
Query : 2015A&A...578A.134S

2015A&A...578A.134S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 578A, 134-134 (2015/6-1)

Dozens of compact and high velocity-dispersion, early-type galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey.


Abstract (from CDS):

Passive galaxies at high redshift are much smaller than equally massive early types today. If this size evolution is caused by stochastic merging processes, then a small fraction of the compact galaxies should persist until today. Up to now it has not been possible to systematically identify the existence of such objects in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We aim at finding potential survivors of these compact galaxies in SDSS, as targets for more detailed follow-up observations. From the virial theorem, it is expected that for a given mass, compact galaxies have stellar velocity dispersion higher than the mean owing to their smaller sizes. Therefore velocity dispersion, coupled with size (or mass), is an appropriate method of selecting relics, independent of the stellar population properties. Based on these considerations, we designed a set of criteria the use the distribution of early-type galaxies from SDSS on the log10(R0)-log100) plane to find the most extreme objects on it. We thus selected compact massive galaxy candidates by restricting them to high velocity dispersions σ0>323.2km/s and small sizes R0<2.18kpc. We find 76 galaxies at 0.05<z<0.2, which have properties that are similar to the typical quiescent galaxies at high redshift. We discuss how these galaxies relate to average present-day early-type galaxies. We study how well these galaxies fit on well-known local universe relations of early-type galaxies, such as the fundamental plane, the red sequence, or mass-size relations. As expected from the selection criteria, the candidates are located in an extreme corner of the mass-size plane. However, they do not extend as deeply into the so-called zone of exclusion as some of the red nuggets found at high redshift, since they are a factor 2-3 less massive on a given intrinsic scale size. Several of our candidates are close to the size resolution limit of SDSS, but are not so small that they are classified as point sources. We find that our candidates are systematically offset on a scaling relation compared to the average early-type galaxies, but still within the general range of other early-type galaxies. Furthermore, our candidates are similar to the mass-size range expected for passive evolution of the red nuggets from their high redshift to the present. The 76 selected candidates form an appropriate set of objects for further follow-up observations. They do not constitute a separate population of peculiar galaxies, but form the extreme tail of a continuous distribution of early-type galaxies. We argue that selecting a high-velocity dispersion is the best way to find analogues of compact high redshift galaxies in the local universe.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD - surveys - galaxies: fundamental parameters - galaxies: peculiar

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/578/A134): table2.dat table3.dat tableb1.dat tableb2.dat tablec1.dat tablec2.dat tablec3.dat tablec4.dat tablec5.dat>

CDS comments: B19 is 2MASX J15174176-0042175 in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 112

