
Query : 2013A&A...558A..77G

2013A&A...558A..77G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 558A, 77-77 (2013/10-1)

A kinematic study and membership analysis of the Lupus star-forming region.


Abstract (from CDS):

A precise determination of the distance to individual stars is required to reliably determine the fundamental parameters (mass and age) of young stellar objects. This paper is dedicated to investigating the kinematic properties of the Lupus moving group of young stars with the primary objective of deriving individual parallaxes for each group member. We identify those stars in the Lupus star-forming region that define the comoving association of young stars by utilizing our new and improved convergent point search method that allows us to derive the precise position of the convergent point of the comoving association from the stars' proper motions. We used published proper motion catalogs and searched the literature for radial velocities, which are needed to compute individual parallaxes. We supplemented the radial velocity data with new measurements from spectroscopic observations performed with the FEROS spectrograph mounted on the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope at La Silla. We identify a comoving group with 109 pre-main sequence stars and candidates that define the kinematic properties of the Lupus low-mass star-forming region. We derive individual parallaxes for stars with known radial velocity and tentative parallaxes for the remaining group members by assuming that all stars share the same space motion. The convergent point method, combined with the k-NN algorithm, makes it possible to distinguish the Lupus and Upper Centaurus Lupus stars from the adjacent Scorpius-Centaurus association. We find significant depth effects in this region and show that the classical T Tauri stars, located in the close vicinity of the Lupus molecular clouds, form a background population, while the weak-emission line T Tauri stars are dispersed not only in angular extent but also in depth. The newly derived individual parallaxes will be used in a forthcoming paper to refine the masses and ages of Lupus T Tauri stars, with the aim of better constraining the lifetimes of their circumstellar, protoplanetary disks.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: distances - stars: kinematics and dynamics - stars: pre-main sequence - proper motions - parallaxes - open clusters and associations: individual: Lupus

Simbad objects: 177

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Number of rows : 177
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Tau-Aur Complex SFR 04 30 +25.0           ~ 1373 0
2 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
3 HD 82106 PM* 09 29 54.8251829217 +05 39 18.473349688 9.071 8.223 7.197 6.626 6.13 K3V 218 0
4 NAME TW Hya Association As* 11 01.9 -34 42           ~ 955 0
5 NAME Chamaeleon Region SFR 11 55 -78.0           ~ 818 0
6 NAME Lower Centaurus Crux As* 12 19 -57.1           ~ 489 1
7 RX J1448.2-4103 TT* 14 48 13.1974970064 -41 02 59.113337856   12.10 11.215   10.077 K2 12 0
