
Query : 2015A&A...580A..88E

2015A&A...580A..88E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 580A, 88-88 (2015/8-1)

Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VI. Is multiplicity universal? Stellar multiplicity in the range 3-1000 au from adaptive-optics observations.


Abstract (from CDS):

Young loose nearby associations are unique samples of close (<150pc), young (≃5-100Myr) pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars. A significant number of members of these associations have been identified in the SACY (search for associations containing young stars) collaboration. We can use the proximity and youth of these members to investigate key ingredients in star formation processes, such as multiplicity. With the final goal of better understanding multiplicity properties at different evolutionary stages of PMS stars, we present the statistics of identified multiple systems from 113 confirmed SACY members. We derive multiplicity frequencies, mass-ratio, and physical separation distributions in a consistent parameter space, and compare our results to other PMS populations and the field. We have obtained adaptive-optics assisted near-infrared observations with the Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System and Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph (NACO), ESO/VLT, and the Infrared Camera for Adaptive optics at Lick observatory (IRCAL), Lick Observatory, for at least one epoch of all 113 SACY members. We have identified multiple systems using co-moving proper-motion analysis for targets with multi-epoch data, and using contamination estimates in terms of mass-ratio and physical separation for targets with single-epoch data. We have explored ranges in projected separation and mass-ratio of a [3-1000au], and q [0.1-1], respectively. We have identified 31 multiple systems (28 binaries and 3 triples). We derive a multiplicity frequency (MF) of MF3–1000au=28.4+4.7–3.9% and a triple frequency (TF) of TF3–1000au=2.8+2.5–0.8% in the separation range of 3-1000au. We do not find any evidence for an increase in the MF with primary mass. The estimated mass-ratio of our statistical sample (with power-law index γ=-0.04±0.14) is consistent with a flat distribution (γ=0). Analysis from previous work using tight binaries indicated that the underlying multiple system distribution of the SACY dataset and the young star-forming region Taurus are statistically similar, supporting the idea that these two populations formed in a similar way. In this work, we show further similarities (but also hints of discrepancies) between the two populations: flat mass-ratio distributions and statistically similar MF and TF values. We also compared the SACY sample to the field (in the separation range of 19-100au), finding that the two distributions are indistinguishable, suggesting a similar formation mechanism.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: pre-main sequence - stars: variables: T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be - techniques: high angular resolution - statistics - stars: binaries: visual