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Number of rows : 112
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 SDSS J000224.65+003206.5 G 00 02 24.6583354056 +00 32 06.569183508           ~ 1 0
2 SDSS J000431.75+160418.7 G 00 04 31.7454159744 +16 04 18.742044756           ~ 1 0
3 SDSS J001921.28+145848.6 G 00 19 21.2939352576 +14 58 48.685275120           ~ 1 0
4 SDSS J003241.18-103958.0 G 00 32 41.1947717232 -10 39 58.100786460           ~ 1 0
5 LEDA 93190 GiP 00 41 30.4346691480 -09 14 06.738120528   16.77 16.23 15.35   ~ 20 0
6 CAIRNS J012316.93+001744.0 GiC 01 23 16.9357575288 +00 17 43.938744252           ~ 5 0
7 NVSS J013248-090716 rG 01 32 48.9955861560 -09 07 14.844081792           ~ 5 0
8 NGC 1277 GiG 03 19 51.4854427512 +41 34 24.934439244   14.9       ~ 203 0
9 SDSS J035212.98-055140.0 G 03 52 12.9833127312 -05 51 40.083318216           ~ 2 0
10 SDSS J080651.62+192759.1 G 08 06 51.6224908344 +19 27 59.198231556           ~ 1 0
11 SDSSCGB 61190.1 G 08 06 54.3526638000 +20 45 44.522409240           ~ 2 0
12 4C 38.23 rG 08 15 12.3407748720 +38 40 45.364671372   18.5       ~ 37 1
13 SDSS J081637.19+161039.5 G 08 16 37.1925132912 +16 10 39.642474612           ~ 1 0
14 2MASX J08201765+4852583 GiC 08 20 17.6434349760 +48 52 58.939921092           ~ 6 0
15 2MASX J08221658+4815186 G 08 22 16.5799831920 +48 15 19.134475056           ~ 9 0
16 SDSS J082248.32+594436.4 G 08 22 48.3247896792 +59 44 36.419916336           ~ 1 0
17 LEDA 1704751 G 08 34 37.1455212984 +24 19 30.138449232           ~ 3 0
18 SDSS J083537.03+123945.6 G 08 35 37.0382669304 +12 39 45.653584032           ~ 1 0
19 SDSSCGB 308.1 BiC 08 35 46.0312458216 +34 12 30.576350592           ~ 3 0
20 SDSS J084318.24+344056.7 G 08 43 18.2391002328 +34 40 56.661990024           ~ 1 0
21 SDSS J084937.92+293611.8 GiC 08 49 37.9285716864 +29 36 11.854182996           ~ 4 0
22 SDSS J085925.72+053736.8 G 08 59 25.7277072264 +05 37 36.849447696           ~ 1 0
23 SDSS J085958.21+144545.3 G 08 59 58.2159572904 +14 45 45.312478776           ~ 4 0
24 SDSSCGB 7227.1 G 09 11 23.5487385888 +16 34 10.818651432           ~ 2 0
25 SDSS J091318.85+080658.0 G 09 13 18.8577959256 +08 06 58.006551960           ~ 1 0
26 SDSS J091528.54+044003.2 G 09 15 28.5447684888 +04 40 03.162024264           ~ 1 0
27 SDSS J093214.21+562404.7 G 09 32 14.2096411272 +56 24 04.785132564           ~ 1 0
28 LEDA 2305210 EmG 09 45 06.3632495808 +47 49 55.681051116           ~ 3 0
29 SDSS J095532.65+042219.8 G 09 55 32.6534943312 +04 22 19.843678020           ~ 2 0
30 2MASS J09562682+2357509 Sy1 09 56 26.8172796696 +23 57 50.879545596           ~ 8 0
31 SDSS J095712.64+191545.1 GiC 09 57 12.6355205544 +19 15 45.067059468           ~ 2 0
32 2MASX J10251665+4018548 LIN 10 25 16.6764156456 +40 18 55.197794520           ~ 6 0
33 LEDA 2101465 G 10 32 05.3695763640 +37 28 08.167559844           ~ 2 0
34 SLACS SDSS J1032+5322 lens GiC 10 32 35.8414216032 +53 22 34.611340224     17.76   17.05 ~ 11 0
35 DES J104047.01+395551.8 rG 10 40 47.0142122568 +39 55 51.836229696           ~ 6 0
36 2dFGRS TGN363Z272 G 10 41 12.5350381872 +00 13 42.568226508   19.283   17.598   ~ 2 0
37 2MASS J10462020+4926486 AGN 10 46 20.1960603792 +49 26 48.500644272           ~ 3 0