8 UCAC2 15760486 TT* 14 52 26.1945353208 -37 40 08.879149524   13.152 12.042 11.670   K3 11 0
9 TYC 7824-2095-1 TT* 14 54 11.2167380064 -39 55 23.405492064   12.611 11.651 11.421   K2 11 0
10 RX J1502.4-3405 TT* 15 02 26.013600 -34 05 13.41204   13.32 12.21 12.19   K4 7 0
11 RX J1505.4-3857 TT* 15 05 25.8698473104 -38 57 03.187157868     12.004   10.640 K6 10 0
12 UCAC2 13373557 Y*O 15 05 56.8547654208 -43 12 03.140312868 15.18 14.138 12.782 12.170 10.95 K7 14 0
13 2MASS J15064258-3047326 * 15 06 42.5818504896 -30 47 32.672227956     13.97     K7 5 0
14 RX J1508.0-3337 Ro* 15 08 05.0845814088 -33 37 55.806527100   13.15 11.92 11.54 10.223 K6 10 0
15 2MASS J15082502-3337554 TT* 15 08 25.0224608976 -33 37 55.434162684     13.88     K7-M0 8 0
16 RX J1508.8-3715 Y*O 15 08 53.7981568416 -37 15 46.907907444   13.13 11.99 11.88   K5 11 0
17 RX J1511.0-3251 TT* 15 11 04.4987645496 -32 51 30.441746016 14.16 12.64 11.853 11.16 10.262 K6 18 0
18 2MASS J15113696-3550417 Y*O 15 11 36.9696483072 -35 50 41.756726184 14.60 13.69 12.59 11.91 11.21 K5 14 0
19 UCAC2 17286988 * 15 12 39.8105883000 -34 16 59.214648612     13.75     K5 5 0
20 [KWS97] TTS 15 TT* 15 13 58.1714560488 -46 29 14.519169564   13.95 12.62 12.20   K7 9 0
21 HD 135127 Y*O 15 14 39.5851346520 -34 45 41.311354104 9.87 9.64 9.15 9.33 9.02 F5V 17 0
22 2MASS J15150933-4438362 TT* 15 15 09.3323352288 -44 38 36.239194860     13.64     M0 8 0
23 V* LT Lup TT* 15 15 45.3719328096 -33 31 59.725104132 12.00 11.61 10.670 10.17 9.574 K0e 33 0
24 2MASS J15180123-4444269 TT* 15 18 01.2384492480 -44 44 27.023070948     12.32     K2 7 0
25 V* LW Lup TT* 15 18 26.9192118480 -37 38 02.070123108 12.23 11.79 10.891 10.41 9.850 K0IVe 36 0
26 2MASS J15195295-2802266 TT* 15 19 52.9529471616 -28 02 26.706365916     12.6     K5 9 0
27 NAME Upper Centaurus Lupus As* 15 24 -41.9           ~ 484 1
28 V* MP Lup TT* 15 24 32.3572754448 -36 52 02.770376232 12.69 11.96 11.231 10.78 10.184 K0V(e) 27 0
29 CD-35 10273 TT* 15 25 03.5661976248 -36 04 45.523059564 12.43 11.80 10.744 10.35 9.643 K1IV(e) 15 0
30 V* MQ Lup TT* 15 25 33.1689637848 -36 13 46.761718260 13.17 12.71 11.68 11.56 10.468 K2 19 0
31 V* MR Lup TT* 15 25 36.6668495304 -35 37 31.934567280 14.61 13.68 12.492 11.64 10.817 K6 17 0
32 RX J1526.8-3722 TT* 15 26 52.5778834824 -37 22 06.218790852 15.47 14.42 13.156 12.13 11.215 M0.5 13 0
33 RX J1527.3-3603 TT* 15 27 22.8151235265 -36 04 09.087037778     13.0     K7-M0 10 0
34 HD 137727 TT* 15 28 44.03424 -31 17 38.0284       9.42 8.014 G6/8 36 0
35 RX J1529.3-3737 ** 15 29 18.994104 -37 37 20.43228 16.28 15.17 13.66 13.14 11.280 M3 10 0
36 CD-36 10208 TT* 15 29 47.2648270536 -36 28 37.407579780   12.60 11.16   10.644 K2IVe 21 0
37 RX J1529.8-4522 Ro* 15 29 48.8805163440 -45 22 45.809699988   13.85 12.64 12.18 11.048 K6 12 0
38 CD-33 10568 TT* 15 31 21.9300091656 -33 29 39.448367196   11.56 10.834   9.860 G9IV 24 0
39 RX J1534.3-3300 TT* 15 34 23.1373834080 -33 00 08.797786056     12.639   10.939 M0 13 0
40 RX J1534.6-4002 TT* 15 34 38.1609174096 -40 02 28.083175800   12.59 11.37   10.555 K5Ve 18 0