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/580/A88): tablea1.dat tableb1.dat refs.dat>

Simbad objects: 219

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Number of rows : 219
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME THA As* 00 00 -62.0           ~ 482 0
2 HD 224725 ** 00 00 12.109152 +01 46 17.15304   10.258 9.456 9.883   G9IV 10 0
3 RX J0009.3+0038 SB* 00 09 21.7908686280 +00 38 06.578252088   12.55 11.452   10.252 K4Ve 14 0
4 HD 531 ** 00 09 51.64843 +08 27 11.4091           G6V+G7V 28 0
5 V* PW And RS* 00 18 20.8895755560 +30 57 22.129174872   9.78 8.86 8.3 7.78 K2V 125 1
6 L 290-28 LM* 00 21 37.2621541564 -46 05 33.392805493 14.749 13.774 12.240 11.136 9.93 M3Ve 50 0
7 BD+07 85 ** 00 38 59.2594711824 +08 28 41.242451304   10.93 10.041   8.767 K4Ve 14 0
8 CD-78 24 Er* 00 42 20.3144575248 -77 47 39.737671044   11.41 10.189   8.994 K3Ve 34 0
9 HD 8813 PM* 01 23 25.8680380680 -76 36 42.413333688   9.04 8.36     G6V 41 0
10 CD-40 436 LM* 01 45 21.3263656602 -39 57 20.439088866   12.99 11.56 10.964   M1V 27 0
11 BD-21 332 Er* 01 53 11.3579460720 -21 05 43.325371860   13.41 11.406 11.109 9.262 M2Ve 35 0
12 BD-16 351 PM* 02 01 35.5659047928 -16 10 00.917785668   11.32 10.344 9.78 9.349 ~ 36 0
13 CD-31 909 Er* 02 16 41.1975294403 -30 59 18.224571845 14.729 13.588 12.027 10.885 9.406 M3Ve 68 1
14 CD-44 753 PM* 02 30 32.4244818768 -43 42 23.398083432   11.380 10.309 9.802 8.869 K5V(e) 36 0
15 CD-53 544 Er* 02 41 46.8336541680 -52 59 52.395906048   11.49 10.281 9.992 8.305 K6Ve 58 0
16 CD-35 1167 Ro* 03 19 08.6661869328 -35 07 00.303058092   12.27 11.12   9.517 K7Ve 34 0
17 BD-11 648 SB* 03 21 49.6646052408 -10 52 17.995675944   11.99 11.488   10.535 G9 11 0
18 CD-46 1064 PM* 03 30 49.1011356768 -45 55 57.363470616   10.67 9.622   8.494 K3V 43 0
19 CD-44 1173 Er* 03 31 55.6413793968 -43 59 13.559704980   12.05 10.927 10.447 9.347 K6Ve 55 0
20 HD 22213 SB* 03 34 16.3524051840 -12 04 07.297011300   9.56 8.84   7.950 G8V 24 0
21 HD 22705 SB* 03 36 53.4019969800 -49 57 28.871978688   8.22 7.62   6.96 G2V 79 0
22 IC 348 OpC 03 44 31.7 +32 09 32           ~ 1403 1
23 HD 24681 PM* 03 55 20.4037114488 -01 43 45.202862820   9.78 9.04     G5V 29 0
24 1RXS J035736.5-041613 Ro* 03 57 37.2392747112 -04 16 15.922459344   11.52 10.60   9.806 ~ 6 0
25 V* V1221 Tau BY* 04 05 53.4199914648 +05 31 25.129544728   16.984 15.366 15.220   M3e 25 0
26 CD-58 860 RS* 04 11 55.6680724104 -58 01 47.400141360   10.81 10.008   9.250 G6V 21 0
27 HD 26980 Er* 04 14 22.5713382072 -38 19 01.574486904   9.76 9.069   8.397 G3V 52 0
28 HD 27679 Er* 04 21 10.3269201336 -24 32 20.975774928   10.08 9.43   8.74 G2V 31 0
