
Query : 2015A&A...581A..30R

2015A&A...581A..30R - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 581A, 30-30 (2015/9-1)

Infrared study of transitional disks in Ophiuchus with Herschel.


Abstract (from CDS):

Observations of nearby star-forming regions with the Herschel Space Observatory complement our view of the protoplanetary disks in Ophiuchus with information about the outer disks. The main goal of this project is to provide new far-infrared fluxes for the known disks in the core region of Ophiuchus and to identify potential transitional disks using data from Herschel. We obtained PACS and SPIRE photometry of previously spectroscopically confirmed young stellar objects (YSO) in the region and analysed their spectral energy distributions. From an initial sample of 261 objects with spectral types in Ophiuchus, we detect 49 disks in at least one Herschel band. We provide new far-infrared fluxes for these objects. One of them is clearly a new transitional disk candidate. The data from Herschel Space Observatory provides fluxes that complement previous infrared data and that we use to identify a new transitional disk candidate.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: formation - stars: pre-main sequence - protoplanetary disks - planets and satellites: formation

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/581/A30): table4.dat tablea1.dat list.dat fits/*>

Simbad objects: 55

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Number of rows : 55
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* HL Tau Or* 04 31 38.5107609312 +18 13 57.859747968   15.89 14.49 14.39   K5 1444 0
2 IRAS 04287+1807 mul 04 31 38.8 +18 13 57           ~ 796 0
3 NAME Ori A MoC 05 38 -07.1           ~ 3035 0
4 NAME Chamaeleon Region SFR 11 55 -78.0           ~ 818 0
5 WSB 18 TT* 16 24 59.74128 -24 56 00.8340   18.9   15.71 13.78 M2.5-M4.5 40 0
6 EM* SR 22 Or* 16 25 24.3512329440 -24 29 44.379021480       14.52 12.88 M0e 65 0
7 YLW 19 Y*O 16 25 36.7381317840 -24 15 42.526380780   17.8 16.4 14.94 13.36 K3-K5 48 0
8 IRAS 16226-2420 TT* 16 25 39.58128 -24 26 34.9116       16.78 14.84 M2 48 0
9 EM* SR 4 Or* 16 25 56.1659023848 -24 20 48.240627072     12.80 11.7 10.7 K0:Ve 187 1
10 Haro 1-6 Or* 16 26 03.0276684144 -24 23 36.188140848   14.15 14.01 12.38 10.80 K0 218 2
11 GSS 29 TT* 16 26 16.8561896376 -24 22 23.150221356       17.4 15.23 K5-K6 84 1
12 DoAr 24 TT* 16 26 17.0743951968 -24 20 21.594730920   16.06 14.21 14.02 11.57 K7.5V 112 1
13 [GY92] 3 Y*O 16 26 21.9078410496 -24 44 39.697627344       17.95 15.62 M6.5 55 0
14 GSS 31 TT* 16 26 23.3684537424 -24 20 59.579380248   15.9 14.70 14.33 11.53 K0e 143 1
15 DoAr 25 TT* 16 26 23.6911292736 -24 43 13.888543800       12.65   K5 168 0
16 GSS 32 TT* 16 26 24.0509462472 -24 24 48.095495928       17.81 15.58 K5-K6 103 1
17 Elia 2-24 TT* 16 26 24.0886188024 -24 16 13.448569260   16.3 14.40 15.81 13.97 K6 167 1
18 WSB 34 TT* 16 26 32.9891547072 -24 00 16.774282548   18.5   16.02 14.13 M4.5 20 0
19 BKLT J162636-241554 Y*O 16 26 36.8350696008 -24 15 51.854365512       17.37 15.67 K7-M1 40 1
