
Query : 2011A&A...529A..54D

2011A&A...529A..54D - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 529A, 54-54 (2011/5-1)

The debris disk host star HD 61005: a member of the Argus association?


Abstract (from CDS):

HD61005 is a nearby young solar type star that shows a large infrared excess due to a debris disk. The disk has been recently imaged from ground and space, with indications of several components. Some characteristics of the disk suggest the presence of planetary companions around the star, that remain undetected in deep adaptive optics imaging. For a better understanding of the system we aim to refine the determination of the stellar parameters, with emphasis on the stellar age and system orientation. We used ASAS and Hipparcos photometry and FEROS spectra to determine the rotation period, radial and rotational velocity, chromospheric emission, effective temperature, and chemical composition. We find no indication of any misalignment between the star rotation axis and the disk. The standard age calibrations applied to several indicators yield an age close to that of the Pleiades (120Myr); however the kinematic properties strongly support its membership in the younger (40Myr) Argus association, which also includes the IC 2391 open cluster. Detailed comparison of the properties of HD61005 and IC 2391 members shows that the characteristics of HD61005 are compatible with membership to the Argus association, once its rather slow rotation is taken into account, because lithium and other age indicators are somewhat correlated with stellar rotation at a fixed age. We also identify systematic differences between the field and cluster population of the Argus association, which are probably selection effects, so we suggest that additional members with slower rotation and lower activity level are waiting to be identified.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: individual: HD61005 - open clusters and associations: individual: Argus association - stars: rotation - stars: abundances - stars: activity - stars: kinematics and dynamics

