
Query : 2015A&A...579A...8W

2015A&A...579A...8W - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 579A, 8-8 (2015/7-1)

Palladium and silver abundances in stars with [Fe/H] > -2.6.


Abstract (from CDS):

Palladium (Pd) and silver (Ag) are the key elements for probing the weak component in the rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) of stellar nucleosynthesis. We performed a detailed analysis of the high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio near-UV spectra from the archive of HIRES on the Keck Telescope, UVES on the VLT, and HDS on the Subaru Telescope, to determine the Pd and Ag abundances of 95 stars. This sample covers a wide metallicity range with -2.6≲[Fe/H]≲+0.1, and most of them are dwarfs. The plane-parallel local thermodynamic equilibrium MAFAGS-OS model atmosphere was adopted, and the spectral synthesis method was used to derive the Pd and Ag abundances from PdI λ3404Å and AgI λ3280/3382Å lines. We found that both elements are enhanced in metal-poor stars, and their ratios to iron show flat trends at -0.6<[Fe/H]<+0.1. The abundance ratios of [Ag/H] and [Pd/H] are well correlated over the whole abundance range. This implies that Pd and Ag have similar formation mechanisms during the Galactic evolution.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: abundances - stars: Population II - Galaxy: evolution

Simbad objects: 98

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Number of rows : 98
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 G 130-65 PM* 00 22 38.5912325352 +23 54 31.309930764   12.06   11.5   sdF8: 36 0
2 HD 6268 Pe* 01 03 18.1716378504 -27 52 49.953768852   9.725 9.046 8.601   F/Gw 154 0
3 BD-16 251 RG* 01 29 31.1311443552 -16 00 45.495314460 12.527 12.427 11.642 11.189 10.713 CEMP 295 0
4 BD+29 366 PM* 02 10 24.5274364299 +29 48 23.663397433 9.27 9.35 8.77 8.24 7.85 G3 139 0
5 BD-01 306 PM* 02 14 40.2989460555 -01 12 05.123909214 9.60 9.631 9.066 8.712 8.377 G0 150 0
6 HD 14877 PM* 02 24 39.7661501568 +22 26 01.885086528   8.98 8.48     G0 40 0
7 BD-17 484 PM* 02 31 25.7656327453 -16 59 05.044365275   10.890 10.470 10.159 9.871 F0Vwl 71 0
8 BD+22 396 PM* 02 48 37.4276707386 +22 35 54.368718096   10.68   9.9   G4 42 0
9 HD 22521 SB* 03 38 57.1924217592 +42 32 17.882827692       6.4   G0 63 0
10 HD 24289 Pe* 03 51 54.5431655808 -03 49 10.687742472   10.48 10.0     F0V 73 0
11 HD 24421 PM* 03 55 37.0794405144 +52 13 36.554359368 9.036 7.30   6.5   F8VmF1 78 0
12 HD 25173 PM* 04 07 24.0248198260 +75 10 30.157905235   7.70   6.9   F8V 69 0
13 HD 26421 PM* 04 12 22.9400055912 +37 42 43.534839240       7.8   G0 45 0
14 HD 284248 Pe* 04 14 35.5161858536 +22 21 04.252516252 9.49 9.68 9.23 8.77 8.43 sdG0 188 0
15 HD 28620 * 04 32 17.2522455696 +37 02 35.687135292 7.230 7.270 6.810     F5 52 0
16 HD 30743 PM* 04 49 42.2441132544 -13 46 10.807837356   6.70 6.26     F6VFe-0.9CH-0.5 138 0
17 HD 31128 PM* 04 52 09.9097086888 -27 03 50.940147636   9.55 9.14     F3/5Vw 144 0
18 HD 241253 PM* 05 09 56.9589768600 +05 33 26.741302308   10.24   9.4   G0 97 0
19 HD 33632 PM* 05 13 17.4477692856 +37 20 14.320771980   6.99 6.47 6.2   F8V 95 0
20 NAME Gal Anticenter reg 05 46 +28.9           ~ 931 0
21 HD 247297 PM* 05 45 40.3823732400 +14 41 20.113355472       8.7   G0 40 0
22 Ross 797 PM* 05 53 58.8112225702 -14 22 53.261509300   12.020 11.496 11.132 10.797 F9 38 0
