
Query : 2011A&A...530A..30V

2011A&A...530A..30V - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 530A, 30-30 (2011/6-1)

Lopsidedness in WHISP galaxies. II. Morphological lopsidedness.


Abstract (from CDS):

The distribution of stars and gas in many galaxies is asymmetric. This so-called lopsidedness is expected to significantly affect the dynamics and evolution of the disc, including the star formation activity. Here, we measure the degree of lopsidedness for the gas distribution in a selected sample of 70 galaxies from the Westerbork HI Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. This complements our earlier work (Paper I) where the kinematic lopsidedness was derived for the same galaxies. The morphological lopsidedness is measured by performing a harmonic decomposition of the surface density maps. The amplitude of lopsidedness A1, the fractional value of the first Fourier component, is typically quite high (about 0.1) within the optical disc and has a constant phase. Thus, lopsidedness is a common feature in galaxies and indicates a global mode. We measure A1 out to typically one to four optical radii, sometimes even further. This is, on average, four times larger than the distance to which lopsidedness was measured in the past using near-IR as a tracer of the old stellar component, and therefore provides a new, more stringent constraint on the mechanism for the origin of lopsidedness. Interestingly, the value of A1 saturates beyond the optical radius. Furthermore, the plot of A 1 versus radius shows fluctuations that we argue are due to local spiral features. We also try to explain the physical origin of this observed disc lopsidedness. No clear trend is found when the degree of lopsidedness is compared to a measure of the isolation or interaction probability of the sample galaxies. However, this does not rule out a tidal origin if the lopsidedness is long-lived. In addition, we find that the early-type galaxies tend to be more morphologically lopsided than the late-type galaxies. Both results together indicate that lopsidedness has a tidal origin.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): surveys - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: structure

