
Query : 2017A&A...607A..72M

2017A&A...607A..72M - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 607A, 72-72 (2017/11-1)

Temporal and spatial variations of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn from 0.38 to 1.7µm with PlanetCam-UPV/EHU.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. We provide measurements of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn along their central meridians in filters covering a wide range of visible and near-infrared wavelengths (from 0.38 to 1.7µm) that are not often presented in the literature. We also give measurements of the geometric albedo of both planets and discuss the limb-darkening behavior and temporal variability of their reflectivity values for a period of four years (2012-2016).
Methods. This work is based on observations with the PlanetCam-UPV/EHU instrument at the 1.23m and 2.2m telescopes in Calar Alto Observatory (Spain). The instrument simultaneously observes in two channels: visible (VIS; 0.38-1.0µm) and short-wave infrared (SWIR; 1.0-1.7µm). We obtained high-resolution observations via the lucky-imaging method.
Results. We show that our calibration is consistent with previous independent determinations of reflectivity values of these planets and, for future reference, provide new data extended in the wavelength range and in the time. Our results have an uncertainty in absolute calibration of 10-20%. We show that under the hypothesis of constant geometric albedo, we are able to detect absolute reflectivity changes related to planetary temporal evolution of about 5-10%.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): planets and satellites: gaseous planets - techniques: photometric - planetary systems - planetary systems

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/607/A72): tablea1.dat-tablea4.dat tableb1.dat-tableb8.dat>

Simbad objects: 29

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Number of rows : 29
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 1160 * 00 15 57.3019549776 +04 15 04.009943520   7.159 7.119     A0V 91 1
2 HD 4628 PM* 00 48 22.9759750919 +05 16 50.209484954 7.22 6.64 5.74 4.99 4.52 K2.5V 508 0
3 Hilt 102 * 01 09 05.0413038576 +62 47 30.268502016 10.88 11.10 10.42     B0III 51 0
4 HD 10307 SB* 01 41 47.1268541099 +42 36 48.221567818 5.69 5.58 4.96 4.43 4.10 G1V 504 0
5 HD 16139 * 02 36 17.9945102256 +27 28 20.389597536   9.13 8.07     G7.5IIIa 20 0
6 HD 19445 PM* 03 08 25.5883873084 +26 19 51.400965175 8.29 8.52 8.06 7.60 7.27 G2VFe-3 774 0
7 * omi02 Eri Er* 04 15 16.3196189945 -07 39 10.330779018 5.69 5.25 4.43 3.74 3.29 K0V 825 0
8 V* V906 Tau BY* 04 26 24.6221111736 +16 51 12.069956916 8.86 8.69 8.05 7.51 7.16 G1V 223 0
9 BD+75 325 HS* 08 10 49.4903003712 +74 57 57.931973676 8.002 9.23 9.50 9.698 9.884 sdO5 256 0
10 HD 75555 * 08 52 21.7919762112 +44 53 51.455822460   8.55 8.08     F5.5III-IV 44 0
11 * rho01 Cnc PM* 08 52 35.8111044043 +28 19 50.954994470 7.45 6.82   5.4   K0IV-V 1130 1
12 HD 84937 Pe* 09 48 56.0992891997 +13 44 39.326709913 8.49 8.68 8.32 7.97 7.70 F8Vm-5 800 0
13 HD 87822 ** 10 08 15.88717 +31 36 14.5875   6.675 6.230     F4V 119 0
14 HD 93521 * 10 48 23.5113981120 +37 34 13.083332412 5.67 6.79 7.03     O9.5IIInn 428 1
15 * 47 UMa PM* 10 59 27.9727514012 +40 25 48.920572724   5.66   4.7   G1-VFe-0.5 776 1
16 * 86 Leo PM* 11 30 29.0276281392 +18 24 35.305344936   6.621 5.549     K0III 73 0
17 * bet Vir PM* 11 50 41.7185158616 +01 45 53.001539131 4.26 4.15 3.60 3.13 2.85 F9V 935 0
18 HD 108519 * 12 27 46.2967330320 +27 25 21.932486832   7.96 7.69     F0V(n) 41 0
19 * iot Vir PM* 14 16 00.8682760805 -06 00 01.969483331 4.64 4.60 4.08     F7III 360 0
20 BD+26 2606 SB* 14 49 02.3593347728 +25 42 09.192358874 9.92 10.16 9.73 9.27 8.95 A5 373 0
21 BD+33 2642 pA* 15 51 59.8854348048 +32 56 54.329485272 9.806 10.61 10.73 10.884 10.961 O7p 435 0
22 V* AX Sgr s*r 18 08 26.5116640800 -18 33 07.938405936   11.34 9.20     K0Ia 88 0
23 HD 173638 * 18 46 43.3242113592 -10 07 30.161333784 6.7 6.285 5.717     F0IV 68 0
24 HD 179821 pA* 19 13 58.6082398776 +00 07 31.935181836 10.81 9.694 8.19     G4_0-Ia 239 0
25 V* V2011 Cyg SB* 20 12 33.1203741480 +40 16 05.445674868 7.32 7.85 7.55     O4.5V(n)((f)) 207 0
26 HD 195034 PM* 20 28 11.8154523936 +22 07 44.371249212       6.7   G5 89 0
27 BD+17 4708 SB* 22 11 31.3756832854 +18 05 34.177983548 9.73 9.91 9.46 9.03 8.70 sdF8 570 0
28 HD 217086 Y*O 22 56 47.1887590800 +62 43 37.657173900 7.88 8.30 7.66 8.35   O7Vnn((f))z 255 0
29 * 61 Peg * 23 15 46.2908754264 +28 14 52.431363636 7.820 7.350 6.500     G2II-III 33 0

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