
Query : 2016A&A...587A..70S

2016A&A...587A..70S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 587A, 70-70 (2016/3-1)

Shape of the oxygen abundance profiles in CALIFA face-on spiral galaxies.


Abstract (from CDS):

We measured the gas abundance profiles in a sample of 122 face-on spiral galaxies observed by the CALIFA survey and included all spaxels whose line emission was consistent with star formation. This type of analysis allowed us to improve the statistics with respect to previous studies, and to properly estimate the oxygen distribution across the entire disc to a distance of up to 3-4 disc effective radii (re). We confirm the results obtained from classical HII region analysis. In addition to the general negative gradient, an outer flattening can be observed in the oxygen abundance radial profile. An inner drop is also found in some cases. There is a common abundance gradient between 0.5 and 2.0 re of αO/H=-0.075dex/re with a scatter of σ=0.016dex/re when normalising the distances to the disc effective radius. By performing a set of Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, we determined that this slope is independent of other galaxy properties, such as morphology, absolute magnitude, and the presence or absence of bars. In particular, barred galaxies do not seem to display shallower gradients, as predicted by numerical simulations. Interestingly, we find that most of the galaxies in the sample with reliable oxygen abundance values beyond ∼2 effective radii (57 galaxies) present a flattening of the abundance gradient in these outer regions. This flattening is not associated with any morphological feature, which suggests that it is a common property of disc galaxies. Finally, we detect a drop or truncation of the abundance in the inner regions of 27 galaxies in the sample; this is only visible for the most massive galaxies.

Abstract Copyright:

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: abundances - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: spiral - techniques: imaging spectroscopy - techniques: spectroscopic

