
Query : 2011A&A...530A..11M

2011A&A...530A..11M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 530A, 11-11 (2011/6-1)

Spectroscopic and physical parameters of galactic O-type stars. I. Effects of rotation and spectral resolving power in the spectral classification of dwarfs and giants.


Abstract (from CDS):

The modern-era spectral classification of O-stars relies on either the Walborn or the Conti-Mathys scheme. Since both of these approaches have been developed using low-quality photographic data, their application to high-quality digital data might not be straightforward and be hampered by problems and complications that have not yet been appreciated. We investigate the correspondence between photographic and digital classification of low luminosity O-type stars (dwarfs and giants) of solar metallicity. Using high-resolution spectra obtained with the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope in La Silla and following the premises of the Walborn and Conti classification schemes, we determined the spectral types and luminosity classes of 19 Galactic O-type stars and compared them to those attributed by Walborn and Mathys based on low-quality data. Our analysis reveals that the morphological spectral types assigned using high-resolution data are systematically later (by up to 1.5 subtypes) then those attributed by Walborn. By means of line-profile simulations, we show that part of this discrepancy is more likely caused by the combined effect of stellar rotation and high spectral resolution on the depth of helium lines used as spectral type indicators. In addition, we demonstrate that at least for narrow-lined stars the ``rotational effect'' does not disappear when the high-resolution spectra are degraded to the resolution of the Walborn standards. We also find evidence of a systematic difference between our high-resolution quantitative spectral types and those assigned by Mathys. Rotation and spectral resolution are important third parameters in the spectral classification of O-type stars. To obtain reliable spectral classes within the Walborn approach, the unknown and the standard spectra must be compared at the same resolution and v sin i. Owing to resolution effects, the Conti approach might also need to be updated.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: early type - stars: fundamental parameters - binaries: spectroscopic

Simbad objects: 36

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Number of rows : 36
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 46 * 00 05 25.4655864000 -03 51 06.025358520 9.480 8.620 7.560     K0III 16 0
2 HD 93 * 00 05 36.2100636552 -75 10 53.552900676   10.996 10.528     F2/5 9 0
3 HD 108 SB* 00 06 03.3890541936 +63 40 46.771220928 6.79 7.58 7.40     O4-8f?p 326 0
4 V* SW Scl LP* 00 06 14.1956473704 -32 48 58.861165680   10.27 9.20     M1III 35 0
5 HD 152 PM* 00 06 15.3708348408 -55 29 55.321943820   9.32 8.88     F5IV/V 17 0
6 HD 148 PM* 00 06 19.9614469704 -12 01 01.868877156   9.19 8.72     F6/7V 15 0
7 Cl Collinder 69 OpC 05 35 10.1 +09 48 47     2.8     ~ 319 0
8 * iot Ori SB* 05 35 25.9861932063 -05 54 35.598684624 1.45 2.53 2.77     O9IIIvar 777 0
9 * 15 Mon Be* 06 40 58.65963 +09 53 44.7229 3.360 4.45 4.68   4.88 O7V+B1.5/2V 806 0
10 HD 48434 s*b 06 43 38.6456583720 +03 55 57.109225980 4.99 5.88 5.90     B0II 155 0
11 HD 63005 * 07 45 49.0332176232 -26 29 31.436407572 8.29 9.12 9.13 9.64   O5/6 83 0
12 HD 64568 * 07 53 38.2051918848 -26 14 02.598056556 8.64 9.50 9.39 9.77 9.204 O3V((f*))z 110 0
13 CD-28 5104 s*b 07 55 52.8512069760 -28 37 46.791254424 9.39 10.13 9.94 10.12   O6Ifp 88 0
14 HD 69106 * 08 14 03.7995306624 -36 57 07.938057852 6.12 7.020 7.128 8.02   O9.7IIn 121 0
15 HD 69464 Em* 08 15 48.5652200520 -35 37 52.863334428 8.47 9.11 8.80 9.42   O7Ib(f) 100 0
16 CD-44 4865 * 08 50 02.2858329192 -44 34 39.926878500 9.88 10.16 9.63 9.67   B0III 52 0
17 CD-43 4690 * 08 50 52.0461382848 -43 50 22.900242948 10.05 10.48 9.79 9.68   O7.5 29 0
18 HD 302505 * 10 05 20.5426689984 -58 44 20.696151660 9.41 9.95 9.89 9.79   B2 33 0
19 HD 91824 SB* 10 34 46.6322493936 -58 09 22.038466896 7.17 8.11 8.14 9.02   O7V((f))z 154 0
20 HD 92504 * 10 39 36.8683124520 -57 27 40.634282304 7.47 8.38 8.46 9.296   O8.5V(n) 70 0
21 HD 93128 SB* 10 43 54.3957741024 -59 32 57.497266716 8.82 8.97 8.77 9.40 8.71 O3.5V((fc))z 104 1
22 HD 93146 ** 10 44 00.13416 -60 05 08.7396           O6V+O9.5V 85 0
23 HD 93146A * 10 44 00.1579435416 -60 05 09.880180368 7.57 8.45 8.47 9.281   O7V((f))z 85 0
24 HD 93160 SB* 10 44 07.2603347496 -59 34 30.623536272 7.27 7.99 7.60 8.46   O7III((f)) 114 0
25 HD 93204 * 10 44 32.3390794992 -59 44 31.020804780 7.63 8.52 8.42 8.20 7.92 O5.5V((f)) 191 0
26 HD 93222 Y*O 10 44 36.2481200208 -60 05 28.890759120 7.26 8.18 8.10 8.91   O7V((f))z 198 0
27 CD-59 3300 * 10 44 41.7962304024 -59 46 56.405228916 8.07 8.79 8.57 9.33   O6V((f)) 141 0
28 HD 93843 Er* 10 48 37.7715351864 -60 13 25.518487656 6.37 7.29 7.33 8.23   O5III(fc) 172 0
29 HD 94963 Em* 10 56 35.7867321168 -61 42 32.287821516 6.35 7.17 7.26 8.10   O7II(f) 83 0
30 HD 101190 ** 11 38 09.9116823600 -63 11 48.614641440 6.58 7.37 7.33 8.48   O6IV((f)) 166 0
31 * tau Sco * 16 35 52.9528530 -28 12 57.661515 1.55 2.56 2.81 2.93 3.18 B0.2V 924 0
32 HD 151003 * 16 46 34.1955926208 -41 36 38.522639052 6.49 7.26 7.09 8.00   O8.5III 70 1
33 HD 152427 * 16 54 01.0175075688 -18 44 36.157452252   10.01 8.64     K1III 12 0
34 HD 152247 SB* 16 54 11.5173615984 -41 38 30.967835208 6.62 7.35 7.16 8.09   O9.2III 129 0
35 HD 152723 SB* 16 56 54.6694171728 -40 30 44.442698436 6.43 7.24 7.10 8.11 8.47 O6.5III(f) 155 0
36 HD 191612 SB* 20 09 28.6105997664 +35 44 01.286453904 7.40 8.07 7.80     O8fpe 240 0

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