
Query : 2015A&A...574A.140M

2015A&A...574A.140M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 574A, 140-140 (2015/2-1)

Location and sizes of forsterite grains in protoplanetary disks. Interpretation from the Herschel DIGIT programme.


Abstract (from CDS):

The spectra of protoplanetary disks contain mid- and far- infrared emission features produced by forsterite dust grains. The spectral features contain information about the forsterite temperature, chemical composition and grain size. We aim to characterize how the 23 and 69µm features can be used to constrain the physical locations of forsterite in disks. We check for consistency between two independent forsterite temperature measurements: the I23/I69 feature strength ratio and the shape of the 69µm band. We performed radiative transfer modeling to study the effect of disk properties to the forsterite spectral features. Temperature-dependent forsterite opacities were considered in self-consistent models to compute forsterite emission from protoplanetary disks. Modelling grids are presented to study the effects of grain size, disk gaps, radial mixing and optical depth to the forsterite features. Independent temperature estimates derived from the I23/I69 feature strength ratio and the 69µm band shape are most inconsistent for HD141569 and Oph IRS 48. A case study of the disk of HD141569 shows two solutions to fit the forsterite spectrum. A model with T∼40K, iron-rich (∼0-1% Fe) and 1µm forsterite grains, and a model with warmer (T∼100K), iron-free, and larger (10µm) grains. We find that for disks with low upper limits of the 69µm feature (most notably in flat, self-shadowed disks), the forsterite must be hot, and thus close to the star. We find no correlation between disk gaps and the presence or absence of forsterite features. We argue that the 69 µm feature of the evolved transitional disks HD141569 and Oph IRS 48 is most likely a tracer of larger (i.e. >10µm) forsterite grains.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): circumstellar matter - stars: pre-main sequence - astrochemistry - protoplanetary disks - planet-disk interactions - stars: individual: HD 141569

Simbad objects: 24

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Number of rows : 24
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* AB Aur Ae* 04 55 45.8458932216 +30 33 04.292077032 7.20 7.16 7.05 6.96 6.70 A0Ve 1077 2
2 HD 35187 Y*O 05 24 01.17261 +24 57 37.5791   8.79 8.71 8.72   A2e+A7 108 0
3 HD 36112 Ae* 05 30 27.5285630040 +25 19 57.076288752   8.57 8.27     A8Ve 475 0
4 HD 38120 Be* 05 43 11.8932782280 -04 59 49.889995692 9.08 9.10 9.1     B9Vnne 92 0
5 * bet Pic PM* 05 47 17.0876901 -51 03 59.441135 4.13 4.03 3.86 3.74 3.58 A6V 1938 1
6 HD 50138 Ae* 06 51 33.3989823840 -06 57 59.450772852 6.28 6.68 6.67     A1Ib/II 221 0
7 HD 97048 Ae* 11 08 03.3109731720 -77 39 17.490777444 9.03 8.76 9.00   8.64 A0Vep 548 0
8 HD 98922 Be* 11 22 31.6743077592 -53 22 11.457008148   6.80 6.76     B9Ve 135 0
9 HD 100453 Ae* 11 33 05.5766482920 -54 19 28.547100696   8.09 7.79     F1Vn 293 1
10 HD 100546 Be* 11 33 25.4408872296 -70 11 41.241297948   6.71 6.30   6.64 A0VaekB8_lB 815 1
11 V* DX Cha Ae* 12 00 05.0868602544 -78 11 34.565724312   6.81 6.60     A4V 346 0
12 CPD-36 6759 Y*O 15 15 48.4460065200 -37 09 16.024369824   9.21 8.708     F8V 470 1
13 HD 139614 Ae? 15 40 46.3820275416 -42 29 53.538761832   8.47 8.24     A9VekA5mA5(_lB) 215 0
14 HD 141569 Y*O 15 49 57.7482550392 -03 55 16.341617064 7.22 7.20 7.12 7.00 7.04 A2VekB9mB9(_lB) 546 0
15 HD 142666 TT* 15 56 40.0221861696 -22 01 40.005872148 9.41 9.37 8.82 8.31 8.01 F0V_sh 272 0
16 HD 142527 Ae* 15 56 41.8882637904 -42 19 23.248281828   9.04 8.34     F6III 652 1
17 HD 144432 Ae* 16 06 57.9533126832 -27 43 09.760564056 8.47 8.53 8.19 7.82 7.53 A9/F0V 249 1
18 V* V856 Sco Ae* 16 08 34.2870044544 -39 06 18.325711332 7.66 7.41 7.05 6.92   A9V_sh 391 0
19 IRAS 16245-2423 TT* 16 27 37.1906433768 -24 30 35.025246828       16.66 14.67 B5-F2 314 0
20 HD 150193 Ae* 16 40 17.9243127240 -23 53 45.193372692 9.69 9.32 8.79 8.41   A3Va(e) 324 0
21 HD 163296 Ae* 17 56 21.2881851168 -21 57 21.871819008 7.00 6.93 6.85 6.86 6.67 A3VaekA1mA1 1136 0
22 HD 169142 Ae* 18 24 29.7799891464 -29 46 49.327400568   8.42 8.16     F1VekA3mA3_lB? 460 0
23 HD 179218 Ae* 19 11 11.2538919456 +15 47 15.636008472 7.55 7.476 7.39 7.25 7.21 A0Ve 258 0
24 HD 203024 SB* 21 16 03.0525752328 +68 54 52.080755040   9.02 8.86     A5V 50 0

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