
Query : 2014A&A...570A..74P

2014A&A...570A..74P - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 570A, 74-74 (2014/10-1)

The VMC Survey. XII. Star cluster candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud.


Abstract (from CDS):

In this work we analyse colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of catalogued star clusters located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), from a YJKs photometric data set obtained by the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC). We studied a total of 98 objects of small angular size, typically ∼11.6pc in diameter projected towards both uncrowded tile LMC 8_8 and crowded tile LMC 5_5. They populate relatively crowded LMC fields with significant fluctuations in the stellar density, the luminosity function, and the colour distribution as well as uncrowded fields. This cluster sample is aimed at actually probing our performance in reaching the CMD features of clusters with different ages in crowded and uncrowded fields. We applied a subtraction procedure to statistically clean the cluster CMDs from field star contamination. We then matched theoretical isochrones to the background-subtracted CMDs to determine the ages and metallicities of the clusters. We estimated the ages of 65 clusters, which resulted to be in the age range 7.3<log(t/yr)<9.55. We also classified as chance grouping of stars 19 previoulsy catalogued clusters, two possible cluster-like asterisms, and one unresolved cluster. For eight other objects, we could not find a clear star concentration in the Ks images either, so we quoted them as cluster-like asterisms. Finally, we found two previously catalogued single star clusters to be unresolved background galaxies (KMHK747, OGLE366), and one to be a triple cluster system (BSDL 2144).

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): techniques: photometric - Magellanic Clouds - galaxies: clusters: general

