
Query : 2012A&A...541A...7G

2012A&A...541A...7G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 541A, 7-7 (2012/5-1)

Discovery of a parsec-scale bipolar nebula around MWC 349A.


Abstract (from CDS):

We report the discovery of a bipolar nebula around the peculiar emission-line star MWC 349A using archival Spitzer Space Telescope 24µm data. The nebula extends over several arcminutes (up to 5pc) and has the same orientation and geometry as the well-known subarcsecond-scale (∼400 times smaller) bipolar radio nebula associated with this star. We discuss the physical relationship between MWC 349A and the nearby B0III star MWC 349B and propose that both stars were members of a hierarchical triple system, which was ejected from the core of the Cyg OB2 association several Myr ago and recently was dissolved into a binary system (now MWC 349A) and a single unbound star (MWC 349B). Our proposal implies that MWC 349A is an evolved massive star (likely a luminous blue variable) in a binary system with a low-mass star. A possible origin of the bipolar nebula around MWC 349A is discussed.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: individual: MWC 349A - stars: winds, outflows - stars: massive - binaries: general - circumstellar matter

Simbad objects: 25

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Number of rows : 25
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Orion-KL SFR 05 35 14.16 -05 22 21.5           ~ 2309 1
2 NAME Homunculus Nebula ISM 10 45 03.5 -59 41 04           ~ 371 1
3 * eta Car Em* 10 45 03.545808 -59 41 03.95124 6.37 7.03 6.48 6.123 4.41 LBV 2459 0
4 WRAY 15-682 WR* 10 53 59.5777329720 -60 26 44.361095316   11.64 10.85 10.56   WN11h 148 3
5 V* AG Car WR* 10 56 11.5781414448 -60 27 12.810673260 7.00 7.57 6.96 7.73   WN11h 632 0
6 NAME Sher 25 star * 11 15 07.6447245696 -61 15 17.611428348   13.63 12.27     B1.5Iab 79 1
7 PN MyCn 18 PN 13 39 35.0596178496 -67 22 51.750497136   13.30 12.54 13.19 12.61 ~ 286 1
8 IRAS 13390-6233 bub 13 42 33.083 -62 48 11.34           ~ 5 0
9 WRAY 16-147 Sy* 14 11 52.0604355768 -51 26 24.187122024     14.20     ~ 234 1
10 IRAS 15127-5811 s*b 15 16 41.0010590952 -58 22 25.958926380   15.34 13.40 12.500 10.91 B1Ia 11 0
11 HD 168607 s*b 18 21 14.8856951904 -16 22 31.763755236 10.23 9.82 8.28 8.55   B9Ia+ 190 1
12 HD 168625 s*b 18 21 19.5484021368 -16 22 26.075142156 10.15 9.78 8.37 8.76   B8Ia+ 280 2
13 [D75b] Em* 19-008 LP* 19 44 37.5996230040 +24 19 05.740220208   16.42 14.64 13.68   ~ 15 1
14 * P Cyg s*b 20 17 47.2019733389 +38 01 58.549132671 4.66 5.24 4.82 4.28 4.02 B1-2Ia-0ep 1180 1
15 NAME Cyg X Cld 20 30 04.7973633 +40 51 36.002197           ~ 863 1
16 IRAS 20290+4052 HII 20 30 50.660 +41 02 27.60           ~ 30 0
17 IRAS 20298+4011 LP? 20 31 42.2846664600 +40 21 59.074415640     15.1     B:I[e] 93 0
18 [CPR2002] A25 * 20 32 38.4437517288 +40 40 44.481528480           O8III 12 0
19 EM* MWC 349B * 20 32 45.2963315160 +40 39 37.412924112     14.3     B0III 32 0
20 EM* MWC 349 ** 20 32 45.499080 +40 39 36.74124   15.88 13.15 12.13   Bep 805 0
21 EM* MWC 349A LP? 20 32 45.5291969760 +40 39 36.651807828           ~ 170 0
22 Ass Cyg OB 2 As* 20 33.2 +41 19           ~ 955 0
23 BD+43 3654 s*b 20 33 36.0795027528 +43 59 07.364004504   11.24 10.06     O4If 68 0
24 18P 73 Rad 20 36 55.9 +41 36 29           ~ 47 0
25 DR 21 SFR 20 39 01.6 +42 19 38           O4.5 1068 0

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