23 BD+58 876 ** 05 57 28.5835812552 +58 40 48.672748704       10.2   F8 34 0
24 HD 250792 Pe* 06 03 14.8636143602 +19 21 38.696218609 9.89 9.898 9.310 8.954 8.547 G1 167 0
25 BD+37 1458 Pe* 06 16 01.5222885381 +37 43 18.754343426 9.41 9.52 8.92 8.34 7.91 G0 141 0
26 G 192-43 PM* 06 47 44.9352596626 +58 38 34.532968179   10.75   10.1   F2 70 0
27 CD-57 1633 HV* 07 06 28.9516977109 -57 27 29.118927115   10.04 9.54     F7V 103 0
28 G 88-10 SB* 07 10 23.7929838816 +24 20 40.198088508   12.30 11.8 11.7   ~ 57 0
29 HD 54717 PM* 07 11 19.4838771912 +33 06 42.713112312   7.59 7.16     F5 47 0
30 Ross 390 PM* 07 34 52.9593329780 -10 23 10.075480635   11.746 11.100 10.701 10.325 G5 62 0
31 * alf CMi SB* 07 39 18.11950 +05 13 29.9552 0.82 0.79 0.37 -0.05 -0.28 F5IV-V+DQZ 1875 0
32 HD 63333 PM* 07 49 18.8519725680 +24 29 19.418466444 7.550 7.580 7.100     F5 64 0
33 HD 68284 PM* 08 11 49.5873390000 +04 16 28.326641232   8.28 7.75     F7/8V 97 0
34 BD+00 2245 PM* 08 16 57.7754525760 +00 01 03.593436636   10.36 9.76 9.55   G0 37 0
35 HD 76932 PM* 08 58 43.9327642391 -16 07 57.817644364 6.47 6.39 5.86     G2VFe-1.8CH-1 407 0
36 * 83 Cnc PM* 09 18 58.8555223728 +17 42 19.012491144 7.05 7.11 6.64 6.18 5.89 F5 103 0
37 HD 84937 Pe* 09 48 56.0992891997 +13 44 39.326709913 8.49 8.68 8.32 7.97 7.70 F8Vm-5 800 0
38 * 39 Leo PM* 10 17 14.5383472150 +23 06 22.384190401 6.27 6.32 5.82 5.34 5.07 F6V 210 0
39 HD 298986 PM* 10 17 14.8774744591 -52 29 18.694800089   10.46 10.03   9.48 F5 88 0
40 HD 91638 PM* 10 34 50.2183183416 -03 53 58.894588176   7.17 6.67     F7V 68 0
41 HD 91889 PM* 10 36 32.3819362122 -12 13 48.440040258   6.22 5.71     F8V 188 0
42 HD 94028 PM* 10 51 28.1256073369 +20 16 38.965439278 8.51 8.69 8.22 7.82 7.54 F8 365 0
43 HD 94835 PM* 10 57 09.5535647640 +21 48 17.544606048   8.59   7.5   G0 75 0
44 Wolf 365 PM* 11 10 59.9989990311 +06 25 11.468260869   12.13   11.0   sd:G3 84 0
45 HD 97320 Pe* 11 11 00.7344001848 -65 25 37.745815656   9.769 9.269     F3V 147 0
46 HD 97916 SB* 11 15 54.2294766960 +02 05 12.089062104 9.50 9.61   8.9   F5.5VgF2.5kF2:mA6 172 0
47 * 88 Leo ** 11 31 44.9441592503 +14 21 52.210714391   6.77   5.9   F9.5V 207 0
48 BD+51 1696 Pe* 11 46 35.1556060454 +50 52 54.680145444 10.32 10.47   9.5   sdG0 156 0
49 HD 103723 PM* 11 56 36.0251513496 -21 25 09.829610868   10.554 10.091     F5/6V 80 0
50 HD 104056 PM* 11 59 03.0837574344 -04 46 38.938845000   9.58 9.01     G3V 58 0
51 BD-04 3208 PM* 12 07 15.0721580835 -05 44 01.612773628   10.40 9.99     A7 148 0
52 HD 106038 PM* 12 12 01.3688687080 +13 15 40.618559661 10.45 10.630 10.162 9.851 9.539 F6wl 194 0
53 HD 109303 PM* 12 33 19.0294913328 +49 18 06.827723352   8.65 8.15     F8 57 0
54 HD 110184 SB* 12 40 14.0781612216 +08 31 38.057301300 10.20 9.45 8.27 8.52   KIIvw 144 0
55 HD 111980 SB* 12 53 15.0529661499 -18 31 20.013189741 8.80 8.91 8.38     F7V 174 0
56 HD 113679 PM* 13 05 52.8245053407 -38 30 59.990193435   10.342 9.797     G2/3V 102 0
57 HD 118244 SB* 13 35 11.4187437774 +22 29 59.220107709   7.34   6.7   F5V 78 0
58 BD+13 2698 ** 13 39 59.57275 +12 35 21.6837   9.914 9.384 9.355   F9V 85 0
59 HD 121004 PM* 13 53 58.1163626566 -46 32 19.522719077   10.112 9.522     G2V 153 0
60 HD 122196 PM* 14 01 02.1249985961 -38 03 03.313496920   9.19 8.75     F0(V)w 119 0