41 V* MT Lup TT* 15 38 02.6519492760 -38 07 23.078501688     12.32 12.10 11.013 K5 18 0
42 Sz 65 Or* 15 39 27.7716659160 -34 46 17.211087984   13.11 12.13 11.33 10.76 K7 102 0
43 Sz 66 TT* 15 39 28.2828956688 -34 46 18.082914564   14.9   14.51 12.56 M2 59 0
44 RX J1539.7-3450 TT* 15 39 46.372800 -34 51 02.53332 11.77 13.58 12.35 12.08 10.688 ~ 14 0
45 2MASS J15401371-3401429 Y*? 15 40 13.7150397504 -34 01 42.978785376       13.81 12.21 K5III 5 0
46 [KWS97] RX J1540.3-3426A TT* 15 40 18.4525564428 -34 26 15.381032499   16.45 14.82 15.02 12.42 ~ 9 0
47 V* MU Lup TT* 15 40 41.1704779152 -37 56 18.539934828     12.35     K6 23 0
48 UCAC3 110-180365 Y*O 15 41 48.2824525608 -35 01 45.834190248       14.34 12.60 M4 6 0
49 2MASS J15420518-3601317 Y*O 15 42 05.1865767360 -36 01 31.814049792 14.59 13.54 12.35 11.61 10.93 K7 8 0
50 Lupus 1 Cld 15 43 02.1 -34 09 06           ~ 289 0
51 CD-32 11039 TT* 15 44 03.7731048192 -33 11 11.204274192   11.71 10.87     K0IVe 26 0
52 RX J1544.5-3521 TT* 15 44 35.3090420424 -35 21 49.414102416     12.296   10.637 K5 7 0
53 CD-33 10685 Or* 15 45 12.8678037432 -34 17 30.644403036 12.47 11.56 10.224 9.60 8.685 K3Ve 273 1
54 V* KW Lup PM* 15 45 47.6002137432 -30 20 55.746457152   10.34 9.37   7.956 K2V 72 0
55 CD-35 10498 TT* 15 46 41.2077442728 -36 18 47.458696608 12.21 12.24 11.21 10.00 9.44 K1e 23 0
56 RX J1546.7-3459 TT* 15 46 45.0643631952 -34 59 47.435602200           M0 6 0
57 2MASS J15470841-3540195 TT* 15 47 08.4232049976 -35 40 19.656166440     13.3     K5 5 0
58 CD-39 10162 TT* 15 47 41.7650471808 -40 18 26.748166644 12.58 12.33 11.158 10.75 10.047 K1e 30 0
59 V* HM Lup Or* 15 47 50.6288371920 -35 28 35.404076028   15.941 14.748 14.337   M3e 83 0
60 THA 15-5 TT* 15 47 56.9427182064 -35 14 34.796420412   14.5 16.2     K7e 85 0
61 2MASS J15480212-4004277 Y*O 15 48 02.1266021375 -40 04 27.480321789 12.64 12.03 11.08 10.53 10.03 K7-M0 7 0
62 V* HN Lup Or* 15 48 05.2154956876 -35 15 53.295162846   16.083 14.377 13.726   M3.5e 61 0
63 RX J1548.1-3452 TT* 15 48 08.9376681792 -34 52 53.272833384     13.83     M2.5 10 0
64 2MASS J15484253-3520066 Y*O 15 48 42.5281605912 -35 20 06.740173104           M4 5 0
65 RX J1548.9-3513 TT* 15 48 54.1266554136 -35 13 18.675061536     13.9     K6 7 0
66 V* GQ Lup Or* 15 49 12.1053805848 -35 39 05.058139788 12.19 12.76 11.66 11.15   K7Ve 292 1
67 Sz 76 TT* 15 49 30.7355449512 -35 49 51.413284020   16.611 15.095 14.710   M3.2 52 0
68 HD 141277 TT* 15 49 44.9775230 -39 25 09.113328   11.40 10.640   9.523 K1IV(e) 31 0
69 V* MV Lup TT* 15 49 59.2107255432 -36 29 57.438440124 11.98 12.59 11.28 10.02 9.52 K2 24 0
70 2MASS J15504672-3829267 TT* 15 50 46.7203448976 -38 29 26.811903228     13.44     K7 8 0
71 Sz 77 TT* 15 51 46.9580885472 -35 56 44.112678504   12.0       K5.5 69 0
72 V* MW Lup TT* 15 52 19.5216794160 -38 19 31.379604564 15.80 14.46 13.19 12.43 11.55 K7 14 0
73 2MASS J15552621-3338232 Y*O 15 55 26.2194715296 -33 38 23.285843664 14.51 13.58 12.45 11.74 11.05 K5 16 0
74 THA 15-10 TT* 15 55 50.289888 -38 01 33.50928   16.24 14.88 14.74   M5.1 37 0
