
Query : 2014AJ....147...83S

2014AJ....147...83S - Astron. J., 147, 83 (2014/April-0)

CSI 2264: characterizing accretion-burst dominated light curves for young stars in NGC 2264.


Abstract (from CDS):

Based on more than four weeks of continuous high-cadence photometric monitoring of several hundred members of the young cluster NGC 2264 with two space telescopes, NASA's Spitzer and the CNES CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and planetary Transits), we provide high-quality, multi-wavelength light curves for young stellar objects whose optical variability is dominated by short-duration flux bursts, which we infer are due to enhanced mass accretion rates. These light curves show many brief–several hours to one day–brightenings at optical and near-infrared wavelengths with amplitudes generally in the range of 5%-50% of the quiescent value. Typically, a dozen or more of these bursts occur in a 30 day period. We demonstrate that stars exhibiting this type of variability have large ultraviolet (UV) excesses and dominate the portion of the u - g versus g - r color-color diagram with the largest UV excesses. These stars also have large Hα equivalent widths, and either centrally peaked, lumpy Hα emission profiles or profiles with blueshifted absorption dips associated with disk or stellar winds. Light curves of this type have been predicted for stars whose accretion is dominated by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities at the boundary between their magnetosphere and inner circumstellar disk, or where magneto-rotational instabilities modulate the accretion rate from the inner disk. Among the stars with the largest UV excesses or largest Hα equivalent widths, light curves with this type of variability greatly outnumber light curves with relatively smooth sinusoidal variations associated with long-lived hot spots. We provide quantitative statistics for the average duration and strength of the accretion bursts and for the fraction of the accretion luminosity associated with these bursts.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): accretion, accretion disks - circumstellar matter - stars: formation - stars: pre-main sequence - stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be

CDS comments: Mon-000372, 000824 and 000893 not in Simbad (not enough information).

