
Query : 2017A&A...603A..50B

2017A&A...603A..50B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 603A, 50-50 (2017/7-1)

A Suzaku, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton view on variable absorption and relativistic reflection in NGC 4151.


Abstract (from CDS):

We disentangle X-ray disk reflection from complex line-of-sight absorption in the nearby Seyfert NGC 4151, using a suite of Suzaku, NuSTAR, and XMM-Newton observations. Extending upon earlier published work, we pursue a physically motivated model using the latest angle-resolved version of the lamp-post geometry reflection modelRELXILLCP_LP together with a Comptonization continuum. We use the long-look simultaneous Suzaku/NuSTAR observation to develop a baseline model wherein we model reflected emission as a combination of lamp-post components at the heights of 1.2 and 15.0 gravitational radii. We argue for a vertically extended corona as opposed to two compact and distinct primary sources. We find two neutral absorbers (one full-covering and one partial-covering), an ionized absorber (log ξ=2.8), and a highly-ionized ultra-fast outflow, which have all been reported previously. All analyzed spectra are well described by this baseline model. The bulk of the spectral variability between ∼1keV and ∼6keV can be accounted for by changes in the column density of both neutral absorbers, which appear to be degenerate and inversely correlated with the variable hard continuum component flux. We track variability in absorption on both short (2d) and long (∼1yr) timescales; the observed evolution is either consistent with changes in the absorber structure (clumpy absorber at distances ranging from the broad line region to the inner torus or a dusty radiatively driven wind) or a geometrically stable neutral absorber that becomes increasingly ionized at a rising flux level. The soft X-rays below 1keV are dominated by photoionized emission from extended gas that may act as a warm mirror for the nuclear radiation.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: active - galaxies: nuclei - galaxies: individual: NGC 4151 - galaxies: Seyfert - X-rays: galaxies - X-rays: galaxies

Simbad objects: 12

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Number of rows : 12
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 Mrk 335 Sy1 00 06 19.5372339024 +20 12 10.617404076   14.19 13.85     ~ 1261 0
2 ESO 113-45 Sy1 01 23 45.7631533440 -58 48 20.808928944   14.08 13.83 13.34   ~ 888 0
3 NGC 1052 Sy2 02 41 04.79849989 -08 15 20.7519527 11.84 11.41 10.47 10.71   ~ 1314 2
4 NGC 1365 Sy1 03 33 36.458 -36 08 26.37 10.48 10.08 9.63 8.79 9.7 ~ 1827 2
5 NGC 3227 Sy1 10 23 30.5765149296 +19 51 54.282206700   12.61 11.79     ~ 1722 1
6 NGC 4151 Sy1 12 10 32.5759813872 +39 24 21.063527532   12.18 11.48     ~ 3724 2
7 NGC 4253 Sy1 12 18 26.5163572920 +29 48 46.531535472   14.34 13.57     ~ 1048 1
8 LEDA 88835 Sy1 13 25 19.3805530608 -38 24 52.611680340   16.64 13.80 15.33 14.78 ~ 424 0
9 NAME Centaurus A Sy2 13 25 27.61521044 -43 01 08.8050291   8.18 6.84 6.66   ~ 4530 3
10 IC 4271 Sy2 13 29 21.4493074392 +37 24 50.460172056   15.6       ~ 126 1
11 IRAS 21262+5643 Sy1 21 27 45.3941483856 +56 56 34.915920720       16.6   ~ 164 0
12 UGC 12163 Sy1 22 42 39.3363009144 +29 43 31.302092640   14.86 14.16     ~ 702 1

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