75 WRAY 15-1384 TT* 15 56 02.0994258408 -36 55 28.274506140 14.91 14.342 13.470 13.311 11.86 M1 45 0
76 THA 15-12 Or* 15 56 09.2066646912 -37 56 06.126118692   13.12 11.93 11.45   M0e 434 0
77 HD 142527 Ae* 15 56 41.8882637904 -42 19 23.248281828   9.04 8.34     F6III 652 1
78 V* RU Lup TT* 15 56 42.3108692112 -37 49 15.473946900 9.27 10.07 9.60     K7/M0e 472 0
79 Lupus 2 MoC 15 57 08 -37 47.1           ~ 114 1
80 WRAY 15-1388 TT* 15 57 24.0102960624 -42 40 04.569017736   15.290 13.973 13.626   K7/M0 20 0
81 Sz 127 Y*O 15 57 30.3407870926 -42 10 32.444768724   16.12 14.81 14.96   M5e 10 0
82 Sz 128 TT* 15 58 07.315776 -41 51 48.02400   16.544 15.093 14.517   M1.5e 18 0
83 2MASS J15585980-3646206 TT* 15 58 59.8009052088 -36 46 21.044992260     13.57     M1.5 11 0
84 V* RY Lup Or* 15 59 28.3864710696 -40 21 51.249496176   12.62 9.90     G8/K1IV-V 224 0
85 CD-36 10569 TT* 15 59 49.5108561504 -36 28 27.904409112 13.01 12.06 11.12 10.32 9.66 K3e 36 0
86 2MASS J15595416-3750469 Y*O 15 59 54.1703793240 -37 50 46.955070960 15.84 14.60 13.03 12.23 10.97 M0.5 10 0
87 UCAC3 96-205744 Y*O 16 00 00.6018563304 -42 21 56.821951152   17.29 15.85 15.25 13.43 M4.5 37 0
88 Sz 131 Y*O 16 00 49.4333360352 -41 30 03.916812096   17.51 16.13 14.60 12.92 M2 42 0
89 RX J1601.8-4026 ** 16 01 49.4221861728 -40 26 19.326630228   13.58 12.46 12.09 10.916 K7 9 0
90 V* NN Lup TT* 16 01 59.1820440840 -36 12 55.584740952 13.75 12.99 13.10 11.29 10.381 K3 25 0
91 NAME Lupus Complex SFR 16 03 -38.1           ~ 731 0
92 HD 325367 Or* 16 03 05.4915085848 -40 18 25.426727676   11.40 8.50     M0 366 0
93 Lupus 4 MoC 16 03 12.4 -42 07 43           ~ 152 0
94 CD-39 10292 TT* 16 03 52.5008065896 -39 39 01.266425244 12.83 12.00 11.01 10.38 9.79 K3V 26 0
95 HD 143978 PM* 16 04 57.0731670000 -38 57 15.710985792 9.75 9.70 9.199 8.97 8.534 G0V 27 0
96 V* NP Lup TT* 16 05 33.2943805416 -38 37 45.214988592     14.38     M1 13 0
97 CD-38 10866 TT* 16 05 45.0016393344 -39 06 06.533278704 11.60 11.41 10.584 10.02 9.645 K0Ve 24 0
98 RX J1606.3-4447 Y*O 16 06 23.3490174744 -44 47 35.556490356   13.43 12.28 12.17   K4 9 0
99 1RXS J160652.6-241627 TT* 16 06 54.388800 -24 16 10.84908   14.05 12.72 12.61   M3e 23 0
100 V* HO Lup Or* 16 07 00.603672 -39 02 19.49316   13.94 13.17 13.03   M1e 66 0
101 THA 15-21 TT* 16 07 10.0694468880 -39 11 03.260683896   15.28 13.70 13.70 12.49 K7-M0 73 0
102 THA 15-20 TT* 16 07 11.5873449384 -39 03 47.492129340   16.25 14.58 14.11 12.92 M0.5 107 0
103 RX J1607.2-3839 Y*O 16 07 13.6947058536 -38 39 23.892759648 15.22 14.11 12.76 11.87 10.95 K7 16 0
104 Sz 95 TT* 16 07 52.3109740056 -38 58 06.091698756   16.714 15.189 14.934 12.53 ~ 53 0
105 RX J1608.0-3857 TT* 16 07 59.971704 -38 57 51.00912 15.16 14.276 12.830 12.503 10.819 ~ 15 0
106 2MASS J16081096-3910459 TT* 16 08 10.9590962904 -39 10 45.934592664 15.15 14.08 12.84 12.06 11.38 ~ 13 0
107 Sz 96 TT* 16 08 12.6308620920 -39 08 33.470354256   14.80 13.43 13.69 11.84 ~ 79 0
108 V* NQ Lup TT* 16 08 18.1987920557 -38 44 05.706934083 14.54 13.518 12.243 11.930 10.60 ~ 17 0
