
Query : 2015A&A...575A..30S

2015A&A...575A..30S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 575A, 30-30 (2015/3-1)

XMM-Newton and Chandra cross-calibration using HIFLUGCS galaxy clusters. Systematic temperature differences and cosmological impact.


Abstract (from CDS):

Robust X-ray temperature measurements of the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters require an accurate energy-dependent effective area calibration. Since the hot gas X-ray emission of galaxy clusters does not vary on relevant timescales, they are excellent cross-calibration targets. Moreover, cosmological constraints from clusters rely on accurate gravitational mass estimates, which in X-rays strongly depend on cluster gas temperature measurements. Therefore, systematic calibration differences may result in biased, instrument-dependent cosmological constraints. This is of special interest in light of the tension between the Planck results of the primary temperature anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-plus-X-ray cluster-count analyses. We quantify in detail the systematics and uncertainties of the cross-calibration of the effective area between five X-ray instruments, EPIC-MOS1/MOS2/PN onboard XMM-Newton and ACIS-I/S onboard Chandra, and the influence on temperature measurements. Furthermore, we assess the impact of the cross-calibration uncertainties on cosmology. Using the HIFLUGCS sample, consisting of the 64 X-ray brightest galaxy clusters, we constrain the ICM temperatures through spectral fitting in the same, mostly isothermal regions and compare the different instruments. We use the stacked residual ratio method to evaluate the cross-calibration uncertainties between the instruments as a function of energy. Our work is an extension to a previous one using X-ray clusters by the International Astronomical Consortium for High Energy Calibration (IACHEC) and is carried out in the context of IACHEC. Performing spectral fitting in the full energy band, (0.7-7)keV, as is typical of the analysis of cluster spectra, we find that best-fit temperatures determined with XMM-Newton/EPIC are significantly lower than Chandra/ACIS temperatures. This confirms the previous IACHEC results obtained with older calibrations with high precision. The difference increases with temperature, and we quantify this dependence with a fitting formula. For instance, at a cluster temperature of 10keV, EPIC temperatures are on average 23% lower than ACIS temperatures. We also find systematic differences between the three XMM-Newton/EPIC instruments, with the PN detector typically estimating the lowest temperatures. Testing the cross-calibration of the energy-dependence of the effective areas in the soft and hard energy bands, (0.7-2)keV and (2-7)keV, respectively, we confirm the previously indicated relatively good agreement between all instruments in the hard and the systematic differences in the soft band. We provide scaling relations to convert between the different instruments based on the effective area, gas temperature, and hydrostatic mass. We demonstrate that effects like multitemperature structure and different relative sensitivities of the instruments at certain energy bands cannot explain the observed differences. We conclude that using XMM-Newton/EPIC instead of Chandra/ACIS to derive full energy band temperature profiles for cluster mass determination results in an 8% shift toward lower ΩM values and <1% change of σ8 values in a cosmological analysis of a complete sample of galaxy clusters. Such a shift alone is insufficient to significantly alleviate the tension between Planck CMB primary anisotropies and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-plus-XMM-Newton cosmological constraints.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): X-rays: galaxies: clusters - instrumentation: miscellaneous - galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium - techniques: spectroscopic

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/575/A30): tablea1.dat tablea2.dat>