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/587/A70): tablea1.dat>

Simbad objects: 123

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Number of rows : 123
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 UGC 5 Sy2 00 03 05.6532278352 -01 54 49.909114908   13.92 13.32 12.40 12.08 ~ 106 0
2 NGC 7819 GiG 00 04 24.495 +31 28 19.30   14.3       ~ 125 0
3 NGC 7824 GiP 00 05 06.2405943024 +06 55 12.496933380   14.5       ~ 63 0
4 UGC 36 AG? 00 05 13.8796086216 +06 46 19.204496040   14.7       ~ 66 0
5 NGC 1 GiP 00 07 15.8562637560 +27 42 29.020113144   13.4       ~ 117 0
6 NGC 36 LIN 00 11 22.2984769368 +06 23 21.623562132   14.5       ~ 90 0
7 NGC 160 AG? 00 36 04.0982272704 +23 57 28.502827092   13.7       ~ 95 0
8 NGC 165 rG 00 36 28.9369366464 -10 06 21.496364280 14.12 13.88 13.08     ~ 60 1
9 NGC 175 Sy2 00 37 21.5488991448 -19 56 03.358974336   12.95   11.73 12.4 ~ 102 0
10 NGC 214 AGN 00 41 28.0237030104 +25 29 57.833719800   13.0       ~ 172 0
11 NGC 237 AGN 00 43 27.8628000144 -00 07 29.805209400   13.65 13.06 12.53 11.85 ~ 152 0
12 NGC 234 EmG 00 43 32.3817530400 +14 20 33.397671804   13.5       ~ 127 0
13 NGC 257 GiG 00 48 01.5091790304 +08 17 49.505819100   13.7       ~ 88 0
14 NGC 309 EmG 00 56 42.6581930088 -09 54 49.952323224   12.7   11.76 12.4 ~ 166 0
15 NGC 477 Sy2 01 21 20.3410541880 +40 29 17.414141208   14.0       ~ 103 0
16 IC 1683 GiG 01 22 38.867 +34 26 13.21   14.2       ~ 90 0
17 NGC 496 GiG 01 23 11.5872831672 +33 31 45.417105984   14.3       ~ 111 0
18 NGC 570 LIN 01 28 58.6382744976 -00 56 56.296696488   14.2       ~ 70 0
19 M 74 G 01 36 41.7451236624 +15 47 01.107512304 10.52 10.00 9.46 9.16   ~ 1762 1
20 IC 159 EmG 01 46 25.0497187632 -08 38 11.829081012   14   13.08   ~ 49 1
21 UGCA 21 LSB 01 49 10.384 -10 03 38.54   13.1   12.37 13.4 ~ 66 0
22 NGC 716 AG? 01 52 59.6547585288 +12 42 30.693406572   14.0       ~ 93 1
23 NGC 768 LIN 01 58 40.9396864704 +00 31 45.224952888   14.3       ~ 85 0
24 NGC 776 GiG 01 59 54.5182947984 +23 38 39.440979708   13.4       ~ 116 0
25 NGC 787 Sy1 02 00 48.6151408008 -09 00 09.216492804   13   12.21   ~ 43 1
26 NGC 873 EmG 02 16 32.3649137304 -11 20 54.546707076   13.1 12.71 12.174 13.0 ~ 74 1
27 UGC 1918 GiG 02 27 32.4768036552 +25 40 07.497760008   14.7       ~ 39 0
28 NGC 941 EmG 02 28 27.847 -01 09 05.61   12.8   13.0 12.9 ~ 147 0
29 NGC 976 GiG 02 34 00.0380649672 +20 58 36.291595584   12.9       ~ 115 0
30 NGC 991 LSB 02 35 32.6841762360 -07 09 15.862909536   12.36   12.7 12.6 ~ 156 1
31 NGC 1070 AG? 02 43 22.2706436304 +04 58 06.153414060   13.0       ~ 58 1
32 NGC 1094 LIN 02 47 27.8297462352 -00 17 06.476054676   13.5       ~ 83 0
33 NGC 1093 Sy2 02 48 16.1267562816 +34 25 11.324976636   14.3       ~ 72 0
34 UGC 2311 BiC 02 49 27.9504447648 -00 52 22.811119104   13.7   13.3 13.5 ~ 71 0
35 MCG-01-10-019 EmG 03 40 42.9802407216 -06 24 54.559212624   15   13.26   ~ 55 1
36 NGC 1659 Sy2 04 46 29.9456285232 -04 47 19.848949980   13   12.32   ~ 67 0
37 NGC 1667 Sy2 04 48 37.1804579280 -06 19 11.824427712   13.66 12.86 11.72   ~ 367 2
38 UGC 3253 AG? 05 19 41.625 +84 03 09.10   13.1       ~ 75 0
39 NGC 2253 AG? 06 43 14.6846186952 +65 40 38.950679568   15.0       ~ 62 0
40 NGC 2347 LIN 07 16 04.087 +64 42 41.54   13.2       ~ 124 0