20 [GY92] 93 TT* 16 26 41.2666088952 -24 40 17.881012092       15.41 13.37 M5 59 0
21 GSS 37 TT* 16 26 42.85416 -24 20 29.8608       16.29 14.08 K7-M2 83 1
22 YLW 37 TT* 16 26 46.4288834880 -24 12 00.078675192   17.15   13.90 12.37 G3.5 61 0
23 WSB 40 TT* 16 26 48.6589514568 -23 56 34.141257060       14.45 12.92 K5.5 38 0
24 WL 18 TT* 16 26 48.9809680488 -24 38 25.152593208       19.33 17.38 M3.5 70 0
25 BKLT J162656-241353 TT* 16 26 56.7836190744 -24 13 51.537326592       18.46 16.29 K7 33 0
26 EM* SR 24A TT* 16 26 58.5134422944 -24 45 36.722580480       14.15 12.87 K1 107 0
27 Haro 1-7 ** 16 26 58.53 -24 45 35.3           K2:e+M0.5e 103 0
28 [GY92] 204 TT* 16 27 06.5924837856 -24 41 48.871282992       17.57 15.43 M5 100 0
29 BKLT J162708-241204 TT* 16 27 09.0794157000 -24 12 00.814867308       18.47 16.14 M2.5 31 0
30 BKLT J162715-245137 TT* 16 27 15.1289055168 -24 51 38.814347988   16.9 15.02 13.86 12.38 M2 67 0
31 ISO-Oph 123 TT* 16 27 17.5857757152 -24 05 13.700934204   20.3 18.9 17.67 15.47 M3.5 16 0
32 WSB 48 TT* 16 27 18.3586223184 -24 54 53.708812740   18.5   14.70 13.23 M3.75 26 0
33 WSB 49 TT* 16 27 22.9688005680 -24 48 07.138268784   16.9   15.06 13.31 M4.25 50 0
34 [GY92] 264 TT* 16 27 26.5812811008 -24 25 54.395321448       17.90 15.72 M8 48 0
35 [GY92] 284 TT* 16 27 30.8467391952 -24 24 56.094396228       18.45 16.24 M3.25 46 0
36 YLW 18 TT* 16 27 33.1157754648 -24 41 15.259932924       17.66 15.65 K5-K6 77 0
37 IRAS 16245-2423 TT* 16 27 37.1906433768 -24 30 35.025246828       16.66 14.67 B5-F2 314 0
38 YLW 47 TT* 16 27 38.3206405584 -24 36 58.594880844       17.69 15.52 M0 94 0
39 Haro 1-11 TT* 16 27 38.3295904392 -23 57 32.512870116   17.3   13.66 12.30 K6 41 0
40 [GY92] 310 Y*O 16 27 38.6295993720 -24 38 39.214842072         17.40 M8 68 0
41 DoAr 33 TT* 16 27 39.0123517344 -23 58 18.709495500   15.7   13.24 12.02 K4 70 0
42 ROX 27 TT* 16 27 39.4295731464 -24 39 15.527230272       15.76 14.03 M0+M4 111 0
43 CD-24 12689 Or* 16 27 40.2857881416 -24 22 04.130226300   12.91 11.533 11.11 10.00 K5e 283 0
44 [GY92] 326 TT* 16 27 42.7019158944 -24 38 50.619050052         17.30 M2 42 0
45 EM* SR 10 Or* 16 27 55.5811084704 -24 26 18.029534748   15.23 14.19 13.91 11.95 M1.5e 79 0
46 2MASS J16280256-2355035 Y*O 16 28 02.5773420624 -23 55 03.643133808           M3 11 0
47 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1
48 BKLT J162813-243249 Y*O 16 28 13.7954116248 -24 32 49.476119064       18.08 15.72 M3-M4.5 24 0
49 2MASS J16281385-2456113 Y*O 16 28 13.8563249208 -24 56 11.423293800       15.58 14.13 K7-M0 10 0
50 YLW 58 TT* 16 28 16.5129208176 -24 36 58.054939128   18.5   16.55 14.46 M4 101 0
51 ISO-Oph 195 TT* 16 28 16.7370297600 -24 05 14.436020040       15.59 13.91 K5-K6 43 0
52 EM* SR 20W TT* 16 28 23.3448796920 -24 22 40.668069288     15.79 16.29 14.60 K5 40 0
53 EM* SR 13 Or* 16 28 45.2768168328 -24 28 18.905579112     13.60 12.40 10.9 M2e 133 0
54 BKLT J162857-243109 Y*O 16 28 56.9520314328 -24 31 09.677787564       17.47 15.39 M5-M6 18 0
55 NTTS 162645-2434 TT* 16 29 44.286936 -24 41 21.84000   16.46 15.01 13.07   M5e 17 0

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