
Query : 2012A&A...544A..64A

2012A&A...544A..64A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 544A, 64-64 (2012/8-1)

Open clusters. I. Fundamental parameters of B stars in NGC 3766 and NGC 4755.


Abstract (from CDS):

Spectroscopic investigations of galactic open clusters are scarce and limited to a reduced sample of cluster members. We intend to perform a complete study of the physical parameters of two galactic clusters as well as of their individual members. To carry out this study, we used the BCD (Barbier-Chalonge-Divan) spectrophotometric system, which is based on the study of the Balmer discontinuity and is independent of interstellar and circumstellar extinction. Additional physical properties were derived from the line profiles (FWHM) and stellar evolution models. We analyzed low-resolution spectra around the Balmer discontinuity for normal B-type and Be stars in two open clusters: NGC 3766 and NGC 4755. We determined the stellar fundamental parameters, such as effective temperatures, surface gravities, spectral types, luminosity classes, absolute and bolometric magnitudes, and color gradient excesses. The stellar rotation velocity was also determined. Complementary information, mainly stellar mass, age, and radius of the star population were calculated using stellar evolution models. In some cases, the stellar fundamental parameters were derived for the first time. The obtained results allowed us also to determine the reddening, age, and distance to the clusters. The cluster parameters obtained through the BCD method agree very well with those derived from classical methods based on photometric data. The BCD system also provides physical properties of the star members. This study enables us to test the good behavior of Mbol1,D)-calibrations and detect systematic discrepancies between logg estimates from model atmospheres and those derived from stellar evolution models. To improve our knowledge on the formation and evolution of the clusters, more statistical studies on the initial mass luminosity and angular momentum distributions should be addressed. Therefore, the BCD spectrophotometric system could be a powerful tool for studying far galactic and extragalactic clusters with the generation of large telescopes and the multi-object technique.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 3766 - stars: emission-line, Be - stars: fundamental parameters - open clusters and associations: individual: NGC 4755 - stars: early-type

