
Query : 2011A&A...528A..22B

2011A&A...528A..22B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 528A, 22-22 (2011/4-1)

Searching for gas emission lines in Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) spectra of young stars in Taurus.


Abstract (from CDS):

Our knowledge of circumstellar disks has traditionally been based on studies of dust. However, gas dominates the disk mass and its study is key to our understanding of accretion, outflows, and ultimately planet formation. The Spitzer Space Telescope provides access to gas emission lines in the mid-infrared, providing crucial new diagnostics of the physical conditions in accretion disks and outflows. We seek to identify gas emission lines in mid-infrared spectra of 64 pre-main-sequence stars in Taurus. Using line luminosities and other known star-disk-outflow parameters, we aim to identify correlations that will help to constrain gas heating, excitation mechanisms, and the line formation. We have based our study on Spitzer observations using the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS), mainly with the high-resolution modules. Line luminosities (or 3σ upper limits) have been obtained by fitting Gaussian profiles to the lines. We have further searched for correlations between the line luminosities and different parameters related to the star-disk system. We have detected H2 (17.03, 28.22µm) emission in 6 objects, [NeII] (12.81µm) emission in 18 objects, and [FeII] (17.93, 25.99µm) emission in 7 objects. [NeII] detections are found primarily in Class II objects. The luminosity of the [NeII] line (LNeII) is in general higher for objects known to drive jets than for those without known jets, but the two groups are not statistically distinguishable. LNeII is correlated with X-ray luminosity, but for Class II objects only. LNeII is also correlated with disk mass and accretion rate when the sample is divided into high and low accretors. Furthermore, we find correlations of LNeII with mid-IR continuum luminosity and with luminosity of the [OI] (6300Å) line, the latter being an outflow tracer. L[FeII] correlates with {dot}(M)acc. No correlations were found between LH2 and several tested parameters. Our study reveals a general trend toward accretion-related phenomena as the origin of the gas emission lines. Shocks in jets and outflowing material are more likely to play a significant role than shocks in infalling material. The role of X-ray irradiation is less prominent but still present for [NeII], in particular for Class II sources, while the lack of correlation between [FeII] and [NeII] points toward different emitting mechanisms.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): ISM: jets and outflows - infrared: stars - protoplanetary disks - stars: formation - stars: pre-main sequence - stars: protostars