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Number of rows : 64
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ACO 85 ClG 00 41 36.21 -09 19 30.4           ~ 915 0
2 ACO 119 ClG 00 56 08.57 -01 12 00.8           ~ 556 2
3 ACO 133 ClG 01 02 41.5 -21 52 53           ~ 372 1
4 NGC 507 BiC 01 23 39.950 +33 15 22.22   13.0       ~ 442 3
5 ACO 262 ClG 01 52 50.4 +36 08 46           ~ 704 1
6 ACO 400 ClG 02 57 37.4 +06 00 45           ~ 399 3
7 ACO 399 ClG 02 57 56.4 +13 00 59           ~ 400 0
8 ACO 401 ClG 02 58 56.9 +13 34 56           ~ 570 0
9 ACO 3112 ClG 03 17 52.4 -44 14 35           ~ 317 1
10 NGC 1399 BiC 03 38 29.083 -35 27 02.67 11.05 9.74 9.59 8.12   ~ 1582 1
11 ZwCl 0335+0956 ClG 03 38 35.3 +09 57 54           ~ 386 1
12 2MASX J03411752+1523477 BiC 03 41 17.5329189192 +15 23 47.567775336   17.5       ~ 44 1
13 ACO 3158 ClG 03 42 39.6 -53 37 50           ~ 306 0
14 ACO 478 ClG 04 13 20.7 +10 28 35           ~ 507 0
15 NGC 1550 BiC 04 19 37.9450450152 +02 24 35.918168940   14.0       ~ 178 1
16 ClG 0422-09 ClG 04 25 51.02 -08 33 38.5           ~ 91 0
17 ACO 3266 ClG 04 31 11.9 -61 24 23           ~ 413 0
18 ACO 496 ClG 04 33 38.8 -13 15 59           ~ 696 2
19 ACO 3376 ClG 06 01 25.000 -39 59 51.00           ~ 310 0
20 ACO 3391 ClG 06 26 15.4 -53 40 52           ~ 203 1
21 ACO 3395 ClG 06 27 31.1 -54 23 58           ~ 210 0
22 ACO 576 ClG 07 21 24.1 +55 44 20           ~ 298 1
23 ACO 754 ClG 09 09 08.4 -09 39 58           ~ 670 1
24 NAME Hya A LIN 09 18 05.66848602 -12 05 43.8060823   14.38 14.8     ~ 1022 1
25 NAME Hydra I Cluster ClG 10 36 36.0 -27 31 04           ~ 850 1
26 ACO 1367 ClG 11 44 44.6 +19 41 59           ~ 1084 1
27 NAME NGC 4073 Group GrG 12 04 44.08 +01 48 40.9     13.53     ~ 281 0
28 ZwCl 1215+0400 ClG 12 17 43.62 +03 38 51.5           ~ 153 0
29 NGC 4636 LIN 12 42 49.8333280080 +02 41 15.951929028   12.62 11.84     ~ 1120 1
30 ACO 3526 ClG 12 48 51.8 -41 18 21           ~ 1074 2
31 ACO 1644 ClG 12 57 11.6 -17 24 34           ~ 368 1
32 ACO 1650 ClG 12 58 42.0 -01 45 45           ~ 307 0
33 ACO 1651 ClG 12 59 22.43 -04 11 47.1           ~ 291 0
34 ACO 1656 ClG 12 59 44.40 +27 54 44.9           ~ 4849 2
35 NGC 5044 BiC 13 15 23.9607836592 -16 23 07.547751744   11.9   10.74   ~ 506 0
36 ACO 1736 ClG 13 26 52.1 -27 06 33           ~ 252 2
37 ACO 3558 ClG 13 27 54.8 -31 29 32           ~ 447 2
38 ACO 3562 ClG 13 33 31.8 -31 40 23           ~ 316 1
39 ACO 3571 ClG 13 47 28.9 -32 51 57           ~ 287 2
40 ACO 1795 ClG 13 48 50.48 +26 35 07.4           ~ 1276 0
41 ACO 3581 ClG 14 07 29.8 -27 01 04           ~ 184 3
42 BAX 220.1796+03.4530 ClG 14 40 34.37 +03 29 49.7     14.31     ~ 120 0
43 ClG J1504-0248 ClG 15 04 07.4 -02 48 15           ~ 180 0
44 ACO 2029 ClG 15 10 56.2 +05 44 42           ~ 949 0
45 ACO 2052 ClG 15 16 41.64 +07 01 45.5           ~ 733 1
46 ACT-CL J1521.8+0742 ClG 15 21 55.14 +07 41 27.2     15.13     ~ 314 0
47 ACO 2065 ClG 15 22 29.3 +27 42 22           ~ 376 0
48 ACO 2063 ClG 15 23 01.8 +08 38 22           ~ 400 2
49 ACO 2142 ClG 15 58 14.38 +27 12 57.8           ~ 778 0
50 ACO 2147 ClG 16 02 11.96 +15 55 11.5           ~ 405 0
51 ACO 2163 ClG 16 15 46.1 -06 08 50           ~ 567 0
52 ACO 2199 ClG 16 28 43.31 +39 34 07.6           ~ 1177 1
53 ACO 2204 ClG 16 32 45.7 +05 34 43           ~ 440 0
54 ACO 2244 ClG 17 02 40.33 +34 02 58.7           ~ 285 0
55 ACO 2256 ClG 17 03 09.4 +78 39 36           ~ 894 1
56 ACO 2255 ClG 17 12 50.04 +64 03 10.6           ~ 572 0
57 ACO 3667 ClG 20 12 33.68 -56 50 26.3           ~ 633 1
58 ACO S 1101 ClG 23 13 58.5 -42 43 39           ~ 260 1
59 ACO 2589 ClG 23 24 00.5 +16 49 29           ~ 318 1
60 ACO 2597 ClG 23 25 19.70 -12 07 27.7           ~ 548 0
61 ACO 2634 ClG 23 38 18.4 +27 01 37           ~ 504 2
62 ACO 2657 ClG 23 44 51.0 +09 08 40           ~ 271 3
63 ACO 4038 ClG 23 47 31.1 -28 12 10           ~ 336 3
64 ACO 4059 ClG 23 57 02.2 -34 45 58           ~ 383 1

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