
Query : 2016A&A...595A..17F

2016A&A...595A..17F - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 595A, 17-17 (2016/11-1)

Two giant outbursts of V0332+53 observed with INTEGRAL.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. In July 2015, the high-mass X-ray binary V0332+53 underwent a giant outburst, a decade after the previous one. V0332+53 hosts a strongly magnetized neutron star. During the 2004-2005 outburst, an anti-correlation between the centroid energy of its fundamental cyclotron resonance scattering features (CRSFs) and the X-ray luminosity was observed.
Aims. The long (~=100d) and bright (Lx~=1038erg/s) 2015 outburst provided the opportunity to study the unique properties of the fundamental CRSF during another outburst and to study its dependence on the X-ray luminosity.
Methods. The source was observed by the INTEGRAL satellite for ∼330ks. We exploit the spectral resolution at high energies of the SPectrometer on INTEGRAL (SPI) and the Joint European X-ray Monitors to characterize its spectral properties, focusing in particular on the CRSF-luminosity dependence. We complement the data of the 2015 outburst with those collected by SPI in 2004-2005, which have so far been left unpublished.
Results. We find a highly significant anti-correlation of the centroid energy of the fundamental CRSF and the 3-100keV luminosity of E1∝-0.095(8)L37keV. This trend is observed for both outbursts. We confirm the correlation between the width of the fundamental CRSF and the X-ray luminosity previously found in the JEM-X and IBIS dataset of the 2004-2005 outburst. By exploiting the RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT monitoring data, we also report on the detection of a ∼34 d modulation superimposed on the mean profiles and roughly consistent with the orbital period of the pulsar. We discuss possible interpretations of such variability.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2016

Journal keyword(s): stars: neutron - X-rays: binaries - pulsars: individual: V0332+53

Simbad objects: 10

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Number of rows : 10
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* V635 Cas HXB 01 18 31.9704955824 +63 44 33.072603144 17.05 16.64 15.19 14.34 13.22 B0.2Ve 752 0
2 V* BQ Cam HXB 03 34 59.9116110096 +53 10 23.296879776   17.16 15.42 14.26 13.04 O8.5Ve 489 1
3 HD 245770 HXB 05 38 54.5748918624 +26 18 56.836952784 9.30 9.84 9.39 8.77 8.30 O9/B0III/Ve 991 0
4 V* GP Vel HXB 09 02 06.8608812864 -40 33 16.899168060 6.85 7.37 6.87 6.31 6.05 B0.5Ia 1516 0
5 GRO J1008-571 HXB 10 09 46.9642314696 -58 17 35.603851848       14.63   B0e 241 0
6 V* V850 Cen HXB 13 01 17.0968941216 -61 36 06.637549788   15.6 14.40     B2Vne 339 0
7 V* HZ Her LXB 16 57 49.8110126616 +35 20 32.486555472 11.90 14.89 13.63 13.88   B3/6ep 2095 0
8 XTE J1946+274 HXB 19 45 39.3568693200 +27 21 55.501637040   18.76 16.92 15.62 14.38 B0-1IV-Ve 128 0
9 V* V2246 Cyg HXB 20 32 15.2749858128 +37 38 14.843024844   22.16 19.41 17.32 15.18 B0Ve 442 0
10 SAX J2103.5+4545 HXB 21 03 35.7100848936 +45 45 05.568751692   15.34 14.20 13.991 12.75 B0Ve 185 0

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