
Query : 2015A&A...576A..72L

2015A&A...576A..72L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 576A, 72-72 (2015/4-1)

MAMBO image of the debris disk around ε Eridani: robustness of the azimuthal structure.


Abstract (from CDS):

The debris disk closest to Earth is the one around the star ε Eridani at a distance of 3.2pc. It is the prime target for detailed studies of a belt of planetesimals left from the early phase of planet formation other than the Kuiper belt. The non-uniform ring-like structure around ε Eridani, originally discovered at λ=850µm with the bolometer camera SCUBA, could be the signpost of unseen long-period planets interior to the disk that gravitationally interact with it through mean-motion resonances. However, the reliability of the structure at 850µm, which has been debated, has not been verified with independent observations until now. We present a high signal-to-noise ratio image of this structure at λ=1.2mm made with the bolometer camera MAMBO and compare this with the SCUBA image. We have found that three of the four emission clumps (NE, NW, SW) and the two deep hollows to the east and west are at the same positions in the MAMBO and SCUBA images within astrometric uncertainty. The SE clump is at odds, significantly brighter and more extended in the SCUBA than in the MAMBO images, but it is possible that this mismatch is an artifact. We conclude that this degree of positional coincidence provides tentative evidence that the observed structure is robust. In addition, we present the radial brightness profile of our MAMBO image and show that the width of the planetesimal belt around ε Eridani is narrower than 22AU, a more stringent upper limit than determined from previous observations. The corresponding relative width is 0.1≤ΔR/R≤0.4, which is lower than for the Kuiper belt.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): Kuiper belt: general - planet-disk interactions - zodiacal dust - circumstellar matter

Simbad objects: 8

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Number of rows : 8
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 21997 PM* 03 31 53.6470102728 -25 36 50.940001116   6.501 6.372   6.25 A3IV/V 157 0
2 * eps Eri BY* 03 32 55.8444911587 -09 27 29.739493865 5.19 4.61 3.73 3.00 2.54 K2V 1955 1
3 QSO B0336-0156 QSO 03 39 30.93778633 -01 46 35.8041892   18.96 18.41 17.33   ~ 565 1
4 HD 107146 PM* 12 19 06.5018840304 +16 32 53.867731128   7.61   6.7   G2V 282 0
5 * eta Crv PM* 12 32 04.2264018482 -16 11 45.618615379   4.658 4.294     F2V 324 0
6 * alf Lyr dS* 18 36 56.33635 +38 47 01.2802 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.10 A0Va 2696 1
7 HD 197481 BY* 20 45 09.5324974119 -31 20 27.237889841   10.05 8.627 9.078 6.593 M1VeBa1 1181 0
8 * alf PsA PM* 22 57 39.04625 -29 37 20.0533 1.31 1.25 1.16 1.11 1.09 A4V 1247 3

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