
Query : 2015A&A...574A.104T

2015A&A...574A.104T - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 574A, 104-104 (2015/2-1)

Chains of dense cores in the Taurus L1495/B213 complex.


Abstract (from CDS):

Cloud fragmentation into dense cores is a critical step in the process of star formation. A number of recent observations show that it is connected to the filamentary structure of the gas, but the processes responsible for core formation remain mysterious. We studied the kinematics and spatial distribution of the dense gas in the L1495/B213 filamentary region of the Taurus molecular cloud with the goal of understanding the mechanism of core formation. We mapped the densest regions of L1495/B213 in N2H+(1-0) and C18O(2-1) with the IRAM 30 m telescope, and complemented these data with archival dust-continuum observations from the Herschel Space Observatory. The dense cores in L1495/B213 are significantly clustered in linear chain-like groups about 0.5pc long. The internal motions in these chains are mostly subsonic and the velocity is continuous, indicating that turbulence dissipation in the cloud has occurred at the scale of the chains and not at the smaller scale of the individual cores. The chains also present an approximately constant abundance of N2H+ and radial intensity profiles that can be modeled with a density law that follows a softened power law. A simple analysis of the spacing between the cores using an isothermal cylinder model indicates that the cores have likely formed by gravitational fragmentation of velocity-coherent filaments. Combining our analysis of the cores with our previous study of the large-scale C18O emission from the cloud, we propose a two-step scenario of core formation in L1495/B213. In this scenario, named ``fray and fragment'', L1495/B213 originated from the supersonic collision of two flows. The collision produced a network of intertwined subsonic filaments or fibers (fray step). Some of these fibers accumulated enough mass to become gravitationally unstable and fragment into chains of closely-spaced cores.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - ISM: abundances - ISM: kinematics and dynamics - ISM: molecules - radio lines: ISM

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/574/A104): list.dat fits/*>

Simbad objects: 16

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Number of rows : 16
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NGC 1333 OpC 03 29 11.3 +31 18 36           ~ 1470 1
2 LDN 1498 DNe 04 11.0 +24 58           ~ 292 0
3 LDN 1495N DNe 04 13 50.2 +28 12 32           ~ 9 0
4 [DB2002b] G168.46-15.58 DNe 04 17.4 +28 33           ~ 10 0
5 Barnard 211 DNe 04 17 35 +27 43.1           ~ 128 0
6 LDN 1495 DNe 04 18.1 +27 37           ~ 372 1
7 LDN 1495A DNe 04 18.6 +28 25           ~ 35 0
8 V* V892 Tau Ae* 04 18 40.6157618376 +28 19 15.625058880   16.6 14.69 14.35   A0Ve 299 0
9 IRAS 04166+2706 Y*O 04 19 42.62736 +27 13 38.4312           ~ 135 0
10 IRAS 04169+2702 Y*O 04 19 58.44936 +27 09 57.0672           K0-M4 117 1
11 Barnard 213 DNe 04 20 51 +27 16.3           ~ 221 0
12 IRAS 04248+2612 Y*O 04 27 57.3239527944 +26 19 18.033264696           M 154 0
13 Barnard 218 DNe 04 28.1 +26 16           ~ 38 0
14 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
15 LDN 1517 DNe 04 55 45 +30 33.0           ~ 124 0
16 LDN 1495S DNe ~ ~           ~ 2 0

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