109 THA 15-24 Y*O 16 08 21.8037909864 -39 04 21.491863824   16.18 14.61 14.67 12.92 M3 58 0
110 THA 15-25 Y*O 16 08 24.0422612880 -39 05 49.433170740   15.49 16.00 15.39 14.17 M3.5 49 0
111 2MASS J16082519-3840558 TT* 16 08 25.1986263816 -38 40 55.927535700       14.75 13.06 M5 7 0
112 THA 15-27 Y*O 16 08 28.43136 -39 05 32.4312   17.03 15.46 14.00 12.35 M4 29 0
113 WRAY 16-203 Or* 16 08 29.7275063376 -39 03 11.024360496   16.26 15.91 15.38 15.69 K0: 172 1
114 THA 15-30 TT* 16 08 30.8142130416 -39 05 48.837746436   15.2 15.25 13.96 13.57 M5 61 0
115 2MASS J16083156-3847292 TT* 16 08 31.5456553776 -38 47 29.164332012     13.72 12.65 11.28 ~ 19 0
116 V* V856 Sco Ae* 16 08 34.2870044544 -39 06 18.325711332 7.66 7.41 7.05 6.92   A9V_sh 391 0
117 V* V1027 Sco a2* 16 08 34.5616203192 -39 05 34.278268848   6.552 6.629 6.66   A0/3III 194 0
118 V* V1094 Sco TT* 16 08 36.1772010696 -39 23 02.464980972 16.01 15.00 13.48 12.47 11.45 ~ 78 1
119 2MASS J16083974-3929228 Y*? 16 08 39.7447960992 -39 29 22.869438036       15.44 13.49 M5 6 0
120 Sz 107 Y*O 16 08 41.7980924472 -39 01 37.038551232   17.31 16.06 15.42 13.20 M5.5 41 0
121 UCAC3 102-194910 Y*O 16 08 53.2420957464 -39 14 40.160339952   17.53 16.35 15.35 13.52 M3 50 1
122 RX J1608.9-3905 TT* 16 08 54.2744987760 -39 06 05.799061764 12.57 11.91 10.88 10.28 9.74 ~ 24 0
123 UCAC2 14861687 Y*O 16 08 54.2933210976 -39 46 04.648846584 18.68 18.68 15.33 14.26 12.57 M3.5 11 0
124 THA 15-33 TT* 16 08 54.6849382512 -39 37 43.145069664   15.34 13.98 13.29   M1IVe 92 0
125 Sz 112 Y*O 16 08 55.5289090032 -39 02 33.941081832   16.62 15.39 14.78 12.93 M6 67 0
126 THA 15-34 Y*O 16 08 57.8026653048 -39 02 22.853868252   17.46 16.50 16.64 14.65 M6 59 0
127 THA 15-35 Or* 16 09 01.8486544824 -39 05 12.414717240   15.33 14.12 14.35 12.54 M5.5 109 0
128 2MASS J16090452-3921125 Y*? 16 09 04.5246160776 -39 21 12.497203224       14.61 12.52 M5 5 0
129 Sz 115 TT* 16 09 06.2137580736 -39 08 51.873869400   16.88 15.48 15.09 13.12 ~ 50 0
130 WRAY 15-1423 TT* 16 09 12.2687210136 -41 40 24.974074416     12.5     K/Me 18 0
131 2MASS J16092320-3855547 TT* 16 09 23.1946497840 -38 55 54.588719532     14.42 13.41 11.86 ~ 11 0
132 RX J1609.4-3850 TT* 16 09 27.395520 -38 50 19.02516 15.28 14.15 12.78 12.45 10.670 ~ 12 0
133 Lupus 3 SFR 16 09.6 -39 03           ~ 325 0
134 1RXS J160941.7-221803 TT* 16 09 40.9929383688 -22 17 59.527565484   13.8 12.561   10.655 M0e 35 0
135 THA 15-36 TT* 16 09 42.565776 -39 19 41.09520   15.30 13.89 13.57 11.68 ~ 27 0
136 THA 15-37 Y*O 16 09 44.3607357216 -39 13 30.167581764   15.84 14.59 14.20 12.38 M2 60 0
137 Sz 118 Y*O 16 09 48.6562295568 -39 11 16.847425032   18.32 16.90 16.61 15.00 K6 66 0
138 RX J1609.9-3923 TT* 16 09 53.986176 -39 23 27.78720   15.76 14.14 13.93 11.77 ~ 14 0
139 THA 15-38 TT* 16 09 57.0796720248 -38 59 48.025255020   15.35 13.71 13.49 11.96 ~ 24 0
140 V* V1096 Sco TT* 16 10 04.7938071672 -40 16 12.286370424 12.76 12.10 11.284 10.64 10.098 K2e 22 0
141 HD 144965 Be* 16 10 10.5557672592 -40 07 43.767402492 6.71 7.206 7.114     B3Vne 66 0
142 THA 15-40 TT* 16 10 12.1994252424 -39 21 17.990363016   15.70 14.06 13.88 11.84 ~ 32 0
