4+264225 WD* 15 58 08.4981349224 +26 42 25.774838280           DA+M4 11 0
59 SDSS J164615.60+422349.3 ** 16 46 15.6124491192 +42 23 49.275912264           DA+M 22 0
60 GALEX J164812.3+281123 WD* 16 48 12.3582813240 +28 11 23.081526780           DA+dMe 6 0
61 GALEX J170509.6+210904 WD* 17 05 09.6534830232 +21 09 04.442823828           DA+M 21 0
62 G 203-47 SB* 17 09 31.5435804441 +43 40 52.772862930   13.46 13.671 11.511   M3.5V 94 0
63 GALEX J171810.2+610113 WD* 17 18 10.1557623528 +61 01 14.025822096           DA+M 24 0
64 GALEX J172406.0+562004 CV* 17 24 06.1346969472 +56 20 03.087296880   15.65 16.24     DA+dMe 37 0
65 PN A66 41 PN 17 29 02.0258857104 -15 13 04.482114960   16.06 15.95     sdO 140 1
66 SDSS J173101.49+623316.0 ** 17 31 01.4958522528 +62 33 15.941287980           DA+dMe 27 0
67 PN A66 46 PN 18 31 18.5910709560 +26 56 12.110750088       15.050   O9k 177 0
68 NGC 6752 GlC 19 10 52.11 -59 59 04.4           ~ 2026 0
69 PN A66 63 PN 19 42 10.2896588688 +17 05 14.458509132           sdO+G: 214 1
70 PN A66 65 PN 19 46 34.2091910232 -23 08 12.966083088   15.93 15.77 16.00 15.65 Opk 135 0
71 Wolf 1130 Er* 20 05 02.1950576493 +54 26 03.234326252   11.970 13.883     sdM1 141 0
72 RX J2013.1+4002 WD* 20 13 09.3685663800 +40 02 24.241439184     14.6     DAO+M2/3e 92 1
73 GALEX J211428.4-010357 WD* 21 14 28.4153295168 -01 03 57.134555244           DA+M3 18 0
74 GALEX J212052.0-005827 WD* 21 20 51.9230881800 -00 58 27.284932776           DA+M 24 0
75 SDSS J212320.74+002455.5 WD* 21 23 20.7360003720 +00 24 55.588919796           DA+M 25 0
76 V* IK Peg dS* 21 26 26.6611049976 +19 22 32.310190344   6.294 6.064     kA6hA9mF0+DA 193 0
77 RX J2130.6+4710 XB* 21 30 18.4670033976 +47 10 07.403693592           DA+M3.5/4Ve 32 0
78 GALEX J213218.1+003159 WD* 21 32 18.1167337752 +00 31 58.847829420           DA+M 27 0
79 PB 5119 WD* 22 16 16.5908353200 +01 02 05.704602828   17.9 18.60 17.7 17.68 DA+dMe 25 0
80 SDSS J224038.37-093541.4 WD* 22 40 38.3756323872 -09 35 41.421597792           DA+M 26 0
81 GD 245 CV* 22 58 48.1351624092 +25 15 43.908615894   13.699 13.650 13.833   DA2.2 67 0
82 SDSS J231825.23-093539.2 WD* 23 18 25.2329758344 -09 35 39.071089392           DA+M 23 0
83 SDSS J233919.64-000233.5 ** 23 39 19.64040 -00 02 33.4752           dM+DA 10 0
84 GALEX J233928.3-002039 WD* 23 39 28.3569467208 -00 20 40.174877724           DA+M 17 0

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