Simbad objects: 59

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Number of rows : 59
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 60848 Be* 07 37 05.7325392528 +16 54 15.300327852 5.55 6.67 6.87     O8:V:pe 139 0
2 * eta Hya bC* 08 43 13.4757536071 +03 23 55.182801587 3.380 4.100 4.300 4.37 4.56 B3V 408 1
3 NAME Car Arm PoG 10 00 -60.0           ~ 443 1
4 HD 306644 EB* 11 34 50.8899727368 -61 27 56.598565788   10.24 10.19     B8 7 0
5 HD 306657 Be* 11 35 15.1705815168 -61 41 59.551771488   10.383 10.299 10.36   B2Ve 31 0
6 HD 306793 Be* 11 35 22.0708509960 -61 32 10.949862480   10.606 10.532 10.84   B3Ve 26 0
7 V* V910 Cen s*r 11 35 44.9538524256 -61 34 41.020805424 11.60 9.106 6.859     M0Ib 58 0
8 HD 100840 * 11 35 47.1108851352 -61 33 37.891146528 7.39 8.051 8.022 8.98   B1/2(Ib) 37 0
9 HD 306785 * 11 35 48.5749575648 -61 29 19.187001744   9.671 9.663     B3 21 0
10 HD 308740 * 11 35 48.8866201704 -61 45 03.999884472   11.002 10.893     B5 11 0
11 CPD-60 3098 * 11 35 52.2496358448 -61 38 07.538625996 9.02 9.596 9.591 9.96   B2V 21 0
12 HD 306784 * 11 35 54.2075403720 -61 24 51.472178172   9.853 9.870     B5 5 0
13 HD 100856 Be* 11 35 55.4594969064 -61 36 13.744109088 7.29 8.52 8.57 9.41   B5III 47 0
14 HD 306794 * 11 36 04.5016985184 -61 35 22.744617072 8.03 8.03 8.11 9.03   OB 28 0
15 HD 308743 * 11 36 04.8350714136 -61 50 34.584031896   10.87 10.74     B8 3 0
16 HD 306797 Be* 11 36 05.4841182288 -61 42 06.058771524 9.19 9.93 9.78 10.06   B5IIe 47 0
17 HD 306798 Be* 11 36 09.3687546672 -61 41 41.574344856 8.84 9.74 9.64 9.83   B3IV 41 0
18 CPD-60 3125 Be* 11 36 09.5641183512 -61 35 38.145238836 8.58 9.15 9.13 9.72   B2IVe 38 0
19 CPD-60 3128 Be* 11 36 11.865192 -61 35 50.27604 7.78     9.27   B3III 30 0
20 CPD-60 3131 * 11 36 12.0290610408 -61 35 10.635848736   11.3 11.3     B 9 0
21 CD-60 3626A Be* 11 36 12.3647329632 -61 32 44.968102584       10.24   B3V 10 0
22 CD-60 3626B Be* 11 36 12.5246565264 -61 32 40.225579368   9.5 9.4 10.50   B3Ve 17 0
23 NGC 3766 OpC 11 36 14.6 -61 36 58   5.66 5.3     ~ 213 0
24 CPD-60 3135 * 11 36 15.7738371888 -61 36 08.150540688   11.138 11.070     B 9 0
25 V* BF Cen EB* 11 36 17.0350090608 -61 28 01.402061376   8.508 8.484   8.619 B8 50 0
26 Cl* NGC 3766 MG 116 * 11 36 18.7483286184 -61 37 10.236370080   12.500 12.164     ~ 6 0
27 CPD-60 3138 * 11 36 18.8562650640 -61 37 03.877192128   11.219 11.126     ~ 8 0
28 HD 100943 s*b 11 36 28.3717504776 -61 39 54.514770300 6.66 6.804 6.655 8.00   B1Iab/b 67 0
29 HD 306791 Be* 11 36 31.5551060424 -61 34 25.733980380 8.03 8.507 8.429 9.35   B4III 45 0
30 * tet Crt PM* 11 36 40.9092052035 -09 48 08.001725582   4.604 4.673     B9.5V 215 0
31 HD 100969 * 11 36 41.8917551472 -61 31 37.393274460 8.47 9.074 9.055     B2/5 25 0
32 HD 306787 * 11 36 48.3049261656 -61 26 41.916972336   10.805 10.825 10.888   B9 3 0
33 Cl* NGC 3766 MG 177 * 11 36 50.3311305360 -61 40 07.713089364           ~ 3 0
34 HD 306800 * 11 37 10.9345626672 -61 39 22.662040824   10.817 10.909     B9 11 0
35 HD 306778 Pu* 11 37 21.4372199592 -61 26 04.910768376   9.53 9.50     B8 7 0
36 HD 308852 Be* 11 37 41.9543696208 -61 45 42.774079032   11.0 10.6     B5IVe 6 0
37 HD 306788 * 11 37 45.7815575448 -61 29 30.065167392   10.3 10.0     B9 5 0
38 CPD-60 3087 Be* 11 37 48.8540520624 -61 45 05.195786436   11.23 10.99     B3Ve 9 0
39 HD 312079 * 12 53 10.2301911048 -60 25 59.480339268 9.66 10.24 10.08 10.22   B5 21 0
40 HD 312080 * 12 53 14.2580848896 -60 27 38.129667876   10.23 10.10 10.23   B9 20 0
41 CD-59 4454 bC? 12 53 20.6734801416 -60 23 16.843450812 9.26 9.90 9.74 10.03   B1V 53 0
42 HD 111904 V* 12 53 21.8944330272 -60 19 42.561114312 5.75 6.05 5.77 7.09   B9Iab 107 0
43 CPD-59 4530 Be* 12 53 22.5904404528 -60 23 47.624386920 11.31 11.66 11.45 11.48   B6V 20 0
44 CPD-59 4531 Be* 12 53 24.2615260128 -60 21 30.846183588 10.44 11.01 10.89     B3V 19 0
45 CPD-59 4532 bC* 12 53 25.6733913792 -60 22 00.097867236 9.72 10.288 10.142     B1V 28 0
46 CPD-59 4540 Be* 12 53 33.1564978536 -60 24 33.251907427 9.21 10.185 10.035 10.446   B3V 20 0
47 CPD-59 4542 * 12 53 35.4991773048 -60 23 46.681317816 9.2 9.91 9.73 9.99   B1.5V 36 1
48 V* BU Cru EB* 12 53 37.6193092848 -60 21 25.425832356 6.49 7.04 6.84 7.55   B2Ib 112 0
49 NGC 4755 OpC 12 53 39.6 -60 22 16           ~ 289 0
50 CPD-59 4552 * 12 53 46.4935086912 -60 24 12.419407044 7.79 8.337 8.24 9.13   B1III 51 0
51 V* CC Cru El* 12 53 47.2742360136 -60 19 55.349178564 7.44 8.00 7.83 7.68   B2III 35 0
52 * kap Cru SB* 12 53 48.9198156672 -60 22 34.469837436 5.62 6.12 5.94 7.12   B5I 127 0
53 V* CN Cru EB* 12 53 49.4982338184 -60 23 02.952242196 7.87 8.69 8.58     B1V 36 0
54 CPD-59 4559 Be* 12 53 51.5776218216 -60 23 16.874046276 9.76 10.254 9.983     B0IIIe 32 0
55 CPD-59 4558 bC* 12 53 51.7420242144 -60 21 58.595523264 9.56 10.162 10.024     B2IV 27 0
56 LS 2814 bC* 12 53 52.0067925720 -60 22 15.879036216 8.92 9.54 9.38 9.81   B1V 33 0
57 CPD-59 4564 bC* 12 53 57.5386794336 -60 24 58.092625152 8.45 9.12 9.06 9.64   B2III 62 0
58 * 108 Vir * 14 45 30.2044637184 +00 43 02.180202816   5.656 5.665     B9.5V 159 0
59 * 58 Aql * 19 54 44.7948526968 +00 16 25.050363384   5.703 5.631     B9IV 219 0

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