29 CD-43 1395 ** 04 21 48.687480 -43 17 32.60616   10.809 10.178 10.217 9.373 G7V 18 0
30 CD-44 1533 Ro* 04 22 45.6584226984 -44 32 51.848477412   11.369 10.485 9.99 9.657 K0V 20 0
31 CD-44 1568 Er* 04 27 20.5146466272 -44 20 39.302778444   11.64 10.90     K1V(e) 15 0
32 CD-43 1451 V* 04 30 27.3156451937 -42 48 46.144298450   11.72 10.83     G9V(e) 12 0
33 CD-36 1785 Ro* 04 34 50.7800567112 -35 47 21.173442684   11.88 10.94   9.857 K1Ve 23 0
34 BD-12 943 PM* 04 36 47.1061859832 -12 09 20.673855288   10.64 9.864   8.889 ~ 14 0
35 TYC 91-82-1 PM* 04 37 51.4732418952 +05 03 08.482605696   11.67 10.93     ~ 10 0
36 NAME Taurus Complex SFR 04 41.0 +25 52           ~ 4492 0
37 BD+08 742 * 04 42 32.0876141016 +09 06 00.862082460   11.90 11.02     G5V: 28 0
38 HD 30051 PM* 04 43 17.2067831232 -23 37 42.048877548   7.51 7.11     F2/3IV/V 55 1
39 1RXS J044800.5-504119 Er* 04 48 00.6684491112 -50 41 25.694326860   12.96 11.678 11.125 9.782 K7Ve 37 0
40 HD 31242 Ro* 04 51 53.5392748824 -46 47 13.303446108   10.44 9.762   8.872 G5V 28 0
41 HD 272836 Er* 04 53 05.2001611416 -48 44 38.732150616   11.67 10.715   9.649 K2V(e) 23 0
42 BD-19 1062 Ro* 04 59 32.0381744304 -19 17 41.701868700   11.61 10.608   9.391 ~ 20 0
43 LP 476-207 SB* 05 01 58.79419 +09 58 59.2855   12.93 11.53 10.33 8.708 M3.5V 120 0
44 HD 271037 Er* 05 06 50.5780873344 -72 21 11.647599228   11.52 10.77   9.827 K0IV 25 0
45 BD-09 1108 V* 05 15 36.5214279048 -09 30 51.369155136   10.45 9.825   8.975 G5 22 0
46 CD-30 2310 Er* 05 18 29.0477262312 -30 01 32.156294448   13.00 11.57   10.13 K4Ve 24 0
47 RX J0520.0+0612 TT* 05 20 00.2963262960 +06 13 03.693634140   12.84 11.581   10.200 K4e 26 0
48 RX J0520.5+0616 TT* 05 20 31.8237082536 +06 16 11.577800640   12.66 11.677   10.279 K3e 29 0
49 HD 274576 Er* 05 28 51.3694615128 -46 28 19.353365940   11.20 10.575   9.782 G6V 17 0
50 BD-20 1111 SB? 05 32 29.3387742816 -20 43 33.273104628   11.11 10.40     ~ 11 0
51 PM J05334-5117 PM* 05 33 25.5757939176 -51 17 13.177618764   12.89 11.720 11.292 10.004 K7Ve 34 0
52 NAME Orion Nebula Cluster OpC 05 35.0 -05 29           ~ 2354 0
53 * tet01 Ori C SB* 05 35 16.4662967280 -05 23 22.921811880 4.20 5.15 5.13 4.91 4.73 O7Vp 1414 1
54 CD-47 1999 Ro* 05 43 32.1304907856 -47 41 10.938638004   10.71 10.02   9.464 G0V 14 0
55 CD-27 2520 * 05 49 06.5638365888 -27 33 55.605864744   11.00 10.22 10.17 9.37 G9V 15 0
56 ASAS J055812-3500.8 Er* 05 58 11.8043847000 -35 00 49.246951104   12.18 11.24     G9V 18 0
57 CD-49 2037 * 06 03 35.4471015264 -49 11 25.596913020   11.90 11.17     K0Ve 14 0
58 NAME Columba Association As* 06 04 19.4 -22 20 40           ~ 291 0
59 CD-66 395 Er* 06 25 12.4275587688 -66 29 10.324086360   11.65 10.871   10.017 K0IV 17 0
60 NAME AB Dor Moving Group MGr 06 38 53.4 -42 50 04           ~ 484 0
61 CD-30 3394 * 06 40 04.8768033624 -30 33 03.362763600   10.33 9.83     F6V 12 0