Simbad objects: 72

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Number of rows : 72
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Fornax H4 GlC 02 40 07.697 -34 32 10.59   15.18 13.91 14.08   ~ 110 0
2 IRAS 04016+2610 Y*O 04 04 43.07064 +26 18 56.3904           ~ 260 0
3 HD 281789 * 04 13 20.0244014256 +31 10 47.282728584   10.49 10.16     A1e 26 0
4 V* V1096 Tau TT* 04 13 27.2218223808 +28 16 24.656012868   15.42 13.53 13.07   M0 84 0
5 IRAS 04108+2803 mul 04 13 54.9 +28 11 31           ~ 91 1
6 IRAS F04110+2800 Y*O 04 14 12.28944 +28 08 37.1724           ~ 27 0
7 HD 283447 Or* 04 14 12.9261150912 +28 12 12.359055168 13.17 12.07 10.68 9.45 8.67 K3Ve 420 0
8 V* CW Tau TT* 04 14 17.0042670144 +28 10 57.766508508 13.92 13.64 12.36 12.86   K0Ve 357 0
9 [BHS98] MHO 1 TT* 04 14 26.2681279416 +28 06 03.270677040           ~ 45 1
10 V* CZ Tau Or* 04 18 31.5898864272 +28 16 58.150241544 15.96 16.60 15.70 14.77   M2 143 0
11 V* V892 Tau Ae* 04 18 40.6157618376 +28 19 15.625058880   16.6 14.69 14.35   A0Ve 299 0
12 NAME CoKu Tau 1 Y*O 04 18 51.4683860880 +28 20 26.373956172     19.3     K7+M 83 0
13 V* BP Tau Or* 04 19 15.8339827632 +29 06 26.926959492   13.13 12.12 11.89   K5/7Ve 669 0
14 V* RY Tau Or* 04 21 57.4092550080 +28 26 35.555316612 10.82 10.34 9.30 9.67 8.87 K1IV/Ve 708 1
15 V* T Tau TT* 04 21 59.4319873992 +19 32 06.432393336   11.22 10.12 9.80   K0IV/Ve 1406 1
16 V* FS Tau Or* 04 22 02.1798627024 +26 57 30.575293308 17.57   14.10 15.63   M3.5e+M0e 281 0
17 V* FV Tau Or* 04 26 53.5368775848 +26 06 54.276020136 19.58     15.26   K5 137 2
18 IRAS 04239+2436 Y*O 04 26 56.29704 +24 43 35.3280           ~ 157 0
19 [EM98] DG Tau B cRN Y*O 04 27 02.66088 +26 05 30.4548           ~ 182 0
20 V* DF Tau TT* 04 27 02.7932020080 +25 42 22.453341516 11.97 12.25 11.42 10.31 9.14 M3Ve 501 1
21 V* DG Tau Or* 04 27 04.6921275888 +26 06 16.060169268 13.57 13.97 10.50 12.28   K6Ve 1035 1
22 LDN 1521F DNe 04 28 39.3 +26 51 43           ~ 214 1
23 V* GV Tau TT* 04 29 23.7314759229 +24 33 00.216016292 19.20         K7 283 0
24 2MASS J04293606+2435556 BY* 04 29 36.0647694336 +24 35 55.589274312 20.47         M3 49 0
25 V* IQ Tau Or* 04 29 51.5569574040 +26 06 44.859710736 15.43   13.80 12.28 11.11 M0.5 244 0
26 V* UX Tau A TT* 04 30 03.9932216088 +18 13 49.469925504   12.92 11.15     K2Ve 359 0
27 V* UX Tau Or* 04 30 03.99626 +18 13 49.4355 11.23 11.84 10.80 9.83 9.05 K2Ve+M1Ve 359 0
28 V* FX Tau Or* 04 30 29.618064 +24 26 45.02724   15.18 13.61 13.21   M4 159 0
29 V* DK Tau A * 04 30 44.2408811328 +26 01 24.734232948           K5Ve 261 0
30 V* DK Tau Or* 04 30 44.243376 +26 01 24.65328 13.32 14.59 13.05 12.08   K7e+K7e 331 0
31 Bad 16 Y*O 04 30 50.2774891944 +23 00 08.757461592       14.95   F1 140 0
32 RAFGL 5123 Y*O 04 31 34.07736 +18 08 04.9020           K3V/M3III 870 0
33 V* HL Tau Or* 04 31 38.5107609312 +18 13 57.859747968   15.89 14.49 14.39   K5 1444 0
34 IRAS 04287+1807 mul 04 31 38.8 +18 13 57           ~ 796 0
35 V* XZ Tau Or* 04 31 40.0868968022 +18 13 56.642439056     10.40 13.12   M2e+M2e 446 1
36 V* V710 Tau Y*O 04 31 57.79 +18 21 37.9           M4 162 0