41 Mrk 79 Sy1 07 42 32.8210670808 +49 48 34.783809768   14.74 14.27     ~ 722 1
42 NGC 2449 LIN 07 47 20.2981917816 +26 55 48.571415436   14.3       ~ 69 0
43 NGC 2486 Sy2 07 57 56.4878763072 +25 09 39.152321928   14.24 13.26     ~ 79 0
44 NGC 2487 LIN 07 58 20.4641458656 +25 08 57.241058784   13.28 12.23     ~ 121 0
45 UGC 4195 GiG 08 05 06.9237152856 +66 46 58.662972300   14.6       ~ 67 0
46 NGC 2529 GiG 08 07 55.6050454344 +17 49 06.512507940   14.7       ~ 45 0
47 NGC 2540 Q? 08 12 46.4478838824 +26 21 42.387277896   14.5       ~ 78 0
48 UGC 4308 AGN 08 17 25.7946713184 +21 41 07.680895332   14.5       ~ 106 0
49 UGC 4262 AG? 08 19 02.7815651040 +83 15 59.034195108   14.2       ~ 35 0
50 UGC 4375 GiP 08 23 11.2783197672 +22 39 52.797489408   14.6       ~ 90 0
51 NGC 2604 GiP 08 33 23.057 +29 32 19.03   15.38 14.92     ~ 113 0
52 NGC 2639 Sy2 08 43 38.0682469032 +50 12 19.942091604 12.90 12.56 11.65     ~ 429 2
53 NGC 2730 rG 09 02 15.839 +16 50 17.51   13.7       ~ 81 0
54 NGC 2805 GiP 09 20 20.3891233968 +64 06 10.716485004   11.9       ~ 215 1
55 NGC 2906 GiG 09 32 06.2228278920 +08 26 30.486567516   13.1       ~ 172 0
56 NGC 2916 Sy2 09 34 57.5933209584 +21 42 18.960584796 12.81 12.74 12.05     ~ 154 1
57 NVSS J093526+294843 rG 09 35 26.2841238528 +29 48 45.490357944   15.0       ~ 67 0
58 NGC 3106 LIN 10 04 05.2518653088 +31 11 07.659854232   14.0       ~ 101 0
59 NGC 3057 LSB 10 05 39.306 +80 17 08.40   14.2       ~ 90 0
60 NGC 3381 GiG 10 48 24.7990862064 +34 42 41.068596852   12.8       ~ 169 0
61 IC 674 LIN 11 11 06.3568843680 +43 37 58.713641652   14.5       ~ 72 0
62 NGC 3614 GiG 11 18 21.3370383720 +45 44 53.524032396   12.7       ~ 125 0
63 NGC 3687 AG? 11 28 00.6057378936 +29 30 39.756081528   13.0 12.58     ~ 138 0
64 NGC 3811 AG? 11 41 16.6113724536 +47 41 26.982320640   13.0       ~ 172 0
65 UGC 7012 rG 12 02 03.164 +29 50 53.11   14.3       ~ 104 0
66 NGC 4047 AG? 12 02 50.6855747352 +48 38 10.300035480   12.8       ~ 100 1
67 NGC 4185 LIN 12 13 22.1960178360 +28 30 39.646606428   13.5       ~ 108 0
68 NGC 4210 LIN 12 15 15.8513778552 +65 59 07.052376192   13.4       ~ 136 0
69 IC 776 EmG 12 19 03.119 +08 51 22.15   14.9       ~ 145 0
70 NGC 4470 H2G 12 29 37.8066943368 +07 49 27.284422224   12.9       ~ 242 0
71 NGC 4961 EmG 13 05 47.5766802528 +27 44 03.247625004   13.5       ~ 183 0
72 NGC 5000 SBG 13 09 47.454 +28 54 25.07   14.0 13.41     ~ 173 1
73 NGC 5016 AGN 13 12 06.6662685192 +24 05 41.945286156   13.180 12.558 12.093 11.547 ~ 163 0
74 NGC 5056 AG? 13 16 12.3107192976 +30 57 01.644570360   13.6       ~ 146 0
75 NGC 5157 LIN 13 27 16.8572117376 +32 01 50.529499752   14.408       ~ 63 0
76 NGC 5205 LIN 13 30 03.5953653072 +62 30 41.584939200   13.5       ~ 125 0
77 NGC 5320 SyG 13 50 20.4032909280 +41 21 58.381675956   13.1   11.98   ~ 116 0
78 UGC 8781 LIN 13 52 22.7399528952 +21 32 21.657094296   14.5       ~ 60 0
79 NGC 5376 LIN 13 55 16.0377831672 +59 30 23.912235072   12.9       ~ 98 0
80 NGC 5378 LIN 13 56 51.0226429536 +37 47 50.075664720   13.8       ~ 107 0
81 NGC 5406 LIN 14 00 20.1233388144 +38 54 55.474400196   13.1       ~ 126 0
82 NGC 5480 AG? 14 06 21.522 +50 43 29.99   12.6       ~ 208 1
