
Query : 2015ApJ...804...92S

2015ApJ...804...92S - Astrophys. J., 804, 92 (2015/May-2)

Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy of brown dwarfs discovered with the wide-field infrared survey explorer.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present a sample of brown dwarfs identified with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) for which we have obtained Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) near-infrared grism spectroscopy. The sample (22 in total) was observed with the G141 grism covering 1.10-1.70 µm, while 15 were also observed with the G102 grism, which covers 0.90-1.10 µm. The additional wavelength coverage provided by the G102 grism allows us to (1) search for spectroscopic features predicted to emerge at low effective temperatures (e.g.,ammonia bands) and (2) construct a smooth spectral sequence across the T/Y boundary. We find no evidence of absorption due to ammonia in the G102 spectra. Six of these brown dwarfs are new discoveries, three of which are found to have spectral types of T8 or T9. The remaining three, WISE J082507.35+280548.5 (Y0.5), WISE J120604.38+840110.6 (Y0), and WISE J235402.77+024015.0 (Y1), are the 19th, 20th, and 21st spectroscopically confirmed Y dwarfs to date. We also present HST grism spectroscopy and reevaluate the spectral types of five brown dwarfs for which spectral types have been determined previously using other instruments.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): stars: low-mass - brown dwarfs

Simbad objects: 29

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Number of rows : 29
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 WISE J032504.33-504400.3 BD* 03 25 04.33536 -50 44 00.3876           T8 10 0
2 WISEA J033515.07+431044.7 BD* 03 35 15.01848 +43 10 45.1416           T9 16 0
3 WISE J035000.32-565830.2 BD* 03 50 00.32784 -56 58 30.2340           Y1 30 0
4 WISE J035934.06-540154.6 BD* 03 59 34.06704 -54 01 54.6420           Y0 28 0
5 WISE J040443.48-642029.9 BD* 04 04 43.48344 -64 20 30.0012           T9 6 0
6 WISE J041022.71+150248.4 BD* 04 10 22.71288 +15 02 48.4620           Y0 36 0
7 2MASSI J0415195-093506 BD* 04 15 19.54368 -09 35 06.6732           T8.0 166 0
8 WISE J053516.80-750024.9 BD* 05 35 16.80696 -75 00 24.9156           Y1:+ 25 0
9 WISE J064723.23-623235.5 BD* 06 47 23.23704 -62 32 35.5164           Y1 19 0
10 WISE J072227.27-054029.9 BD* 07 22 27.51096 -05 40 31.2096           T9 78 0
11 WISE J073444.02-715744.0 BD* 07 34 44.02248 -71 57 44.0460           Y0 17 0
12 L 97-3 WD* 08 06 53.7536568947 -66 18 16.701075068   13.76 13.70 13.66 13.61 DQ 93 1
13 WISEA J082507.37+280548.2 BD* 08 25 07.35720 +28 05 48.5592           Y0.5 11 0
14 WISEA J085510.74-071442.5 BD* 08 55 10.83168 -07 14 42.5256           Y2 90 0
15 WISE J094305.98+360723.5 BD* 09 43 05.989 +36 07 23.57           T9.5 8 0
16 WISEA J120604.25+840110.5 BD* 12 06 04.38696 +84 01 10.6860           Y0 10 0
17 WISE J121756.90+162640.8 BD* 12 17 56.90808 +16 26 40.8372           T9+Y0 41 0
18 WISE J140518.39+553421.3 BD* 14 05 18.39384 +55 34 21.3996           Y0(pec?) 53 0
19 NAME CFBDSIR 1458+1013B BD* 14 58 29.0 +10 13 43           T8+/Y? 24 1
20 WISE J154151.65-225024.9 BD* 15 41 51.65976 -22 50 24.9936           Y0 50 0
21 WISE J154214.00+223005.2 BD* 15 42 14.00016 +22 30 05.2380           T9.5 13 0
22 WISE J163940.83-684738.6 BD* 16 39 40.83744 -68 47 38.6376           Y0pec 22 0
23 WISE J173835.53+273259.0 BD* 17 38 35.53440 +27 32 59.0964           Y0 57 0
24 WISE J182831.08+265037.7 BD* 18 28 31.08696 +26 50 37.7196           Y0 56 0
25 WISE J205628.91+145953.2 BD* 20 56 28.91952 +14 59 53.2248           Y0 44 0
26 WISE J220905.73+271143.9 BD* 22 09 05.73360 +27 11 43.9980           Y0: 19 0
27 WISE J221216.33-693121.6 BD* 22 12 16.33152 -69 31 21.6588           T9 7 0
28 WISE J222055.31-362817.4 BD* 22 20 55.32000 -36 28 17.4972           Y0 19 0
29 WISEA J235402.79+024014.1 BD* 23 54 02.79 +02 40 14.1           Y1 11 0

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