143 THA 15-41 TT* 16 10 16.4255309472 -39 08 05.033094180   15.33 13.73 13.28 12.12 M2 33 0
144 THA 15-42 Y*O 16 10 51.5849835192 -38 53 13.767885384   15.89 14.48 14.44 12.95 M1e 73 0
145 2MASS J16113801-3841356 TT* 16 11 38.0194605120 -38 41 35.679110172 17.05 15.31 13.40 12.28 11.22 ~ 12 0
146 NAME Upper Sco Association As* 16 12 -23.4           ~ 1396 1
147 RX J1612.0-3840 Or* 16 12 01.4080284805 -38 40 27.672302829 14.12 12.99 11.999 10.87 10.285 ~ 14 0
148 UCAC3 104-204340 Y*O 16 12 07.6124856384 -38 13 24.387555432       14.42 12.72 M4.5 8 0
149 2MASS J16122204-4012522 TT* 16 12 22.0463788464 -40 12 52.160386860           M5 6 0
150 UCAC3 104-204438 Y*O 16 12 43.7499349656 -38 15 03.075603264   15.00 13.44 13.39 11.61 M1 44 0
151 V* V1097 Sco TT* 16 13 02.4148850592 -40 04 32.961135720 16.48 15.10 13.49 12.51 11.39 K7 14 0
152 2MASS J16131267-3803513 TT* 16 13 12.6863271000 -38 03 51.358738680     12.9     ~ 10 0
153 2MASS J16140211-2301021 TT* 16 14 02.1139873416 -23 01 02.188083216   12.2       G4 36 0
154 [T64] 7 Y*O 16 14 20.2879618512 -19 06 48.064403304           K5e 66 0
155 IRAS 16114-1858 mul 16 14 22.1 -19 06 14           ~ 48 0
156 RX J1614.4-3808 TT* 16 14 26.3726174928 -38 07 59.641850856     12.690   11.060 ~ 10 0
157 NAME Upper Sco-Cen As* 16 15 -24.2           ~ 1345 1
158 2MASS J16155664-3947163 TT* 16 15 56.6539499880 -39 47 16.271795040     15.0     M0.5 7 0
159 RX J1615.9-3241 Y*O 16 15 56.9651570304 -32 41 25.089145044     13.00 12.09   K6 8 0
160 RX J1620.7-2348 TT* 16 20 45.9589363608 -23 48 20.906432316           ~ 23 0
161 2MASS J16212844-2312110 TT* 16 21 28.4528333328 -23 12 11.126305332     13.79 12.67 11.54 ~ 15 0
162 Haro 1-1 Or* 16 21 34.7045923320 -26 12 26.913018060   14.59       K5e 60 0
163 CD-22 11523 Or* 16 23 07.8224200992 -23 00 59.996370852   13.10 11.85 11.71 10.290 K5 39 0
164 HD 147402 TT* 16 23 29.5554512712 -39 58 00.847339680 11.63 11.42 10.64 10.40 10.03 G3IV 23 0
165 HD 147454 Y*O 16 23 32.3091083136 -34 39 49.967960508   9.72 9.30     F6V 12 0
166 CD-34 10971 Er* 16 23 37.6334408136 -34 40 21.869905980   10.06 9.548   8.724 G0 11 0
167 HD 147808 TT* 16 24 51.3636976776 -22 39 32.558556276   10.69 9.81   8.58 G9IVe 38 0
168 EM* SR 6 TT* 16 25 28.6309294272 -23 46 26.395661496   13.24 12.08 11.37 10.53 K2IV 19 0
169 DoAr 25 TT* 16 26 23.6911292736 -24 43 13.888543800       12.65   K5 168 0
170 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1
171 IRAS 16289-4449 Or* 16 32 32.19264 -44 55 30.6552       15.95   ~ 142 1
172 V* V1003 Oph TT* 16 34 09.1696133088 -15 48 16.776092124     13.44     G5 98 0
173 Hen 3-1254 Em* 16 46 44.3059261464 -15 14 37.904670564   14.12 13.02     ~ 9 0
174 Hen 3-1258 Or* 16 48 45.6326070624 -14 16 35.849828856   14.94 13.34 12.84   K6 122 0
175 2MASS J16490082-1417108 TT* 16 49 00.8094451056 -14 17 10.762697436   17.1 15.2     ~ 15 0
176 V* V1725 Oph RR? 17 16 13.8648146400 -20 57 45.489902544           ~ 15 0
177 NAME Galactic Center reg 17 45 39.60213 -29 00 22.0000           ~ 14704 0

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