61 HD 122563 Pe* 14 02 31.8455084952 +09 41 09.944391876 7.47 7.10 6.19 5.37 4.79 G8:III:Fe-5 862 0
62 HD 126681 PM* 14 27 24.9094012952 -18 24 40.454425566   9.939 9.535     G3V 192 0
63 HD 132475 PM* 14 59 49.7651173448 -22 00 45.815162806 8.98 9.11 8.55     F5/6V 242 1
64 HD 134440 PM* 15 10 12.9678589986 -16 27 46.522175847 10.69 10.217 9.426 8.913 8.441 K2V 284 0
65 HD 134439 PM* 15 10 13.0873110544 -16 22 45.877317625 10.03 9.837 9.066 8.604 8.160 sd:K1Fe-1 328 0
66 HD 140283 Pe* 15 43 03.0971190219 -10 56 00.595693188 7.508 7.711 7.212 6.63 8.21 F9VkA5mA1 945 0
67 BD-06 4346 PM* 16 03 00.1729918176 -06 27 11.168430264   10.93 10.18     ~ 31 0
68 BD+42 2667 Pe* 16 03 13.2988107325 +42 14 46.651500150   10.33   9.6   F5 147 0
69 HD 160617 Pe* 17 42 49.3234249010 -40 19 15.503834657   9.18 8.7 8.394 8.065 G0 205 0
70 BD+20 3603 Pe* 17 54 43.2306198848 +20 16 16.444611703   10.13 9.8 9.6   F0 162 0
71 BD+01 3597 Pe* 18 07 56.5963171590 +01 52 32.701833212   11.53 11.1 10.8   sdF5 66 0
72 HD 166913 PM* 18 16 25.6832938176 -59 24 11.239435980   8.66 8.23     F5/7Vw 137 0
73 G 21-22 PM* 18 39 09.7158608590 +00 07 14.320687061   11.285 10.775 10.437 10.086 G4 65 0
74 HD 175179 PM* 18 54 23.2029803432 -04 36 18.621907480 9.56 9.61 9.03     G5V 123 0
75 HD 186379 PM* 19 43 07.0299027408 +24 35 52.587634884   7.41   6.5   F8V 90 0
76 HD 188510 PM* 19 55 09.6782304000 +10 44 27.398607828 9.30 9.41   8.5   G5V: 255 0
77 HD 189558 PM* 20 01 00.2452184673 -12 15 20.353638621   8.28 7.73     F8/G2V 191 0
78 HD 345957 PM* 20 10 48.1625876064 +23 57 54.510596568   9.36   8.6   G0V: 145 0
79 HD 194598 PM* 20 26 11.9183775668 +09 27 00.429558608 8.62 8.82 8.34 7.90 7.56 F8 304 0
80 HD 195633 PM* 20 32 23.9917043856 +06 31 03.255667608 9.05 9.03 8.52     G0Vw 147 0
81 G 24-25 SB* 20 40 16.1053839864 +00 33 19.651652964       10.2   CEMP-s 51 0
82 CD-30 18140 Pe* 20 44 06.2872647830 -30 00 07.597192977   10.326 9.932     F8 92 0
83 BD+04 4551 PM* 20 48 50.7247431816 +05 11 58.817679324   10.13 9.67 9.61   F7Vw 78 0
84 * 15 Del PM* 20 49 37.7673041328 +12 32 42.458877780   6.421 5.991     F5V 95 0
85 HD 200580 SB* 21 04 07.3930420137 +02 59 40.129822016 7.82 7.85   7.0   F9V 168 0
86 HD 201891 Pe* 21 11 59.0321495469 +17 43 39.890919730 7.74 7.88 7.37 6.91 6.59 G5V_Fe-2.5 396 0
87 HD 202884 PM* 21 18 37.1778080736 +08 57 34.773020172 7.690 7.740 7.270     F5 47 0
88 HD 204712 PM* 21 30 08.4439277136 +12 16 14.484807084       7.3   F5V 61 0
89 HD 205650 PM* 21 37 26.0286639804 -27 38 06.697265704   9.59 9.00     F6V 105 0
90 BD+26 4251 PM* 21 43 57.1238515464 +27 23 23.989925868       9.9   F6 90 0
91 BD+19 4788 PM* 21 48 19.2876425352 +19 58 30.634725936       9.6   ~ 37 0
92 HD 209320 * 22 02 01.4353977240 +23 29 44.035345356   8.86 8.33     F8 41 0
93 HD 209858 PM* 22 05 54.0514573584 +27 58 01.326744840   8.27   7.4   F8V 47 0
94 BD+17 4708 SB* 22 11 31.3756832854 +18 05 34.177983548 9.73 9.91 9.46 9.03 8.70 sdF8 570 0
95 BPS CS 22892-0052 Pe* 22 17 01.6558764360 -16 39 27.051026544   14.03 13.20 13.06 12.19 KIIvw 451 0
96 BD+07 4841 PM* 22 18 36.5059714907 +08 26 44.962089682   10.84   10.1   G0 118 0
97 HD 215442 PM* 22 44 19.5103933320 +51 26 58.557130872 8.100 8.040 7.490     F8 48 0
98 HD 220242 PM* 23 21 58.2511522920 +26 36 32.072495976   6.967 6.586     F5V 47 0

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