38 SDSS J105003.11+114908.3 G 10 50 03.1115726976 +11 49 08.353763004           ~ 1 0
39 SDSS J105347.50+325209.9 G 10 53 47.4973428696 +32 52 09.922624932           ~ 1 0
40 2dFGRS TGN434Z235 G 10 56 03.7895483640 +01 59 53.821372092   19.049   17.520   ~ 2 0
41 SDSS J105707.49+221241.2 G 10 57 07.4945135184 +22 12 41.266300464           ~ 1 0
42 SDSS J110705.69+131905.3 G 11 07 05.6899957560 +13 19 05.408973084           ~ 1 0
43 SDSS J110737.18+271141.1 G 11 07 37.1750981184 +27 11 41.137921572           ~ 1 0
44 SDSS J111052.92+664710.4 G 11 10 52.9298183496 +66 47 10.432783788           ~ 1 0
45 SDSS J112115.23+295809.8 G 11 21 15.2305615536 +29 58 09.782275800           ~ 1 0
46 SDSS J114053.53+110030.4 G 11 40 53.5325186880 +11 00 30.429527184           ~ 1 0
47 SDSS J114553.54+171927.1 G 11 45 53.5508094360 +17 19 27.175151136           ~ 1 0
48 SDSS J115436.05+042112.8 G 11 54 36.0602882760 +04 21 12.843697860           ~ 1 0
49 SDSS J115449.46+262556.4 G 11 54 49.4636081616 +26 25 56.444100240           ~ 1 0
50 SDSS J120100.67+121303.0 G 12 01 00.6762551832 +12 13 03.086870016           ~ 2 0
51 SDSS J120105.17+143506.1 G 12 01 05.1750776664 +14 35 06.135376056           ~ 1 0
52 LEDA 2317105 G 12 05 14.1863088840 +48 25 17.844081240           ~ 3 0
53 LEDA 1695309 G 12 07 11.6477600520 +23 52 27.922891800           ~ 3 0
54 SDSS J120951.59+200312.6 G 12 09 51.5921962752 +20 03 12.680787492           ~ 1 0
55 SDSS J121607.29+210821.6 G 12 16 07.2957535800 +21 08 21.624510948           ~ 1 0
56 SDSS J121921.59+633208.8 G 12 19 21.5981415816 +63 32 08.775654756           ~ 2 0
57 2MASX J12203574+2917594 BiC 12 20 35.7545210448 +29 17 59.275240944     16.82     ~ 8 0
58 SDSS J123045.21+514221.4 G 12 30 45.2082549312 +51 42 21.440905128           ~ 1 0
59 2MASX J12395210+2109100 G 12 39 52.0824433968 +21 09 10.459908540           ~ 2 0
60 SDSS J124454.80+361101.8 G 12 44 54.8073243768 +36 11 01.789225044           ~ 1 0
61 SDSS J125411.36+504901.3 GiC 12 54 11.3726404968 +50 49 01.333944912           ~ 4 0
62 2MASX J12570530+2858528 GiC 12 57 05.3187208920 +28 58 52.965187464     15.90     ~ 11 0
63 SDSS J125709.13+204823.2 G 12 57 09.1353215184 +20 48 23.224803408           ~ 3 0
64 SDSS J131759.74+433650.9 G 13 17 59.7366040752 +43 36 50.849804592           ~ 1 0
65 SDSS J131925.47+253255.4 G 13 19 25.4716666920 +25 32 55.401069192           ~ 1 0
66 SDSSCGB 3731.1 G 13 46 08.0588512896 +39 25 29.374997808           ~ 2 0
67 SDSS J134741.40+205815.0 G 13 47 41.4008704512 +20 58 14.920791024           ~ 1 0
68 SDSS J135909.74+275700.3 G 13 59 09.7488942816 +27 57 00.366852060           ~ 3 0
69 SDSS J140009.03+355701.2 G 14 00 09.0381533736 +35 57 01.194046632           ~ 1 0
70 SDSS J140839.46+610754.2 G 14 08 39.4578102888 +61 07 54.263046648           ~ 1 0
71 SDSS J141601.11+355927.7 G 14 16 01.1135790672 +35 59 27.748955760           ~ 1 0
72 Mrk 1490 AGN 14 19 43.2275567784 +49 14 12.014867004   15.4       ~ 128 1
73 SDSS J143133.11+085520.9 G 14 31 33.1110635088 +08 55 21.013574664           ~ 1 0
74 LEDA 1626970 G 14 32 30.8097655464 +20 25 33.291706044           ~ 2 0
75 SDSS J143314.97+013019.1 G 14 33 14.9685485568 +01 30 19.145104200           ~ 4 0