62 CD-30 3394B * 06 40 05.7289318656 -30 33 08.932557384   11.01 10.24     F9V 11 0
63 ASAS J065527-6806.3 Er* 06 55 25.1950819656 -68 06 20.962532700   13.11 11.827   10.538 K4Ve 14 0
64 CD-57 1709 Er* 07 21 23.7052557888 -57 20 36.987622800   11.39 10.725   9.772 K0V 27 0
65 ASAS J075532-5436.4 Er* 07 55 31.6329017808 -54 36 50.755396896   12.15 11.25   10.465 G9V 16 0
66 TYC 8570-1980-1 Er* 08 11 09.3325291512 -55 55 56.363962548   12.04 11.01     G8V(e) 15 0
67 BD-07 2388 Ro* 08 13 51.0010707504 -07 38 24.864373644   10.18 9.323   8.220 K0 25 0
68 CD-63 408 Er* 08 24 05.9961354024 -63 34 02.557010820   10.63 9.96   9.12 G5V 22 0
69 CPD-54 1712 Er* 08 37 10.9561208976 -55 18 10.568070216   12.01 11.24     G9V 12 0
70 CD-61 2010 Er* 08 42 00.4939719000 -62 18 26.406083304   11.94 10.963   10.029 K0V 26 0
71 NAME eta Cha Association OpC 08 42 32.9 -78 57 47           ~ 363 0
72 CPD-53 1875 Ro* 08 45 52.7027292840 -53 27 28.292602824   10.95 10.423 10.16 9.707 G2V 20 1
73 CD-53 2515 Ro* 08 51 56.4051135168 -53 55 56.722599840   11.57 10.65   9.917 G9V 26 0
74 TYC 8927-2035-1 * 08 52 19.2214671192 -60 04 44.242546332   12.351 11.509     K0V 14 0
75 V* V909 Car Er* 08 56 31.5002226264 -57 00 40.614248988   12.84 11.82     K0V(e) 15 0
76 ASAS J085746-5408.6 Ro* 08 57 45.6146969064 -54 08 36.667094100   12.35 11.756   10.635 K2IV(e) 23 0
77 CD-49 4008 EB* 08 57 52.1540799600 -49 41 50.551475820   11.17 10.513   9.692 G9V 21 0
78 CD-54 2499 Ro* 08 59 28.7412638040 -54 46 49.085070348   10.71 10.114   9.362 G5IV 21 0
79 CPD-55 1885 Er* 09 00 03.4046875512 -55 38 24.272030148   11.55 10.812   9.967 G5V 20 0
80 CD-55 2543 Ro* 09 09 29.3537873400 -55 38 27.168923904   10.96 10.214   9.417 G8V 21 0
81 ASAS J091115-5014.1 Ro* 09 11 15.8154031896 -50 14 14.879841108   12.83 11.815 12.19 10.547 K5Ve 11 1
82 CD-54 2644 Er* 09 13 16.8793759344 -55 29 03.024676104   11.00 10.26   10.57 G5V(e) 18 0
83 V* V479 Car Er* 09 23 34.9796267688 -61 11 35.880777564   10.77 10.134   9.181 K1V(e) 46 0
84 HD 83096 ** 09 31 24.88224 -73 44 49.3187       8.27   F0/2V 33 0
85 HD 309751 SB* 09 31 44.7438148656 -65 14 52.544575068   12.05 11.33     G3V 13 0
86 CPD-52 2481 Er* 09 32 26.0864232504 -52 37 39.602060148   11.72 10.86     G8V(e) 19 0
87 CPD-62 1293 Ro* 09 43 08.8366571736 -63 13 04.423503396   11.22 10.43   9.530 G6V 15 0
88 V* V851 Car Ro* 09 55 15.0775852200 -62 03 32.404683600   13.09 12.01     K2V 8 0
89 ASAS J095957-7221.8 Ro* 09 59 57.6496619808 -72 21 47.235179484   12.58 11.675   10.306 K4Ve 14 0
90 CD-69 783 Er* 10 41 23.0084090112 -69 40 43.055431068   11.05 10.200   9.305 G8V(e) 12 0
91 Ass Cha T 2-21 TT* 11 06 15.3471261840 -77 21 56.720362608   12.58 11.01   9.35 G5Ve 132 0
92 NAME Cha 1 MoC 11 06 48 -77 18.0           ~ 1163 1
93 ASAS J110808-6341.3 Ro* 11 08 07.8945232920 -63 41 46.910791356   13.15 11.688   10.095 M0Ve 12 0