Simbad objects: 62

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Number of rows : 62
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Tuc Moving Group MGr 00 00 -64.0           ~ 72 0
2 * tau Cet PM* 01 44 04.0831371922 -15 56 14.927607677 4.43 4.22 3.50 2.88 2.41 G8V 1266 1
3 Cl Melotte 22 OpC 03 46 24.2 +24 06 50           ~ 3470 0
4 HD 32347 PM* 05 03 07.6577118384 +13 43 50.412591984   9.372 8.596 8.182 7.810 K0 121 0
5 NAME Columba Association As* 06 04 19.4 -22 20 40           ~ 291 0
6 NAME AB Dor Moving Group MGr 06 38 53.4 -42 50 04           ~ 484 0
7 HD 61005 PM* 07 35 47.4623556456 -32 12 14.045086368   8.96 8.22     G8Vk 233 0
8 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 7422 Ro* 08 28 45.6336171024 -52 05 26.764840032   11.08 10.525 10.38 9.832 G6 24 0
9 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 7956 V* 08 29 51.9165192576 -51 40 39.590841468   12.40 11.57 11.35   K2e 8 0
10 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 1560 * 08 29 52.3887063432 -53 21 59.825778408   11.24 10.68     G3 5 0
11 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 6973 * 08 34 14.0585217168 -52 12 45.660773304   11.60 10.86     ~ 5 0
12 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 4280 * 08 34 20.4968371272 -52 50 04.935026760   10.84 10.28 10.29   G5 11 0
13 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 6978 * 08 35 01.1922192288 -52 14 01.431380976   13.04 12.11 11.86   ~ 17 0
14 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 2456 V* 08 35 43.6853515872 -53 21 20.298083616   13.11 12.19 11.89   K3e 14 0
15 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 351 V* 08 36 24.2454135528 -54 01 05.700226368   10.70 10.13 10.21   G0 20 0
16 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 3359 * 08 36 54.9899784600 -53 08 34.273115664   12.33 11.53 11.33   ~ 29 0
17 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 5376 * 08 37 02.2591914024 -52 46 59.349950148   15.71 14.31 13.84   Me 10 0
18 Cl* IC 2391 D 41 * 08 37 51.5680732992 -53 45 45.786958380   12.15 11.39 11.23   G8 30 0
19 VXR PSPC 2b * 08 37 56.2348817040 -52 57 05.505544404       12.49   ~ 14 0
20 1RXS J083756.4-525714 X 08 37 56.4 -52 57 14           ~ 2 0
21 CD-52 2467 * 08 38 22.9092124584 -52 56 48.041148444   11.61 10.93 10.81   ~ 32 0
22 CD-52 2472 SB* 08 38 55.6626968784 -52 57 51.679265796 11.19 11.01 10.33 10.19   G2 43 0
23 CD-58 2194 Ro* 08 39 11.5528088760 -58 34 28.047279216   10.77 10.11   9.351 G5V 23 0
24 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 686 V* 08 39 22.5653659224 -53 55 05.693041272   13.57 12.55 12.34   K4e 21 0
25 V* V364 Vel BY* 08 39 53.0493554064 -52 57 56.847553812   12.75 11.89 11.69   K0 42 0
26 1RXS J083954.3-525755 X 08 39 54.3 -52 57 55           ~ 1 0
27 V* V365 Vel BY* 08 40 06.2321644608 -53 38 06.875687760   11.07 10.47 10.44   G0 39 0
28 VXR PSPC 16a * 08 40 16.2484046424 -52 56 29.172145452   12.48 11.76 11.60   G9 34 0
29 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 1759 V* 08 40 18.2860194816 -53 30 28.806321024   14.73 13.51 13.07   K3e 26 0
30 Cl* IC 2391 SMY 23 * 08 40 49.1007179088 -53 37 45.364323468   11.91 11.15 10.84   G6 40 0
31 1RXS J084049.6-533737 X 08 40 49.6 -53 37 37           ~ 1 0
32 IC 2391 OpC 08 41 10.1 -52 59 28           ~ 827 0
33 HD 74374 * 08 41 22.7413299456 -53 38 09.149175312   9.92 9.55 9.79   F3V 32 0
34 1RXS J084124.0-532247 X 08 41 24.0 -53 22 47           ~ 3 0
35 V* V366 Vel BY* 08 41 25.8875436000 -53 22 41.467632456   13.63 12.519   11.277 K3e 38 0
36 V* V368 Vel BY* 08 41 57.8482531848 -52 52 13.942332264   14.59 13.76 12.74 12.03 K7e 35 0
37 V* V371 Vel BY* 08 42 18.5563649256 -53 01 56.872692444   15.44       M2e 33 0
38 NAME eta Cha Association OpC 08 42 32.9 -78 57 47           ~ 363 0
39 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 756 * 08 43 00.4034079504 -53 54 07.637837904   11.79 11.06 10.90   G9 29 0
40 HD 74714 * 08 43 17.9019072432 -52 36 11.224008864   9.51 9.12 9.59   F2IV/V 27 0
41 CD-52 2523 * 08 43 52.3041352704 -53 13 59.755302120   10.22 9.70 9.92   ~ 28 0
42 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 2012 V* 08 43 59.0158397352 -53 33 43.654824216   12.288 11.529 11.516   K0 18 0
43 V* V376 Vel BY* 08 44 05.2223496648 -52 53 17.190402504   11.37 10.75 10.74   G3e: 44 0
44 1RXS J084407.4-525316 X 08 44 07.4 -52 53 16           ~ 1 0
45 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 1373 * 08 44 10.2027162504 -53 43 33.679816356   13.21 12.25 12.00   ~ 16 0
46 1RXS J084425.2-524219 X 08 44 25.2 -52 42 19           ~ 1 0
47 V* V377 Vel BY* 08 44 26.1593280456 -52 42 32.329984788   12.27 11.51 11.23   G9 44 0
48 1RXS J084526.6-525132 X 08 45 26.6 -52 51 32           ~ 1 0
49 V* V379 Vel BY* 08 45 26.9313010080 -52 52 02.105583096   13.79 12.76 12.54   K3e 47 0
50 V* V380 Vel Ro* 08 45 39.1343066088 -52 25 59.548764108   10.35 9.88 9.98   F8 28 0
51 Cl* IC 2391 PMM 2182 * 08 45 47.9489999352 -53 25 50.622927384   10.74 10.09 10.18   G2e: 17 0
52 HD 82443 BY* 09 32 43.7594578944 +26 59 18.706023348   7.78   6.6   G9V(k) 251 1
53 NAME TW Hya Association As* 11 01.9 -34 42           ~ 955 0
54 NAME eps Cha Association OpC 11 59 51 -78 12.4           ~ 163 1
55 NAME Lower Centaurus Crux As* 12 19 -57.1           ~ 489 1
56 NAME beta Pic Moving Group MGr 14 30 -42.0           ~ 790 0
57 NAME Upper Centaurus Lupus As* 15 24 -41.9           ~ 484 1
58 NAME Upper Sco Association As* 16 12 -23.4           ~ 1396 1
59 NAME Upper Sco-Cen As* 16 15 -24.2           ~ 1345 1
60 CD-62 1197 * 18 16 36.9794244264 -62 44 59.034619788   10.52 10.17     ~ 7 0
61 * alf PsA PM* 22 57 39.04625 -29 37 20.0533 1.31 1.25 1.16 1.11 1.09 A4V 1247 3
62 NAME Argus Association As* ~ ~           ~ 236 0

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