
Query : 2015A&A...581A..23K

2015A&A...581A..23K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 581A, 23-23 (2015/9-1)

Brightest cluster galaxies in the extended GMRT radio halo cluster sample. Radio properties and cluster dynamics.


Abstract (from CDS):

First-ranked galaxies in clusters, usually referred to as brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), show exceptional properties over the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They are the most massive elliptical galaxies and show the highest probability to be radio loud. Moreover, their special location at the centres of galaxy clusters raises the question of the role of the environment in shaping their radio properties. In the attempt to separate the effect of the galaxy mass and of the environment on their statistical radio properties, we investigate the possible dependence of the occurrence of radio loudness and of the fractional radio luminosity function on the dynamical state of the hosting cluster. We studied the radio properties of the BCGs in the Extended GMRT Radio Halo Survey (EGRHS), which consists of 65 clusters in the redshift range 0.2-0.4, with X-ray luminosity LX≥5x1044erg/s, and quantitative information on their dynamical state from high-quality Chandra imaging. We obtained a statistical sample of 59 BCGs, which we divided into two classes, depending on whether the dynamical state of the host cluster was merging (M) or relaxed (R). Of the 59 BCGs, 28 are radio loud and 31 are radio quiet. The radio-loud sources are favourably located in relaxed clusters (71%), while the reverse is true for the radio-quiet BCGs, which are mostly located in merging systems (81%). The fractional radio luminosity function for the BCGs in merging and relaxed clusters is different, and it is considerably higher for BCGs in relaxed clusters, where the total fraction of radio loudness reaches almost 90%, to be compared to the ∼30% in merging clusters. For relaxed clusters, we found a positive correlation between the radio power of the BCGs and the strength of the cool core, consistent with previous studies on local samples. Our study suggests that the radio loudness of the BCGs strongly depends on the cluster dynamics; their fraction is considerably higher in relaxed clusters. We compare our results with similar investigations and briefly discuss them in the framework of AGN feedback.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): radio continuum: galaxies - galaxies: clusters: general - galaxies: active - X-rays: galaxies: clusters

CDS comments: [CN84] 001 and [CN84] 002 not identified.