Simbad objects: 72

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Number of rows : 72
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 IC 65 AG? 01 00 55.432 +47 40 55.14   13.8       ~ 60 0
2 UGC 731 AG? 01 10 43.98 +49 36 07.9   17       ~ 100 0
3 IC 1727 GiP 01 47 29.890 +27 20 00.06   12.54 11.98 11.77   ~ 201 0
4 NGC 672 GiP 01 47 54.4764771528 +27 25 58.020709728 12.04 11.60 11.09 10.81   ~ 287 0
5 UGC 1281 LSB 01 49 31.71 +32 35 16.2   13.0       ~ 167 0
6 NGC 697 GiG 01 51 17.568 +22 21 28.69   12.7       ~ 122 1
7 NGC 784 LSB 02 01 16.932 +28 50 14.13 12.97 12.50 12.07 11.83   ~ 197 0
8 NGC 925 H2G 02 27 16.913 +33 34 43.97   10.69 10.12 9.55   ~ 789 1
9 UGC 2034 GiG 02 33 42.96 +40 31 41.2   15.0   13.45   ~ 71 0
10 IC 239 GiG 02 36 27.8262034392 +38 58 09.083372052   12.1   12.75   ~ 111 0
11 NGC 1156 rG 02 59 42.8528847264 +25 14 28.352017320 12.13 12.32 11.74     ~ 314 1
12 NAME Eridanus ClG GrG 03 38 32.00 -22 18 51.0           ~ 179 0
13 UGC 2800 GiG 03 40 02.4557217336 +71 24 21.272144508   16.5       ~ 45 0
14 UGC 2855 H2G 03 48 20.731 +70 07 58.37   14.6       ~ 137 2
15 IC 356 AG? 04 07 46.8869589504 +69 48 44.715725208   13.3       ~ 152 1
16 UGC 3273 AG? 05 17 44.2922790792 +53 33 04.977160308   15.2       ~ 30 0
17 UGC 3371 AG? 05 56 35.98 +75 19 01.9   17       ~ 89 0
18 UGC 3574 GiP 06 53 10.3954201680 +57 10 40.154257452   13.9       ~ 62 0
19 UGC 3580 AG? 06 55 30.9694563864 +69 33 47.319499836   13.01 12.57 12.08 11.50 ~ 100 1
20 NGC 2344 rG 07 12 28.6727815248 +47 10 00.302868408   12.99 12.14 11.57 10.80 ~ 93 0
21 NGC 2366 H2G 07 28 52.4529 +69 12 38.859 12.25 11.86 11.39 11.33   ~ 772 0
22 UGC 4173 AG? 08 07 10.05 +80 07 36.5   15.7       ~ 52 0
23 IC 2233 LSB 08 13 58.909 +45 44 31.74 12.87 13.41 12.63 12.80   ~ 242 1
24 NGC 2541 GiG 08 14 40.1160678912 +49 03 42.021679932 12.03 12.26 11.80     ~ 314 1
25 NGC 2599 Q? 08 32 11.3215409472 +22 33 38.005300296   13.4       ~ 115 1
26 UGC 4543 G 08 43 21.8462696016 +45 44 09.601368324   15.1       ~ 65 0
27 NGC 2776 AGN 09 12 14.531 +44 57 17.62   12.249 11.693 11.285 10.77 ~ 165 0
28 NGC 2905 H2G 09 32 10.111 +21 30 02.99 10.44 9.75 9.07 8.68   ~ 1128 3
29 NGC 3003 GiG 09 48 35.580 +33 25 17.83   12.3       ~ 203 0
30 NGC 2985 Sy1 09 50 22.233 +72 16 43.13   11.37 10.61     ~ 253 1
31 NGC 3147 Sy2 10 16 53.6388580752 +73 24 02.641798224   11.43 10.61     ~ 497 2
32 NGC 3254 Sy2 10 29 19.922 +29 29 29.18   12.29 11.60     ~ 190 0
33 NGC 3274 EmG 10 32 17.2253817864 +27 40 07.165226244   13.30   12.77   ~ 244 0
34 NGC 3259 Sy1 10 32 34.8614764344 +65 02 27.906884844   17.55 16.89     ~ 158 0
35 NGC 3319 SyG 10 39 09.533 +41 41 12.74   11.48 11.07     ~ 312 1
36 NAME Spider AG? 10 42 42.787 +34 26 57.39   13.31 13.09 12.84 12.85 ~ 161 0
37 UGC 5918 GiG 10 49 36.412 +65 32 01.07 15.55 15.27 14.79 14.55   ~ 160 0
38 NGC 3403 GiG 10 53 54.851 +73 41 25.35   13.30       ~ 102 0
39 M 108 SBG 11 11 30.967 +55 40 26.84   10.70       ~ 477 1
40 UGC 6446 GiC 11 26 40.4656762968 +53 44 48.012539280   14.5       ~ 157 0
41 NGC 3726 GiG 11 33 21.1367545656 +47 01 45.280222428   11.11   10.02   ~ 357 0
42 NGC 3898 LIN 11 49 15.370 +56 05 03.66   11.7       ~ 313 1
43 M 109 GiG 11 57 35.9631479640 +53 22 29.006082336   10.94   9.57   ~ 460 0
44 NGC 4088 GiP 12 05 34.2230093952 +50 32 21.064017876   11.2       ~ 410 1
45 NGC 4096 GiG 12 06 01.161 +47 28 42.09   11.61   10.86   ~ 255 0
46 NGC 4100 GiG 12 06 08.602 +49 34 56.32   11.7       ~ 254 0
47 NGC 4144 GiG 12 09 58.601 +46 27 25.85   12.17   11.50   ~ 246 0
48 NGC 4203 LIN 12 15 05.0549203560 +33 11 50.383965120   12.98 11.99     ~ 496 2
49 NGC 4242 GiG 12 17 30.1835103480 +45 37 09.508940220   11.37 10.83     ~ 271 1
50 UGC 7321 EmG 12 17 34.021 +22 32 23.35   14.07   13.21   ~ 264 0
51 M 106 Sy2 12 18 57.620 +47 18 13.39   9.14 8.41 8.11   ~ 2382 4
52 NGC 4395 Sy2 12 25 48.8633109888 +33 32 48.700168152 10.84 10.54 10.11 9.98   ~ 1195 1
53 NGC 4455 EmG 12 28 44.1242000448 +22 49 13.538159508   15.5       ~ 212 0
54 NGC 4559 H2G 12 35 57.6402869976 +27 57 35.859278160   10.46 10.01     ~ 632 1
55 NGC 4725 Sy2 12 50 26.5716367992 +25 30 02.733090588   13.45 12.44     ~ 701 2
56 NGC 5377 AGN 13 56 16.6722507720 +47 14 08.568249072   12.39 11.46 10.87 10.25 ~ 232 1
57 M 101 GiP 14 03 12.583 +54 20 55.50   8.46 7.86 7.76   ~ 2949 2
58 NGC 5533 Sy2 14 16 07.7507477232 +35 20 37.879981584   13.0       ~ 178 1
59 UGC 9211 AG? 14 22 32.1696941112 +45 23 01.932649116   15.7       ~ 77 0
60 NGC 5832 AG? 14 57 45.90 +71 40 53.5 13.43 12.80 12.26 11.96   ~ 117 1
61 UGC 9858 GiG 15 26 41.4714937176 +40 33 52.666246152   14.0       ~ 94 0
62 NGC 6140 AG? 16 20 58.162 +65 23 25.98   12.6       ~ 109 0
63 NGC 6217 AGN 16 32 39.2100852960 +78 11 53.487076092   14.37 13.88     ~ 303 0
64 NGC 7013 AG? 21 03 33.5698770000 +29 53 50.926694208   12.9       ~ 140 0
65 UGC 11707 AG? 21 14 31.75 +26 44 04.5   15.6       ~ 62 0
66 UGC 11852 AG? 21 55 59.3494136184 +27 53 54.073166136   15.0       ~ 52 0
67 UGC 11861 AG? 21 56 24.148 +73 15 39.33   15.2       ~ 97 0
68 UGC 11891 AG? 22 03 33.88 +43 44 57.2   15.5       ~ 45 0
69 UGC 12082 AG? 22 34 10.90 +32 51 40.7   15.60       ~ 70 0
70 UGC 12632 GiG 23 29 58.540 +40 59 31.98   15.7       ~ 109 0
71 UGC 12732 GiP 23 40 39.86 +26 14 11.1   14.5       ~ 141 0
72 NGC 7741 GiP 23 43 54.375 +26 04 32.07 11.70 11.84 11.31     ~ 292 1

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