83 NGC 5520 GiP 14 12 22.8055823616 +50 20 54.479575320   13.3       ~ 128 0
84 NGC 5533 Sy2 14 16 07.7507477232 +35 20 37.879981584   13.0       ~ 178 1
85 NGC 5622 AGN 14 26 12.195 +48 33 50.31   14.105 13.440 12.948 12.412 ~ 85 0
86 NGC 5633 EmG 14 27 28.3616823288 +46 08 47.521403916   13.176 12.932 12.449 11.575 ~ 183 1
87 UGC 9291 LSB 14 28 36.9000887328 +38 59 56.943337452   14.0       ~ 65 0
88 NGC 5656 EmG 14 30 25.5100383288 +35 19 15.733164180   12.73 12.43 13.29 11.46 ~ 114 1
89 NGC 5657 rG 14 30 43.641 +29 10 50.31   14.4       ~ 102 0
90 NGC 5665 AG? 14 32 25.796 +08 04 42.43   12.6       ~ 144 0
91 NGC 5720 LIN 14 38 33.2828437080 +50 48 54.897094260   14.7       ~ 71 0
92 NGC 5732 AG? 14 40 38.9756466216 +38 38 16.358563788   14.4       ~ 78 0
93 UGC 9476 rG 14 41 32.0219639160 +44 30 45.962947872   13.59       ~ 104 0
94 NGC 5735 LIN 14 42 33.2401484496 +28 43 35.256709848   14.06 13.36     ~ 79 0
95 NGC 5772 SyG 14 51 38.8893193080 +40 35 57.036405696   13.90       ~ 102 0
96 NGC 5829 AG? 15 02 42.0057190680 +23 20 00.960234468   14.14   12.93   ~ 95 0
97 NGC 5888 LIN 15 13 07.3724076672 +41 15 52.641896508   14.3       ~ 87 0
98 UGC 9777 AG? 15 14 15.1527030192 +20 28 43.111148592   15.0       ~ 58 0
99 NVSS J152505+375737 rG 15 25 05.7676728000 +37 57 36.448203672   15.4       ~ 47 0
100 NGC 5947 AGN 15 30 36.5925666192 +42 43 01.769449836   14.8       ~ 85 0
101 NGC 5957 Sy2 15 35 23.2175160360 +12 02 51.281778048   13.3       ~ 134 0
102 IC 4566 LIN 15 36 42.1586294592 +43 32 21.525766872   14.3       ~ 89 0
103 NGC 6004 GiG 15 50 22.7234510328 +18 56 21.333070932   13.4       ~ 99 0
104 NGC 6063 AG? 16 07 13.0021003512 +07 58 44.434838856   14.1       ~ 153 0
105 NGC 6154 LIN 16 25 30.4846438032 +49 50 24.910783008   13.60       ~ 74 1
106 NGC 6155 EmG 16 26 08.3352615552 +48 22 00.410482092   13.20       ~ 111 1
107 NGC 6301 GiG 17 08 32.7448601544 +42 20 20.859983448   14.6       ~ 68 0
108 IC 1256 AG? 17 23 47.2869698760 +26 29 11.470994700   14.297 13.551 13.022 12.434 ~ 95 0
109 NGC 6941 rG 20 36 23.4741258768 -04 37 07.445724024   13.3   13.3 12.9 ~ 81 3
110 UGC 11649 LIN 20 55 27.6255622104 -01 13 30.895126896   14.5       ~ 72 0
111 NGC 7321 LIN 22 36 28.0158181824 +21 37 18.374440296   15.4       ~ 102 0
112 NGC 7364 rG 22 44 24.3715638768 -00 09 43.659115272   13.8       ~ 106 0
113 UGC 12224 AG? 22 52 38.3367927576 +06 05 37.218158628   15.30       ~ 81 0
114 NGC 7466 AGN 23 02 03.4724376888 +27 03 09.223962084   15.27 14.42     ~ 99 0
115 NGC 7489 AG? 23 07 32.6813971224 +22 59 52.998974304   14.3       ~ 91 0
116 NGC 7591 SyG 23 18 16.2727927344 +06 35 09.108933504   13.8       ~ 272 1
117 NGC 7625 AG? 23 20 30.132 +17 13 32.16 13.31 13.23 11.98 11.25   ~ 266 0
118 NGC 7653 LIN 23 24 49.3605599784 +15 16 32.129440788   12.06 11.91     ~ 106 1
119 UGC 12633 GiG 23 30 13.649 +15 45 39.68   15.4       ~ 46 0
120 NGC 7691 EmG 23 32 24.4162266744 +15 50 52.220389776   14.2       ~ 84 0
121 NGC 7716 AG? 23 36 31.4564531712 +00 17 50.183061252   12.9   13.0 12.6 ~ 169 0
122 UGC 12816 LSB 23 51 50.6809891488 +03 04 57.754612308   15.0       ~ 65 0
123 NGC 7782 LIN 23 53 53.8783976472 +07 58 14.183435064   13.2       ~ 113 0

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