Simbad objects: 105

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Number of rows : 105
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
2 NAME Magellanic Bridge HI 03 11 -77.5           ~ 452 1
3 KMHK 736 Cl* 05 17 41.830 -71 03 50.88   13.50 13.21     ~ 11 0
4 KMHK 740 Cl* 05 17 47 -71 09.4           ~ 5 0
5 KMHK 738 OpC 05 17 49.390 -70 48 00.64           ~ 10 0
6 BSDL 1182 Cl* 05 18 04 -71 26.1           ~ 3 0
7 KMHK 747 Cl* 05 18 04 -71 16.1           ~ 5 0
8 KMHK 750 Cl* 05 18 18 -70 43.4           ~ 6 0
9 KMHK 764 Cl* 05 18 51 -70 36.2           ~ 6 0
10 KMHK 783 Cl* 05 19 35.570 -71 12 28.91           ~ 11 0
11 KMHK 793 Cl* 05 20 00.280 -70 39 49.99           ~ 13 0
12 OGLE-CL LMC 365 Cl* 05 20 08.04 -70 09 15.0           ~ 8 0
13 OGLE-CL LMC 366 Cl* 05 20 08.08 -70 08 34.0           ~ 3 0
14 KMHK 799 Cl* 05 20 21.410 -70 46 09.05           ~ 12 0
15 KMHK 801 Cl* 05 20 27.71 -70 27 00.0           ~ 7 0
16 KMHK 805 Cl* 05 20 37.00 -70 57 51.7           ~ 9 0
17 BSDL 1341 Cl* 05 21 00.04 -70 18 57.4           ~ 5 0
18 KMHK 814 Cl* 05 21 01.380 -70 52 26.40           ~ 11 0
19 KMHK 819 Cl* 05 21 20 -71 24.4           ~ 4 0
20 BSDL 1355 Cl* 05 21 21.69 -70 54 01.0           ~ 6 0
21 KMHK 835 Cl* 05 22 03.640 -71 10 46.65           ~ 5 0
22 [GKK2003] O015 OpC 05 22 06 -71 19.0           ~ 3 0
23 NAME LMC Bar PoG 05 22 08 -69 23.5           ~ 316 0
24 [GKK2003] O119 OpC 05 22 30 -70 21.0           ~ 4 0
25 NGC 1943 Cl* 05 22 30.310 -70 09 18.76   12.15 11.88     ~ 34 0
26 BSDL 1504 OpC 05 23 06 -71 25.3           ~ 5 0
27 KMHK 845 OpC 05 23 12 -70 46.7           ~ 10 0
28 [SL63] 431 Cl* 05 23 12 -70 16.8   13.20 12.95     ~ 6 0
29 [HS66] 265 OpC 05 23 17 -70 14.2           ~ 5 0
30 KMHK 853 As* 05 23 30 -71 25.6           ~ 17 0
31 NAME LMC G 05 23 34.6 -69 45 22     0.4     ~ 17683 0
32 KMHK 855 OpC 05 23 41.740 -71 02 23.10           ~ 8 0
33 KMK88 55 Cl* 05 23 44 -70 05.9           ~ 6 0
34 [SL63] 439 OpC 05 23 59 -70 10.5           ~ 6 0
35 OGLE-CL LMC 451 Cl* 05 25 14.78 -70 05 57.3           ~ 6 0
36 BSDL 1645 Cl* 05 25 23 -71 11.5           ~ 3 0
37 OGLE-CL LMC 460 Cl* 05 25 38.18 -70 15 42.2           ~ 7 0
38 BSDL 1672 Cl* 05 25 40 -71 05.4           ~ 3 0
39 KMHK 897 Cl* 05 25 58 -70 27.6           ~ 6 0
40 OGLE-CL LMC 469 Cl* 05 26 05.49 -70 05 34.3           ~ 8 0
41 KMHK 907 Cl* 05 26 12 -70 58.9           ~ 9 0
42 KMHK 906 Cl* 05 26 14 -70 22.9           ~ 6 0
43 OGLE-CL LMC 471 Cl* 05 26 17.43 -70 13 16.4           ~ 5 0
44 BSDL 1790 Cl* 05 26 53.23 -70 12 33.2           ~ 5 0
45 NAME KMHK925e Cl* 05 27 08.920 -71 01 16.24           ~ 4 0
46 KMHK 927 OpC 05 27 16.240 -71 10 17.02           ~ 7 0
47 NGC 1987 GlC 05 27 16.940 -70 44 14.16   12.1       ~ 92 0
48 BSDL 1830 As* 05 27 34 -70 36.8           ~ 5 0
49 BSDL 1875 Cl* 05 27 55 -71 32.7           ~ 5 0
50 BSDL 1876 As* 05 27 56 -71 31.1           ~ 5 0
51 OGLE-CL LMC 515 Cl* 05 28 54.32 -70 12 18.2           ~ 7 0
52 KMHK 961 OpC 05 28 55 -71 07.2           ~ 6 0