94 V* DZ Cha TT* 11 49 31.8528592968 -78 51 01.062617652   14.330 12.766 12.511 10.732 M0Ve 74 0
95 PM J11557-5637 Ro* 11 55 42.9941082936 -56 37 31.595742948   13.07 11.440 11.235 9.757 M0Ve 10 0
96 RX J1159.7-7601 TT* 11 59 42.2711847672 -76 01 26.178271284   12.46 11.11   9.858 K4Ve 63 0
97 HD 104467 TT* 12 01 39.1168325928 -78 59 16.915311240   9.26 8.466   7.678 G3V(e) 57 0
98 HD 105923 Y*O 12 11 38.1470604024 -71 10 36.027201000   9.86 9.140   8.286 G8V 30 0
99 ASAS J121248-6230.4 Y*O 12 12 48.8119029168 -62 30 31.970622492   12.63 11.33 10.97 9.775 K7Ve 12 0
100 PM J12160-5614 Y*O 12 16 01.1627221992 -56 14 07.023872868   12.290 11.169 10.959 9.842 K5Ve 17 0
101 CPD-64 1859 Y*O 12 19 21.6378016896 -64 54 10.321434324 11.48 10.87 9.90   8.907 K3V 13 0
102 RX J1219.7-7404 TT* 12 19 43.7030774208 -74 03 57.254127300     13.1   10.95 M1 33 0
103 RX J1220.4-7407 TT* 12 20 21.7911659448 -74 07 39.516658140     12.780   10.52 M1V 38 0
104 HD 107722 TT* 12 23 29.0429848776 -77 40 51.427021368   8.75 8.29     F6V 29 0
105 CD-62 657 Y*O 12 28 25.3945932456 -63 20 58.738038180   10.129 9.357   8.525 G7V 19 0
106 CPD-63 2367 Y*O 12 36 38.9779337112 -63 44 43.520073000   10.83 10.028   8.951 K2V 14 0
107 CD-51 6859 PM* 12 37 52.2160953269 -52 00 05.322430607 13.397 12.198 10.663 9.586 8.233 M3V(e) 114 0
108 CD-74 712 TT* 12 39 21.2761289184 -75 02 39.186556764   11.15 10.303   9.197 K3Ve 46 0
109 TYC 8651-442-1 Y*O 12 47 48.2497762512 -54 31 30.710381340   12.993 11.752 11.343   M0Ve 10 0
110 1RXS J125608.8-692652 Y*O 12 56 08.3082110592 -69 26 54.060882900   12.80 11.831   10.048 K7Ve 14 0
111 HD 112245 Or* 12 56 09.3962010432 -61 27 25.473461148   10.24 9.519   8.543 K0Ve 25 0
112 IRAS 12535-7623 Y*O 12 57 11.6949853032 -76 40 11.291754000   17.20 15.00     M0e 42 0
113 CD-69 1055 Y*O 12 58 25.5840183960 -70 28 49.148391324   10.77 9.992   8.941 K0Ve 43 0
114 V* PX Vir BY* 13 03 49.6546871 -05 09 42.517119 9.042 8.555 7.679 7.185 6.721 K1V 130 0
115 CPD-68 1894 TT* 13 22 07.5421944624 -69 38 12.219391716   11.38 10.393   9.117 K1Ve 161 0
116 HD 118114 ** 13 34 23.80921 +26 16 34.0866           F2 25 0
117 1RXS J134442.5-634758 Y*O 13 44 42.7967106480 -63 47 49.449431184   12.00 10.969   9.511 K4Ve 16 0
118 PM J14111-6155 LM* 14 11 08.7298828416 -61 55 47.067032640   12.06 10.866 10.534   M1Ve 16 0
119 NAME beta Pic Moving Group MGr 14 30 -42.0           ~ 790 0
120 CD-43 9546 SB* 15 01 16.5013200240 -43 39 31.111774308   12.17 10.791 10.477   M3Ve 24 0
121 L 262-74 ** 15 10 40.4769311714 -52 48 19.043389945   12.90 11.38 11.037   M2V(e) 17 0
122 L 72-6 PM* 15 24 00.2914598376 -70 54 09.675892152   12.87 11.758 11.238   M1Ve 18 0
123 CD-46 10045 ** 15 25 11.67025 -46 59 12.8516   10.66 9.84 9.85   G9V 20 0
124 V* KW Lup PM* 15 45 47.6002137432 -30 20 55.746457152   10.34 9.37   7.956 K2V 72 0