37 V* V710 Tau A TT* 04 31 57.8028713880 +18 21 34.732161936       13.87   M2/3e 169 0
38 V* GG Tau Or* 04 32 30.3506925552 +17 31 40.494063144 14.84 14.78 13.40 11.54   M0e+M2.0e 743 1
39 V* FZ Tau Or* 04 32 31.7627107344 +24 20 03.056011548 16.15     15.04   M0 149 0
40 V* UZ Tau Y*O 04 32 42.81 +25 52 31.3           M4Ve+M1/3Ve 314 0
41 IRAS 04299+2915 IR 04 33 03.8 +29 21 43           ~ 12 0
42 IRAS 04303+2240 Y*O 04 33 19.0778932752 +22 46 34.130048412           M0.5 77 0
43 V* GI Tau Or* 04 33 34.0609697160 +24 21 17.068989852 14.34   13.70 12.15 11.06 K5Ve 288 1
44 V* GK Tau Or* 04 33 34.5630097872 +24 21 05.855136732 15.50   13.00 12.02 10.62 K7:Ve 310 0
45 V* DL Tau Or* 04 33 39.0767679288 +25 20 38.101382952 14.04 14.59 13.40 11.85 10.89 K7Ve 340 0
46 V* HN Tau Or* 04 33 39.3629421552 +17 51 52.289234280   14.76 13.40 13.05   K5e 256 0
47 V* DM Tau Or* 04 33 48.7336763736 +18 10 09.973460280 14.30 14.82 14.00     M2Ve 644 0
48 V* AA Tau Or* 04 34 55.4201902392 +24 28 53.033624580 13.14 13.34 12.20 12.03   K5Ve 725 0
49 V* DN Tau Or* 04 35 27.3776226144 +24 14 58.910343720 13.56 12.88 11.50 11.79   M1:Ve 403 0
50 CoKu Tau-Aur Star 3 TT* 04 35 40.937952 +24 11 08.49012 20.58         M4.3 108 0
51 V* HQ Tau Or* 04 35 47.3357318616 +22 50 21.686966484 15.01 14.15 12.02 11.18   K0 112 0
52 V* HP Tau Or* 04 35 52.7819078592 +22 54 23.156947512 17.39 14.9 14.90     K2-5e 221 1
53 Haro 6-28 Or* 04 35 56.8536876816 +22 54 36.092202012 18.94         M3.1 105 0
54 V* DO Tau Or* 04 38 28.5880527336 +26 10 49.467596196 12.78 13.44 12.30 13.01   M1Ve 383 1
55 IRAS S04361+2331 Y*O 04 39 05.2636708296 +23 37 44.738306004           K5 29 0
56 IRAS 04361+2547 Y*O 04 39 13.89288 +25 53 20.8788           ~ 196 1
57 V* VY Tau Or* 04 39 17.4194063616 +22 47 53.348542332     9.00     M0Ve 201 0
58 IRAS 04365+2535 Y*O 04 39 35.19360 +25 41 44.7252           ~ 294 0
59 IRAS 0437+257P08 Y*O 04 39 55.7457478224 +25 45 01.941104988           B5 170 1
60 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
61 CoKu Tau-Aur Star 4 TT* 04 41 16.8104181312 +28 40 00.073831728   16.40 14.68 14.59   M1.5e 181 0
62 Haro 6-37 Or* 04 46 58.97952 +17 02 38.1948           K7e+M1e 119 0
63 V* DR Tau Or* 04 47 06.2151561264 +16 58 42.813872580 12.03 11.86 10.50 12.19   K5Ve 539 0
64 V* UY Aur Or* 04 51 47.3890167432 +30 47 13.551561492 12.82 12.96 11.90 10.59 9.52 M0e+M2.5e 361 0
65 V* GM Aur Or* 04 55 10.9815576936 +30 21 59.373771876 14.59 13.351 12.242 11.798   K3Ve 701 0
66 V* AB Aur Ae* 04 55 45.8458932216 +30 33 04.292077032 7.20 7.16 7.05 6.96 6.70 A0Ve 1077 2
67 V* SU Aur Or* 04 55 59.3866872552 +30 34 01.499608092   10.33 9.30 9.17   G2IIIne 596 0
68 HD 31648 Ae* 04 58 46.2655706952 +29 50 36.987625680 7.84 7.78 7.62 7.76 7.43 A5Vep 533 0
69 V* RW Aur TT* 05 07 49.5662483 +30 24 05.177426   10.86 9.60 9.95   K1/5e+K5e 784 0
70 HD 35187 Y*O 05 24 01.17261 +24 57 37.5791   8.79 8.71 8.72   A2e+A7 108 0
71 HD 36112 Ae* 05 30 27.5285630040 +25 19 57.076288752   8.57 8.27     A8Ve 475 0
72 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1

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