53 BSDL 1955 Cl* 05 29 18 -71 01.7           ~ 4 0
54 KMHK 968 Cl* 05 29 20 -70 34.8           ~ 12 0
55 BSDL 1949 Cl* 05 29 23.98 -70 14 12.0           ~ 6 0
56 BSDL 1980 Cl* 05 29 33 -70 59.6           ~ 8 0
57 KMHK 979 OpC 05 29 39 -70 59.0           ~ 11 0
58 KMHK 984 OpC 05 29 46 -71 00.0           ~ 10 0
59 BSDL 2008 Cl* 05 29 49 -71 04.3           ~ 3 0
60 OGLE-CL LMC 534 Cl* 05 30 03.66 -70 07 32.2           ~ 5 0
61 OGLE-CL LMC 536 Cl* 05 30 03.77 -70 12 15.4           ~ 4 0
62 KMHK 999 Cl* 05 30 13.920 -71 33 28.52           ~ 5 0
63 KMHK 997 Cl* 05 30 20 -70 25.0           ~ 5 0
64 BSDL 2063 Cl* 05 30 27 -70 33.5           ~ 3 0
65 OGLE-CL LMC 542 Cl* 05 30 34.20 -70 11 51.4           ~ 4 0
66 NGC 2010 Cl* 05 30 34.230 -70 49 08.23   11.96 11.72     ~ 39 0
67 OGLE-CL LMC 545 Cl* 05 30 39.55 -70 13 06.9           ~ 5 0
68 OGLE-CL LMC 546 Cl* 05 30 40.70 -70 13 21.2   13.85 13.32     ~ 10 0
69 KMHK 1008 OpC 05 30 56.260 -70 41 43.76   11.20 11.03     ~ 15 0
70 [GKK2003] O100 OpC 05 31 00 -70 55.0           ~ 3 0
71 BSDL 2123 Cl* 05 31 04.31 -70 10 00.6           ~ 6 0
72 BSDL 2144 Cl* 05 31 07 -71 07.8           ~ 4 0
73 BSDL 2147 Cl* 05 31 16 -70 22.6           ~ 4 0
74 OGLE-CL LMC 556 Cl* 05 31 20.390 -70 12 54.15   13.02 12.59     ~ 11 0
75 [GKK2003] O102 OpC 05 31 30 -70 45.0           ~ 3 0
76 BSDL 2202 Cl* 05 31 40 -70 44.1           ~ 3 0
77 BSDL 2196 Cl* 05 31 44.45 -70 12 06.3           ~ 5 0
78 BRHT 53b Cl* 05 31 45.78 -70 18 27.0           ~ 8 0
79 BSDL 2199 Cl* 05 31 45.81 -70 15 09.5           ~ 5 0
80 BRHT 53a Cl* 05 31 50.36 -70 17 21.5           ~ 10 0
81 BSDL 2221 Cl* 05 31 53 -70 17.7           ~ 4 0
82 RMC 136 Cl* 05 38 42.396 -69 06 03.36   5.81 5.40     ~ 2043 2
83 KMHK 1510 Cl* 05 54 33 -65 44.4           ~ 4 0
84 BSDL 3174 As* 05 54 43 -66 42.8           ~ 4 0
85 NGC 2138 Cl* 05 54 49.470 -65 50 13.16   14.04 13.76     ~ 9 0
86 KMHK 1519 Cl* 05 54 54.050 -66 42 48.05           ~ 8 0
87 KMHK 1521 OpC 05 54 58 -67 06.8           ~ 6 0
88 LW 334 Cl* 05 56 06 -66 16.4           ~ 4 0
89 BSDL 3188 Cl* 05 57 24 -66 16.0           ~ 3 0
90 NGC 2153 Cl* 05 57 51.970 -66 24 02.07   13.74 13.05     ~ 24 0
91 KMHK 1552 Cl* 05 57 52.130 -65 56 54.47           ~ 8 0
92 BSDL 3190 Cl* 05 57 53 -65 56.6           ~ 4 0
93 KMHK 1568 Cl* 05 58 46 -66 50.6           ~ 4 0
94 KMHK 1567 Cl* 05 58 49.790 -66 03 26.46           ~ 7 0
95 KMHK 1577 Cl* 05 59 50 -66 46.1           ~ 6 0
96 KMHK 1578 Cl* 05 59 58.340 -66 26 33.76           ~ 5 0
97 KMHK 1585 Cl* 06 00 49 -66 54.8           ~ 4 0
98 NGC 2176 Cl* 06 01 20.050 -66 51 15.24           ~ 8 0
99 KMHK 1592 Cl* 06 01 30 -66 59.2           ~ 10 0
100 KMHK 1597 Cl* 06 02 09 -65 46.5           ~ 5 0
101 KMHK 1600 Cl* 06 02 28.310 -66 55 10.87           ~ 8 0
102 KMHK 1607 Cl* 06 02 51 -66 39.5           ~ 4 0
103 KMHK 1609 Cl* 06 03 10.9 -65 40 31           ~ 6 0
104 KMHK 1611 Cl* 06 03 20 -66 07.5           ~ 4 0
105 KMHK 1623 Cl* 06 04 34 -66 26.5           ~ 6 0

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