76 SDSS J143637.07+312339.5 G 14 36 37.0798750824 +31 23 39.461697204           ~ 2 0
77 SDSS J144743.11+343956.6 G 14 47 43.1077471944 +34 39 56.626656156           ~ 1 0
78 2MASX J14520286+0514010 G 14 52 02.8456054680 +05 14 00.713545620           ~ 2 0
79 SDSS J145217.61+222913.6 G 14 52 17.6175524208 +22 29 13.636517820           ~ 2 0
80 SDSS J145233.30+223533.6 G 14 52 33.3013264752 +22 35 33.606418056           ~ 1 0
81 LEDA 1463079 G 15 02 12.8745784056 +14 38 03.611236560           ~ 2 0
82 SDSS J150340.60+171411.9 G 15 03 40.6019409120 +17 14 11.959068480           ~ 1 0
83 SDSS J150430.88+063936.5 G 15 04 30.8798623224 +06 39 36.500916456           ~ 1 0
84 LEDA 1890970 G 15 05 08.5590634104 +30 07 06.199578012           ~ 2 0
85 SDSS J150913.80+162559.7 G 15 09 13.8051670344 +16 25 59.802361140           ~ 2 0
86 SDSS J151153.14+141555.0 G 15 11 53.1386290968 +14 15 55.084862808           ~ 1 0
87 2MASX J15174176-0042175 GiC 15 17 41.7638370624 -00 42 17.576281620           ~ 20 0
88 SDSS J152811.97+120750.4 G 15 28 11.9769190152 +12 07 50.413378116           ~ 1 0
89 SDSS J154220.18+044559.9 G 15 42 20.1917877840 +04 45 59.926021776           ~ 1 0
90 2MASX J15471371-0008315 G 15 47 13.7356256400 -00 08 31.915473828           ~ 2 0
91 SDSS J154717.95+331038.1 G 15 47 17.9562599568 +33 10 38.074878696           ~ 2 0
92 SDSS J155454.67+252808.7 G 15 54 54.6742721424 +25 28 08.733032580           ~ 1 0
93 DES J155816.65+271412.2 GiC 15 58 16.6559926584 +27 14 12.219682020           ~ 7 0
94 DES J155846.40+271247.1 GiC 15 58 46.4018602632 +27 12 47.193419556           ~ 8 0
95 SDSS J160050.21+291210.0 G 16 00 50.2140523776 +29 12 10.088080668           ~ 1 0
96 LEDA 1542270 G 16 13 12.9975061464 +17 48 28.684428264           ~ 14 0
97 SDSS J161348.81+410621.1 G 16 13 48.8220177504 +41 06 21.126753360           ~ 2 0
98 LEDA 1507772 G 16 15 21.8295934680 +16 23 39.048847188           ~ 3 0
99 2MASX J16222522+4447083 GiC 16 22 25.1845498944 +44 47 08.328979968           ~ 2 0
100 SDSS J162230.11+092349.1 G 16 22 30.1143395280 +09 23 49.110522540           ~ 1 0
101 2MASX J16232497+2805277 G 16 23 25.0134844320 +28 05 27.492350928           ~ 2 0
102 SDSS J163138.81+461605.8 G 16 31 38.8165520088 +46 16 05.782092132           ~ 1 0
103 SDSS J163318.89+470738.8 G 16 33 18.8911732488 +47 07 38.754167520           ~ 2 0
104 SDSSCGB 20067.1 G 16 55 58.4853791472 +39 28 39.223023168           ~ 2 0
105 2MASX J16580284+4150154 G 16 58 02.8717992072 +41 50 16.054284624           ~ 3 0
106 SDSS J170541.78+332840.3 G 17 05 41.7875502792 +33 28 40.416326796           ~ 2 0
107 6dFGS gJ214923.8-084031 LIN 21 49 23.7932823552 -08 40 30.590741064   18.47   17.11   ~ 11 0
108 SDSS J220706.06+120245.2 G 22 07 06.0670977624 +12 02 45.255671772           ~ 1 0
109 LEDA 1144132 G 22 32 18.8143733328 -00 24 21.262197384           ~ 2 0
110 SDSS J224144.95-004840.7 G 22 41 44.9595124176 -00 48 40.667460516           ~ 1 0
111 LEDA 1182897 GiC 23 35 28.0476275544 +01 02 48.186749688           ~ 5 0
112 SDSS J233639.49+154919.9 G 23 36 39.4947189696 +15 49 19.943264820           ~ 1 0

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