
Query : 2017A&A...604A..35C

2017A&A...604A..35C - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 604A, 35-35 (2017/8-1)

Abundances of Na, Mg, and K in the atmospheres of red giant branch stars of Galactic globular cluster 47 Tucanae.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. We study the abundances of Na, Mg, and K in the atmospheres of 32 red giant branch (RGB) stars in the Galactic globular cluster (GGC) 47 Tuc, with the goal to investigate the possible existence of Na-K and Mg-K correlations/anti-correlations, similar to those that were recently discovered in two other GGCs, NGC 2419 and 2808.
Methods. The abundances of K, Na, and Mg were determined using high-resolution 2dF/HERMES spectra obtained with the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The one-dimensional (1D) NLTE abundance estimates were obtained using 1D hydrostatic ATLAS9 model atmospheres and spectral line profiles synthesized with the MULTI package. We also used three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical CO5BOLD and 1D hydrostatic LHD model atmospheres to compute 3D-1D LTE abundance corrections, Δ_3D - 1D LTE_, for the spectral lines of Na, Mg, and K used in our study. These abundance corrections were used to understand the role of convection in the formation of spectral lines, as well as to estimate the differences in the abundances obtained with the 3D hydrodynamical and 1D hydrostatic model atmospheres.
Results. The average element-to-iron abundance ratios and their RMS variations due to star-to-star abundance spreads determined in our sample of RGB stars were <[Na/Fe]>1D–NLTE=0.42±0.13, <[Mg/Fe]>1D–NLTE=0.41±0.11, and <[K/Fe]>1D–NLTE=0.05±0.14. We found no statistically significant relations between the abundances of the three elements studied here. Also, there were no abundance trends with the distance from the cluster center, nor any statistically significant relations between the abundance/abundance ratios and absolute radial velocities of individual stars. All these facts suggest the similarity of K abundance in stars that belong to different generations in 47 Tuc which, in turn, may hint that evolution of K in this particular cluster was unrelated to the nucleosynthesis of Na and/or Mg.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): globular clusters: individual: NGC 104 - stars: late-type - stars: atmospheres - stars: abundances - techniques: spectroscopic - convection - convection

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/604/A35): tablea1.dat>

Simbad objects: 35

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Number of rows : 35
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 UCAC4 090-000311 RG* 00 20 22.8165319800 -72 01 13.527345432   14.155 12.950 12.755 11.75 ~ 6 0
2 UCAC4 090-000329 RG* 00 20 41.2110580968 -72 02 43.352586168   14.304 13.160 13.011 11.99 ~ 7 0
3 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 2601 RG* 00 21 34.4209752168 -72 08 53.441413548   14.915 13.864 13.709 12.74 ~ 16 0
4 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 2519 RG* 00 21 37.7641044360 -72 12 59.456268504   14.817 13.766 13.676 12.65 ~ 7 0
5 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 1607 RG* 00 22 19.7066381808 -72 14 02.917888116   14.939 13.884 13.742 12.73 ~ 8 0
6 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 4506 RG* 00 22 25.5914750040 -71 53 22.204705092   14.587 13.479 13.306 12.31 ~ 8 0
7 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 4626 RG* 00 23 10.7533408536 -71 56 01.011094980   14.401 13.222 13.093 12.09 ~ 16 0
8 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 4636 RG* 00 23 55.8536995032 -71 54 17.634076452   14.462 13.337   12.169 ~ 14 0
9 NGC 104 GlC 00 24 05.359 -72 04 53.20     4.09     ~ 3954 0
10 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 8614 RG* 00 24 22.4931311760 -72 15 10.223711496   14.537 13.493 13.372 12.35 ~ 11 0
11 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 8620 RG* 00 24 31.6516577112 -72 15 52.425483732   14.774 13.798 13.695 12.69 ~ 9 0
12 2MASS J00244798-7212337 RG* 00 24 47.9943995664 -72 12 33.617281320   15.32 14.23   13.17 ~ 4 0
13 2MASS J00245114-7200351 RG* 00 24 51.1456975512 -72 00 35.101727028   15.34 14.25   13.15 ~ 3 0
14 Cl* NGC 104 TUC 2077 RG* 00 24 56.3745429216 -72 08 15.212612112     14.12 14.068 13.06 ~ 12 0
15 2MASS J00245890-7150145 RG* 00 24 58.8963505896 -71 50 14.679073248   15.15 14.17   13.07 ~ 4 0
16 2MASS J00250516-7209062 RG* 00 25 05.1736737600 -72 09 06.078536064   15.176 14.185   13.13 ~ 9 0
17 Cl* NGC 104 TUC 2264 RG* 00 25 16.8167505600 -72 04 31.916608356   14.40 13.23 13.023 12.01 ~ 9 0
18 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 5743 RG* 00 25 25.1040670872 -71 58 51.625427520   14.507 13.315 13.187 12.15 ~ 13 0
19 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6712 RG* 00 25 28.5855943200 -72 00 39.352206204   14.599 13.489 13.313 12.316 ~ 21 0
20 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6715 RG* 00 25 28.6613772600 -72 01 19.968558348   14.907 13.872 13.690 12.765 ~ 20 0
21 2MASS J00253482-7208007 RG* 00 25 34.8396154368 -72 08 00.496147488   14.458 13.433 13.933 12.89 ~ 9 0
22 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 8648 RG* 00 25 37.1226307824 -72 12 02.104320960   13.785 12.819 13.043 11.99 ~ 10 0
23 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6707 RG* 00 25 44.1086786928 -71 59 40.031507148   15.13 14.05   12.91 ~ 8 0
24 UCAC4 091-001144 RG* 00 25 53.6612125944 -71 52 07.233460824   14.596 13.570 13.459 12.34 ~ 8 0
25 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 7739 RG* 00 25 57.9364654368 -72 05 13.518858192   15.20 14.17   13.09 ~ 11 0
26 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6759 RG* 00 26 02.7663149880 -72 03 18.246776076   14.98 14.09   13.00 ~ 8 0
27 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 7606 RG* 00 26 03.8068931016 -72 12 18.152500896   14.813 13.844 13.881 12.77 ~ 10 0
28 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6614 RG* 00 26 07.5928663632 -71 58 26.298095124   14.79 13.73 13.609 12.58 ~ 15 0
29 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6623 RG* 00 26 12.7782441168 -72 00 06.811350840   14.55 13.52 13.344 12.35 ~ 14 0
30 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6509 RG* 00 26 25.1398863864 -71 57 06.466139352   14.714 13.558 13.486 12.44 ~ 22 0
31 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 6628 RG* 00 26 26.2697199768 -72 00 54.524706984   14.867 13.674 13.535 12.55 ~ 13 0
32 2MASS J00263016-7214133 RG* 00 26 30.1584783384 -72 14 13.425376236   14.916 13.888 13.83 12.80 ~ 8 0
33 Cl* NGC 104 LEE 7629 RG* 00 26 34.9997663832 -72 06 44.466609276   14.472 13.350 13.184 12.17 ~ 17 0
34 NGC 2419 GlC 07 38 08.51 +38 52 54.9     10.05     ~ 949 0
35 NGC 2808 GlC 09 12 03.10 -64 51 48.6           ~ 1446 0

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