Simbad objects: 118

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Number of rows : 118
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ACO 2697 ClG 00 03 11.5 -06 05 30           ~ 48 0
2 2MASX J00031162-0605305 GiC 00 03 11.624 -06 05 30.59   18.75   16.83   ~ 4 0
3 ACO 2744 ClG 00 14 20.03 -30 23 17.8           ~ 850 0
4 BAX 006.9575+26.2739 ClG 00 27 45.90 +26 16 25.0           ~ 42 0
5 ACO 68 ClG 00 37 06.2 +09 09 33           ~ 189 0
6 2MASX J00370686+0909236 BiC 00 37 06.8375479080 +09 09 24.206067504           ~ 15 1
7 2MFGC 530 BiC 00 43 25.0822467312 -20 37 05.264334372           ~ 3 0
8 ACO 2813 ClG 00 43 32.377 -20 35 23.51           ~ 97 0
9 2MASX J01053543-2437476 BiC 01 05 35.4018689016 -24 37 47.732617668           ~ 3 0
10 ACO 141 ClG 01 05 37.183 -24 40 49.95           ~ 80 0
11 ZwCl 0104+0048 ClG 01 06 50.5 +01 04 10           ~ 63 0
12 ACO 2895 ClG 01 18 04.48 -27 00 13.4           ~ 44 0
13 [OOP2020] Abell 209 BCG BiC 01 31 52.5435724728 -13 36 40.583272896   18.76 17.00 16.41   ~ 12 0
14 ACO 209 ClG 01 31 52.9 -13 36 53           ~ 298 0
15 ClG J0142+2131 ClG 01 42 03.1 +21 30 39           ~ 57 1
16 [REE2012] J014203.4+213115 BiC 01 42 03.46 +21 31 17.4           ~ 4 0
17 2MASX J01524199+0100257 BiC 01 52 41.963 +01 00 25.53     13.57     ~ 21 1
18 ACO 267 ClG 01 52 43.016 +00 59 58.90           ~ 232 0
19 2dFGRS TGS318Z184 BiC 03 07 02.074 -28 39 57.48   18.201   16.234   ~ 8 0
20 ACO 3088 ClG 03 07 02.12 -28 39 57.3           ~ 72 0
21 2MASX J04370955+0043533 BiC 04 37 09.560 +00 43 53.33   18.9       ~ 4 0
22 ACT-CL J0437.1+0043 ClG 04 37 12.0820 +00 43 37.737           ~ 44 0
23 2MASX J04390053+0716038 BiC 04 39 00.536 +07 16 03.80           ~ 4 0
24 ACT-CL J0438.9+0716 ClG 04 39 00.7 +07 15 45           ~ 59 0
25 BAX 069.7593+05.3453 ClG 04 39 02.2 +05 20 43           ~ 79 0
26 [VV98] J043902.2+052044 QSO 04 39 02.26218755 +05 20 43.6733419     16.10 15.25   ~ 36 1
27 2MASX J04540687-1013247 BiC 04 54 06.870 -10 13 24.79           ~ 8 0
28 ACO 521 ClG 04 54 08.6 -10 14 39           ~ 254 0
29 ACO 520 ClG 04 54 10.1 +02 55 38           ~ 441 0
30 ACT-CL J0510.7-0801 ClG 05 10 43.85 -08 01 13.0           ~ 30 0
31 2MASX J05104786-0801449 GiC 05 10 47.868 -08 01 44.92           ~ 2 0
32 [OOP2020] Abell 611 BCG BiC 08 00 56.849 +36 03 23.47         16.6 ~ 25 0
33 ACO 611 ClG 08 00 58.7 +36 02 49           ~ 261 0
34 ACO 689 ClG 08 37 29 +14 59.5           ~ 51 0
35 SDSS J084257.55+362159.2 BiC 08 42 57.557 +36 21 59.25   20.48   17.95   ~ 24 1
36 ACO 697 ClG 08 42 57.6 +36 21 45           ~ 257 0
37 2MASX J08500730+3604203 BiC 08 50 07.310 +36 04 20.31           ~ 3 0
38 ZwCl 0847+3617 ClG 08 50 12.0 +36 03 36           ~ 69 0
39 [OKM2018] SWIFT J0900.9+2095 Sy2 09 00 36.8611579968 +20 53 40.432948980   20.22 19.50     ~ 28 0
40 ZwCl 0857+2107 ClG 09 00 36.90 +20 53 40.3           ~ 97 0
41 ACO 773 ClG 09 17 51.3 +51 43 20           ~ 298 0
42 2MASX J09175344+5143379 BiC 09 17 53.418 +51 43 37.35   18.1   16.49   ~ 16 1
43 2MASX J09175344+5144009 BiC 09 17 53.4760085328 +51 44 01.295985264   18.3   16.73   ~ 12 0
44 ACO 781 ClG 09 20 25.4 +30 30 07           ~ 157 0
45 2MASX J09202578+3029380 BiC 09 20 25.788 +30 29 38.01       16.576   ~ 8 0
46 ZwCl 0947+1723 ClG 09 49 51.8 +17 07 05           ~ 82 0
47 ZwCl 0949+5207 ClG 09 52 49.1 +51 53 05           ~ 138 0
48 2MASX J09524915+5153053 LIN 09 52 49.164 +51 53 05.04   20.1       ~ 30 1
49 ACO 963 ClG 10 17 03.4 +39 02 56           ~ 403 0
50 LEDA 2142331 BiC 10 17 03.6366160416 +39 02 49.485562908           ~ 23 0
51 ZwCl 1021+0426 ClG 10 23 39.0 +04 11 14   15.6 17.95     ~ 287 0
52 NAME Z3146 BCG BiC 10 23 39.634 +04 11 10.66   18.6       ~ 30 0
53 2MASX J10235019-2715232 BiC 10 23 50.1803814288 -27 15 23.779680552           ~ 5 0
54 ACO 3444 ClG 10 23 53.1540 -27 15 07.840           ~ 90 0
55 ZwCl 1113+0144 ClG 11 15 54.0 +01 29 44           ~ 38 0
56 2MASX J11315413-1955391 BiC 11 31 54.133 -19 55 39.11           ~ 9 0
57 ACO 1300 ClG 11 32 00.7 -19 53 34           ~ 154 0
58 [OOP2020] Abell 1423 BCG BiC 11 57 17.2853335608 +33 36 39.145520376   18.0       ~ 19 0