125 1RXS J155642.8-424233 Y*O 15 56 44.0165098937 -42 42 30.139170504   13.37 12.130   10.296 K6IVe 9 0
126 CD-36 10569 TT* 15 59 49.5108561504 -36 28 27.904409112 13.01 12.06 11.12 10.32 9.66 K3e 36 0
127 BD-18 4244 Or* 16 12 40.5144406080 -18 59 28.267620432   12.15 10.829   9.235 K0IV(e) 90 0
128 CD-22 11432 TT* 16 14 11.0697507472 -23 05 36.071480044   11.90 10.70   9.255 K2IV 78 0
129 HD 147808 TT* 16 24 51.3636976776 -22 39 32.558556276   10.69 9.81   8.58 G9IVe 38 0
130 CD-25 11504 Or* 16 25 38.480136 -26 13 54.28524   12.56 11.40 11.16   K7Ve 39 0
131 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1
132 ROXs 43B TT* 16 31 20.1894501240 -24 30 00.688079088   13.71 12.39     K3e 27 0
133 LP 745-70 PM* 16 33 41.6097712464 -09 33 11.935611864   12.90 11.280 10.840 9.53 K9Vkee 63 0
134 V* V877 Sco EB* 16 33 41.9276237160 -25 23 34.111202964   13.05 11.749   10.106 K4IVe 19 0
135 CD-33 11275 Y*O 16 35 22.472760 -33 28 52.90320   12.53 11.31 11.26 9.925 K4Ve 8 0
136 CD-24 12794 Ro* 16 43 56.9161934760 -25 08 36.758918472   12.22 11.240 10.812 9.551 K6Ve 12 0
137 IRAS 16443-1509 TT* 16 47 13.5682602360 -15 14 27.494678400   15.1 12.219 13.4 10.208 M0Ve 16 0
138 PDS 91 Y*O 16 48 21.887088 -14 10 42.60432   17.027 15.049 12.9   ~ 14 0
139 HD 152555 PM* 16 54 08.1433547448 -04 20 24.661056912   8.42 7.82     F8/G0V 98 0
140 HD 154361 PM* 17 05 08.5025365128 -01 47 09.997839060   10.59 9.44 8.82 8.242 K3V 13 1
141 BD-18 4452 ** 17 13 11.55336 -18 34 26.8860           M0Ve+M3Ve 5 0
142 CD-27 11535 Y*O 17 15 03.6088321069 -27 49 39.737104983   11.68 10.596   9.129 K5Ve 22 0
143 HD 155915 Er* 17 18 14.6477805192 -60 27 27.481458780   10.29 9.355   8.515 G8V 41 0
144 TYC 6242-104-1 * 17 21 55.9905051384 -20 10 53.461484724   12.821 11.608 12.02 9.698 K5Ve 6 0
145 RX J1726.9-1631 ** 17 26 56.612472 -16 31 34.42800   12.314 11.43 10.37 9.489 K4Ve 7 0
146 GSC 08350-01924 ** 17 29 20.667048 -50 14 52.97208   14.319 12.811 12.412   M3Ve 25 0
147 CD-54 7336 Y*O 17 29 55.0775553600 -54 15 48.649620708   10.38 9.614   8.665 K1V 48 0
148 HD 160934 Er* 17 38 39.6170537492 +61 14 16.102424643   11.34 10.15   8.99 K7Ve 103 0
149 HD 160682 EB* 17 42 30.3555759312 -28 44 55.601538324   9.74 9.033 8.57 8.978 G5V 51 0
150 HD 161460 Y*O 17 48 33.7487706842 -53 06 43.372347052   10.44 8.945   7.954 K0IV 31 0
151 ASAS J180316+0448.4 Ro* 18 03 17.8139455560 +04 48 26.489734812   11.08 10.295   9.241 K2 4 0
152 HD 319139 SB* 18 14 10.4818675368 -32 47 34.516836060   11.47 10.68   9.11 K5+K7 367 0
153 ASAS J181422-3246.2 Em* 18 14 22.0736727072 -32 46 10.132941432   14.14 12.78 12.316 10.380 M1Ve 49 0
154 BD+01 3657 PM* 18 22 17.2204128888 +01 42 25.449871824   11.31 10.199   8.658 K6Vke 24 0
155 Cl* NGC 6633 HAW V44 BY* 18 31 59.1419960904 +05 40 19.867295064   11.47 10.819 10.55 9.858 ~ 5 0
156 PM J18451+0620 PM* 18 45 10.2699409392 +06 20 15.939616848   12.28 10.763 10.381 8.800 M1.0Ve 28 0
