
Query : 2016A&A...593A..21M

2016A&A...593A..21M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 593A, 21-21 (2016/9-1)

The LOFAR search for radio pulsars and fast transients in M 33, M 81, and M 82.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. The radio pulsar and rotating radio transient populations are only known in and near the Milky Way. Investigating such populations in other galaxies requires deep pulsar and transient searches. We performed 4-h radio observations of nearby galaxies M 33, M 81 and M 82 with LOFAR.
Aims. Our main purpose was to characterise the bright end of the pulsar population in other galaxies, and compare it to that of the Milky Way.
Methods. We searched for extragalactic radio pulsars through a periodic-pulse search, and for sporadic fast radio transients through a single-pulse search. We coherently combined at most 23 LOFAR Core High-Band Antenna (HBA) stations and covered M 33, M 81, and M 82 in their entirety using multiple tied-array beams.
Results. No pulsating sources or single pulses were found. We have, therefore established stricter limits on the extragalactic pulsar flux density at lower frequencies than those obtained in previous Arecibo, GBT, and WSRT searches.
Conclusions. We conclude that in nearby galaxies M 33, M 81, and M 82 there are no pulsars shining toward Earth with pseudo luminosities greater than a few times that of the brightest pulsars in our Milky Way.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2016

Journal keyword(s): stars: neutron - pulsars: general - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: individual: M 33 - galaxies: individual: M 81 - galaxies: individual: M 82

Simbad objects: 35

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Number of rows : 35
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 IC 10 G 00 20 25.50 +59 17 17.0   13.6 9.5     ~ 1125 1
2 NAME Andromeda III G 00 35 33.8 +36 29 52     14.4     ~ 296 0
3 NAME Andromeda IV G 00 42 32.3 +40 34 19           ~ 79 0
4 M 31 AGN 00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 4.86 4.36 3.44     ~ 12790 1
5 NAME Andromeda XI G 00 46 20.0 +33 48 05     17.5     ~ 123 0
6 NGC 253 SyG 00 47 33.134 -25 17 19.68   8.03   6.94 8.1 ~ 3371 2
7 NAME Andromeda XIV G 00 51 35.0 +29 41 49     15.9     ~ 126 0
8 NGC 300 GiG 00 54 53.4465638304 -37 41 03.168402396 8.83 8.69 8.13 7.46   ~ 1517 2
9 NAME Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy G 01 00 09.4 -33 42 32   9.79 8.6 8.81   ~ 1382 4
10 NAME Pisces I G 01 03 56.6 +21 53 41   16.18 14.3     ~ 389 0
11 IC 1613 GiC 01 04 48.4071 +02 07 10.185   10.42 10.01 9.77   ~ 1248 2
12 NAME Andromeda II G 01 16 29.8 +33 25 09     11.7     ~ 383 0
13 M 33 GiG 01 33 50.8965749232 +30 39 36.630403128 6.17 6.27 5.72     ~ 5890 1
14 NAME Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal G 02 39 59.3 -34 26 57   9.02 7.4     ~ 1764 1
15 NAME Magellanic Clouds GrG 03 00 -71.0           ~ 7196 0
16 PSR B0329+54 Psr 03 32 59.3370698592 +54 34 45.028206408           ~ 648 1
17 NAME UMa II Galaxy G 08 51 30.0 +63 07 48     13.3     ~ 381 0
18 NAME Leo T G 09 34 53.4 +17 03 05     15.1     ~ 399 0
19 PSR B0950+08 Psr 09 53 09.2970 +07 55 36.400           ~ 763 2
20 M 81 Sy2 09 55 33.1726556496 +69 03 55.062505368   7.89 6.94     ~ 4489 3
21 M 82 AGN 09 55 52.430 +69 40 46.93 9.61 9.30 8.41     ~ 5898 6
22 NAME Leo A G 09 59 26.46 +30 44 47.0 14.08 13.54 13.26 13.33   ~ 619 0
23 Z 64-73 G 10 08 28.12 +12 18 23.4   11.3 10.0     ~ 1218 1
24 NAME Sextans dSph G 10 13 02.9 -01 36 53   12 10.4     ~ 863 0
25 NAME Willman 1 G 10 49 21.0 +51 03 00     15.2     ~ 324 0
26 Z 126-111 G 11 13 28.13 +22 09 10.1   12.9 12.0     ~ 850 0
27 PSR B1302-64 Psr 13 05 23.4465832752 -64 55 28.043393052           ~ 41 0
28 NAME CVn I dSph G 13 28 03.5 +33 33 21     13.1     ~ 333 1
29 NAME Bootes Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy G 14 00 00.0 +14 30 00     12.8     ~ 449 0
30 NAME UMi Galaxy G 15 09 08.0 +67 13 21   13.60 10.6     ~ 1374 0
31 NGC 6300 Sy2 17 16 59.5418094960 -62 49 13.946588832   10.88 13.08 9.44 10.2 ~ 437 1
32 NAME Dra dSph G 17 20 14.335 +57 55 16.39   12.40 10.6     ~ 1345 1
33 M 23 OpC 17 56 56.9 -18 59 13           ~ 132 0
34 NAME Peg dSph GiG 23 51 46.4 +24 35 11   14.5 13.2     ~ 238 2
35 NGC 7793 GiG 23 57 49.7540045856 -32 35 27.701550744 10.26 9.74 9.28 9.06 9.7 ~ 1118 2

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