Simbad objects: 52

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Number of rows : 52
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* AA Tau Or* 04 34 55.4201902392 +24 28 53.033624580 13.14 13.34 12.20 12.03   K5Ve 725 0
2 KHA 62 TT* 06 40 02.6617734888 +09 35 24.282918096 19.02 19.11 17.59 16.57 15.13 M2.7 24 0
3 EM* LkHA 6 TT* 06 40 12.5793460257 +10 05 40.588962868   17.034 15.788 15.133 13.82 ~ 35 0
4 V* QY Mon TT* 06 40 13.7046766584 +09 56 30.589317204 17.52 18.28 17.02 15.88 14.64 M2 49 0
5 ESO-HA 353 TT* 06 40 14.1761504280 +09 34 28.433362584   19.8 18.29 17.04 15.39 M1 26 0
6 V* KX Mon TT* 06 40 23.0840493144 +09 27 42.391108332 16.58 16.8 15.72 14.9 14.17 K6 44 0
7 V* KY Mon TT* 06 40 24.1573566168 +09 34 12.489007980     14.80 16.60 15.15 M0.7 56 0
8 V* LL Mon TT* 06 40 25.8747588192 +09 50 57.591537612 18.11 18.52 17.71 16.7 15.49 M2.5 43 0
9 V* NU Mon TT* 06 40 36.5302620744 +09 50 45.672286128 17.88 18.12 16.92 15.9 14.59 M0.8 48 0
10 EM* LkHA 15 TT* 06 40 36.6584524656 +09 52 03.230475996 17.24 17.52 16.27 15.33 14.35 K4e 54 0
11 V* LM Mon TT* 06 40 39.1166554320 +09 50 58.629485832 16.56 16.79 15.55 14.74 13.84 K4 54 0
12 Cl* NGC 2264 FMS 140 TT* 06 40 40.5204860640 +09 35 01.155348636   15.15 18.91 17.51 15.62 M5 13 0
13 V* NX Mon TT* 06 40 41.1406157328 +09 33 57.856168584 15.139 16.43 15.87 15.49 14.401 K7: 78 0
14 V* LP Mon TT* 06 40 41.3216657160 +09 51 02.408344848 16.91 17.08 16.13 15.23 14.24 K7e 48 0
15 V* GP Mon A TT* 06 40 41.8501431072 +09 51 44.289215136           K5e 39 0
16 V* GP Mon Or* 06 40 41.855376 +09 51 44.33508 17.36 16.06 14.59 13.74 12.87 ~ 36 0
17 V* LQ Mon TT* 06 40 43.2158542128 +09 47 07.243136772 17.403 17.29 15.84 14.91 13.97 K6 60 0
18 ESO-HA 399 TT* 06 40 44.5898682264 +09 32 26.171210580   19.65 18.29 17.23 15.61 M3e 33 0
19 EM* LkHA 364 TT* 06 40 45.1638228528 +09 28 44.402128932 15.82 15.25 14.2 13.59 13.03 K2 51 0
20 V* NY Mon TT* 06 40 47.1143763720 +09 32 40.066736352 17.49 17.57 16.33 15.36 14.28 M1V 50 0
21 V* LS Mon TT* 06 40 48.3759185928 +09 48 38.533368060 17.5 17.8 16.8 15.95 14.89 M0/1e 39 0
22 V* LT Mon TT* 06 40 49.8920296632 +09 36 49.458646872 16.4 16.49 15.42 14.6 13.80 K4 64 0
23 EM* LkHA 31 TT* 06 40 50.5906149192 +09 54 57.310885296 16.71 16.07 14.9 14.16 13.47 K2e 56 0
24 EM* LkHA 33 TT* 06 40 51.5429401920 +09 43 24.229130664 16.31 15.69 14.51 13.85 13.22 K4 64 0
25 V* NZ Mon TT* 06 40 51.5889922248 +09 28 44.516455896 17.85 17.32 16.07 15.21 14.37 K4e 50 0
26 NGC 2264 OpC 06 40 52.1 +09 52 37           ~ 1806 0
27 EM* LkHA 36 TT* 06 40 54.1310590032 +09 48 43.387438104     17.805 16.501 15.601 M2/3e 39 0
28 EM* LkHA 37 TT* 06 40 54.2630500753 +09 49 20.332433044 17.3 17.84 16.69 15.6 14.56 M0/1e 61 0
29 ESO-HA 440 TT* 06 40 55.7436410304 +09 46 45.659736336   19.68 18.24 16.99 15.42 M3.8 28 0
30 EM* LkHA 40 TT* 06 40 56.3982924576 +09 35 53.275086024 17.99 18.11 16.7 15.71 14.62 K3e 49 0
31 V* V603 Mon TT* 06 40 57.8384372520 +09 41 20.164429608 18.21 17.73 16.27 15.27 14.23 M0 45 0
32 KHA 103 TT* 06 40 58.8258827088 +09 39 18.748380528   17.83 17.02 16.01 14.95 M0e 47 0
33 V* LV Mon TT* 06 40 59.6792286312 +09 28 43.767341760 17.06 17.05 15.9 15.13 14.14 M1 42 0
34 ESO-HA 455 TT* 06 40 59.9063364744 +09 47 04.504919100 19.11 19.55 17.800 16.89 15.67 M3.4 37 0
35 V* V354 Mon TT* 06 41 00.5100986520 +09 29 15.955881864 16.81 15.94 14.73 14.04 13.34 K4e 59 0
36 ESO-HA 473 TT* 06 41 03.6067060128 +09 30 29.023373196   19.53 17.79 16.55 14.72 M5 42 0
37 V* LY Mon TT* 06 41 04.2833670727 +09 24 52.196452401 16.44 16.324 15.510 15.492 14.10 M0e 54 0
38 ESO-HA 489 TT* 06 41 06.2291084616 +09 25 03.638198640   19.35 18.01 16.78 14.95 M5e 33 0
39 EM* LkHA 55 TT* 06 41 06.4290543744 +09 28 38.841216132 18.71 18.49 17.29 16.16 15.10 M1.5e 36 0
40 EM* LkHA 54 TT* 06 41 06.8095737634 +09 27 32.279152952 14.22 14.01 12.97 12.27 11.61 Ge 39 0
41 ESO-HA 509 TT* 06 41 10.9974751704 +09 35 55.710578148 18.62 18.81 17.85 16.57 15.28 K7e 43 0
42 V* V583 Mon TT* 06 41 13.2977989440 +09 31 50.279006532 19.51 19.3 17.71 16.39 14.61 M4e 43 0
43 EM* LkHA 63 TT* 06 41 14.8547541768 +09 25 55.220567160       17.44   M2.5 28 0
44 V* MN Mon TT* 06 41 16.7841879888 +09 27 30.211272648 16.38 16.36 15.34 14.59 13.91 K4 55 0
45 V* IQ Mon TT* 06 41 17.2493242224 +09 54 32.366329200 16.16 16.62 15.69 14.96 14.13 K7 57 0
46 EM* LkHA 67 Or* 06 41 18.3745865088 +09 39 41.204991816 17.47 17.53 16.36 15.53 14.57 M1e 52 0
47 EM* LkHA 76 TT* 06 41 38.7721289424 +09 32 11.817497292 16.17 16.25 15.08 14.25 13.41 K4e 48 0
48 V* MP Mon Or* 06 41 42.8774801952 +09 25 08.395685148 17.78 17.99 16.87 15.93 14.95 M2.5 46 0
49 Cl* NGC 2264 VAS 204 TT* 06 41 47.8022258640 +09 34 09.705425160 16.854 15.64 14.522 13.77 13.047 K6 36 0
50 V* PQ Mon Or* 06 41 53.041200 +09 58 02.65908   16.04 14.98 14.19 13.71 K7 29 0
51 EM* LkHA 369 Or* 06 41 54.9325137120 +09 42 52.691016744       17.09 15.61 M2.5 28 0
52 V* MQ Mon Or* 06 42 08.7042771984 +09 41 21.264974916 15.876 15.689 14.80 14.42 13.526 K3e 42 0

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