157 Smethells 20 BY* 18 46 52.5522032160 -62 10 36.612382764   13.07 11.831 11.612 9.99 M1Ve 58 0
158 ASAS J184725+0841.1 Ro* 18 47 25.5860275248 +08 41 07.155658104   13.16 12.096   10.721 M0e 7 0
159 CD-31 16041 Y*O 18 50 44.4830287248 -31 47 47.382005112   12.25 11.191 10.745 9.432 K8Ve 53 0
160 HD 174656 ** 18 53 05.977488 -36 10 22.76616   10.57 9.80 9.79 8.643 K0IV(e) 22 0
161 BD+01 3828 ** 18 57 19.71216 +01 20 35.1924           G5V 13 0
162 1RXS J185803.4-295318 SB* 18 58 04.1528661528 -29 53 04.669153116   13.96 11.800 11.395 9.637 M0Ve 48 0
163 HD 176898 * 19 02 17.0875845336 +02 44 21.960688668   10.05 9.19     K0/1V 11 0
164 CD-26 13904 ** 19 11 44.6658331104 -26 04 08.530229568   11.29 10.20   9.09 K4V(e) 41 0
165 LF 1 +05 127 Ro* 19 31 34.9255361736 +05 56 07.061575920   11.87 11.127 10.71 9.582 K3III 5 0
166 ASAS J193304+0345.7 PM* 19 33 03.7515646488 +03 45 39.704195160   12.17 11.28 10.78 10.07 ~ 29 0
167 RX J1936.0+0325 SB* 19 36 04.3713084648 +03 25 48.822049236   11.168 10.396 10.207 9.463 ~ 5 0
168 Smethells 41 LM* 19 37 08.7869117208 -51 34 00.883431048   13.84 11.56 11.348 9.891 M1Ve 35 0
169 TYC 1062-1904-1 * 19 47 39.1553800872 +09 29 37.136703732   12.98 11.81     ~ 1 0
170 TYC 1058-1925-1 * 19 51 13.388922 +08 42 20.11098   11.67 10.91     ~ 1 0
171 HD 189285 PM* 19 59 24.1004802984 -04 32 06.157717008   10.18 9.43   8.72 G5V 27 0
172 BD-03 4778 ** 20 04 49.3615182672 -02 39 20.389044168   11.18 10.128   9.133 K1V 42 0
173 CD-52 9381 LM* 20 07 23.7707562384 -51 47 27.266582652   11.57 10.608   9.087 K6Ve 29 0
174 CD-32 15723 Er* 20 07 44.9749986917 -31 45 14.367216694 15.208 14.096 12.496 11.286 9.724 M4Ve 48 0
175 TYC 5188-193-1 * 20 35 27.2024847648 -07 06 54.654764256   12.57 11.59     ~ 1 0
176 CD-36 14261 LM* 20 36 08.3089466592 -36 07 11.509782996   13.464 11.557 11.39 9.288 M3Ve 24 1
177 V* BO Mic BY* 20 47 45.0056152368 -36 35 40.769832192   10.39 9.337   8.216 K3V(e) 201 0
178 HD 199058 SB* 20 54 21.0848815512 +09 02 23.797559328   9.27 8.61     G5 22 0
179 ASAS J205428+0906.1 BY* 20 54 27.9981029808 +09 06 06.699068784   12.55 11.28 10.58 10.46 ~ 18 0
180 2MASS J20580718-0902065 * 20 58 07.1844630192 -09 02 06.577196352         17.29 ~ 1 0
181 HD 199602 PM* 20 58 32.5040511024 -08 50 22.446942900   10.34 9.19     K1III 4 0
182 1SWASP J210124.59+054212.8 BY* 21 01 24.5903506920 +05 42 12.708507636   12.40 11.55 11.07   ~ 3 0
183 HD 201919 BY* 21 13 05.2764114744 -17 29 12.691167252   11.57 10.613   9.200 K6Ve 39 0
184 ASAS J212528-8138.5 BY* 21 25 27.4805070792 -81 38 27.691901952   13.31 11.821 11.517 9.64 M1Ve 35 0
185 Smethells 81 Er* 21 28 44.4271050744 -47 15 42.130425348   13.62 12.189 11.926 10.243 M1Ve 26 0
186 BD+22 4409 BY* 21 31 01.7140062576 +23 20 07.374015564   10.240 9.245 8.6 7.965 K3Vke 178 0
187 StKM 1-1950 V* 21 52 10.41792 +05 37 35.8596   13.63 12.141 11.836   M2.4V 65 0