59 ACO 1423 ClG 11 57 17.3206 +33 36 39.364           ~ 170 0
60 RXC J1212.3-1816 ClG 12 12 18.9 -18 16 43           ~ 15 0
61 2MASX J12341746+0945577 BiC 12 34 17.465 +09 45 58.46           ~ 12 0
62 ZwCl 1231+1007 ClG 12 34 21.9 +09 47 02           ~ 68 0
63 NVSS J123424+094721 rG 12 34 24.0798486504 +09 47 15.572207796           ~ 7 0
64 2MASX J12365866+6311145 BiC 12 36 58.628 +63 11 13.77           ~ 8 0
65 ACO 1576 ClG 12 36 59.5 +63 11 18           ~ 110 0
66 ZwCl 1303+2647 ClG 13 05 58.0 +26 30 53   20.1       ~ 26 0
67 ACO 1682 ClG 13 06 49.7 +46 32 59           ~ 143 1
68 LEDA 2283260 BiC 13 06 49.973 +46 33 33.53   18.3       ~ 12 0
69 ZwCl 1309+2216 ClG 13 11.5 +22 00           ~ 23 0
70 2MASX J13114620+2201367 BiC 13 11 46.1872312824 +22 01 37.230770172           ~ 13 0
71 BAX 199.3086-25.5133 ClG 13 14 25.4 -25 15 44           ~ 104 0
72 2MASX J13143263-2515266 GiC 13 14 32.633 -25 15 26.68           ~ 6 1
73 ACO 1722 ClG 13 20 08.3 +70 04 33           ~ 61 0
74 [HHP90] 1318+7020A GiC 13 20 09 +70 04.6           ~ 2 0
75 SDSS J133238.41+503335.7 BiC 13 32 38.4096415488 +50 33 35.782077096   19.65   17.41   ~ 16 0
76 ACO 1763 ClG 13 35 20.1 +41 00 04           ~ 315 0
77 ACO 1835 ClG 14 01 02.07 +02 52 43.2           ~ 700 1
78 NAME SMM J14010+0252 Sy1 14 01 02.0819944848 +02 52 42.426538140   19.3       ~ 46 2
79 2MASX J14571507+2220341 BiC 14 57 15.0998550864 +22 20 34.320909444   18.5   16.82   ~ 25 1
80 ZwCl 1455+2232 ClG 14 57 15.2 +22 20 30     18.62 20.04   ~ 301 0
81 ICRF J145928.7-181045 BLL 14 59 28.76317600 -18 10 45.1867813   17.88   16.53   ~ 29 0
82 ACO S 780 ClG 14 59 29.1 -18 10 45           ~ 84 0
83 ZwCl 1459+4240 ClG 15 01 23.0 +42 20 47           ~ 57 0
84 ClG J1504-0248 ClG 15 04 07.4 -02 48 15           ~ 180 0
85 2MASX J15150305-1521537 ClG 15 14.9 -15 23           ~ 47 0
86 2MASX J15145772-1523447 G 15 14 57.72 -15 23 44.5           ~ 2 0
87 LEDA 1900245 Bla 15 32 53.780 +30 20 59.41   19.1   15.7 17.819 ~ 149 1
88 ClG J1532+3021 ClG 15 32 53.8 +30 21 00           ~ 116 0
89 2MASX J15394049+3425276 BiC 15 39 40.496 +34 25 27.65           ~ 16 0
90 ACO 2111 ClG 15 39 40.9 +34 25 04           ~ 182 0
91 ACO 2146 ClG 15 56 04.7 +66 20 24           ~ 180 0
92 2MASX J15561395+6620530 Sy2 15 56 13.9188819816 +66 20 53.563569612   19.3       ~ 13 0
93 2MASX J16153353-0609167 BiC 16 15 33.54 -06 09 16.7       16.45   ~ 8 0
94 ACO 2163 ClG 16 15 46.1 -06 08 50           ~ 567 0
95 RELICS acs-wfc3 Abell 2163 3822 BiC 16 15 48.9457 -06 08 41.426       16.86   ~ 8 0
96 2MASX J16401981+4642409 BiC 16 40 19.812 +46 42 40.94   19.9       ~ 19 1
97 ACO 2219 ClG 16 40 22.1 +46 42 20           ~ 365 0
98 ACO 2261 ClG 17 22 26.9 +32 07 58           ~ 346 0
99 [OOP2020] Abell 2261 BCG BiC 17 22 27.185 +32 07 57.25           ~ 43 1
100 ACT-CL J2003.5-2323 ClG 20 03 32.3 -23 23 30           ~ 61 0
101 [OOP2020] RX J2129.7+0005 BCG BiC 21 29 39.953 +00 05 21.16           ~ 36 0
102 ClG J2129+0005 ClG 21 29 40.5 +00 05 47           ~ 278 0
103 ACO 2390 ClG 21 53 37.4 +17 41 46           ~ 696 2
104 ACT-CL J2211.7-0349 ClG 22 11 43.4 -03 50 07           ~ 81 0
105 [OOP2020] RXC J2211.7-0350 BCG BiC 22 11 45.967 -03 49 43.90           ~ 5 0
106 BAX 337.1433+20.6131 ClG 22 28 32.6 +20 37 08           ~ 120 0
107 ACO 2485 ClG 22 48 33 -16 07.1           ~ 50 0
108 [OOP2020] Abell 2537 BCG BiC 23 08 22.214 -02 11 31.52           ~ 13 1
109 ACO 2537 ClG 23 08 22.3 -02 11 29           ~ 140 0
110 ACO 2552 ClG 23 11 31.7 +03 37 44           ~ 80 0
111 2MASX J23113330+0338056 GiC 23 11 33.303 +03 38 05.69           ~ 6 0
112 SDSS J233739.73+001616.9 BiC 23 37 39.756 +00 16 16.51   19.6       ~ 21 0
113 ACO 2631 ClG 23 37 40.7 +00 16 35           ~ 173 0
114 ACO 2634 ClG 23 38 18.4 +27 01 37           ~ 504 2
115 NGC 7720 Sy1 23 38 29.38324020 +27 01 53.2580084   13.9 13.3     ~ 547 4
116 ACO 2645 ClG 23 41 17.0 -09 01 11           ~ 92 0
117 ACO 2667 ClG 23 51 39.37 -26 05 02.7           ~ 178 0
118 [VV2006] J235139.4-260503 QSO 23 51 39.4295 -26 05 03.179   18.093 17.10 18.003   ~ 13 0

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