188 TYC 553-84-1 * 21 56 22.0391242920 +05 17 48.693634800   12.17 10.68     ~ 1 0
189 HD 208372 * 21 57 13.2240663816 -51 04 16.254134616   10.139 9.711     F8 13 0
190 CD-51 13128 Er* 21 57 41.2035635911 -51 00 22.237732006 12.968 12.008 10.487 9.416 8.101 M2Ve 92 0
191 BD+02 4456 PM* 21 59 59.9380324392 +03 02 24.988464600   11.09 9.866   8.997 K0IV 9 0
192 BD-04 5601 * 22 02 30.1631538576 -04 06 11.701060236   10.97 10.05     K2V 9 0
193 V* CS Gru Er* 22 15 35.2284255264 -39 00 50.698140228   10.14 9.335   8.348 K0V 31 0
194 HD 211742B * 22 19 56.1237592104 -36 41 38.377041504   11.03 10.61 10.714   ~ 7 0
195 Wolf 1225 ** 22 23 29.09743 +32 27 33.9152       10.26   M3.0V 108 0
196 HD 212781 Ro* 22 26 53.2559664960 -00 50 39.506476956   11.34 10.554   9.540 K0V(e) 8 0
197 StKM 1-2038 * 22 42 01.6444142760 +09 46 09.199372404   13.40 11.69     K6Ve 18 0
198 CPD-72 2713 Er* 22 42 48.9340258128 -71 42 21.199866948   11.718 10.565 10.401 8.862 K7Ve 69 0
199 V* WW PsA BY* 22 44 57.9628374984 -33 15 01.744541676 14.583 13.627 12.111 10.916 9.109 M4IVe 128 1
200 V* TX PsA Er* 22 45 00.0641595504 -33 15 26.091533124   14.93 13.36 12.095 10.379 M5IVe 82 0
201 StKM 2-1665 PM* 22 53 05.9987838048 +07 28 19.101507420   12.35 11.363 10.843   K6Ve 18 0
202 RX J2256.8+0235 Ro* 22 56 49.5199589280 +02 35 39.048958536   11.18 10.327   9.327 K1IV 16 0
203 HD 217379 ** 23 00 27.95355 -26 18 42.7951         8.86 K6.5Vke 59 0
204 HD 217379A SB* 23 00 27.9560609040 -26 18 42.771460932   11.92 10.19     ~ 28 0
205 TYC 582-114-1 * 23 04 53.0051142216 +06 32 00.393146052   11.67 10.98     K1Ve 5 0
206 MCC 858 Er* 23 06 04.8465138840 +63 55 34.356579420   12.34 10.96 10.37 9.10 M0.3V 90 0
207 TYC 576-1220-1 * 23 08 50.4577253256 +00 00 52.790069088   11.24 10.24     G8V 11 0
208 BD-03 5579 PM* 23 09 37.1304470904 -02 25 55.243491672   12.13 10.977 9.85 9.583 K4Ve 27 0
209 CD-45 14955B LM* 23 11 53.6378755512 -45 08 00.447085752   21.46 13.00 13.34 11.54 M3Ve 15 0
210 BD+41 4749 PM* 23 19 39.5615401608 +42 15 09.834862140   9.67 8.93     G0 47 1
211 ASAS J232157+0721.3 Ro* 23 21 56.3793555936 +07 21 33.037173540   11.51 10.913   9.914 K0V 12 0
212 PM J23261-7323 Er* 23 26 10.6969614264 -73 23 49.853758488   14.08 11.877 11.492 9.951 M0Ve 49 0
213 BD-13 6424 Er* 23 32 30.8611320024 -12 15 51.462942408   12.38 10.639 10.320 8.646 M0Ve 78 0
214 BD+00 5017 ** 23 35 00.2767437606 +01 36 19.434711493 12.082 10.893 9.546 8.703 7.879 K7V 156 0
215 HD 222575 Er* 23 41 54.2923187616 -35 58 39.809450460   10.07 9.411   8.599 G8V 41 0
216 V* BS Psc BY* 23 52 24.3672858072 -00 55 59.825843904   11.48 10.76     G7V 22 0
217 NAME Octans Association As* ~ ~           ~ 91 0
218 NAME Carina Moving Group MGr ~ ~           ~ 54 0
219 NAME Argus Association As* ~ ~           ~ 236 0

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