
Query : 2017A&A...608A..11G

2017A&A...608A..11G - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 608A, 11-11 (2017/12-1)

Ionizing spectra of stars that lose their envelope through interaction with a binary companion: role of metallicity.


Abstract (from CDS):

Understanding ionizing fluxes of stellar populations is crucial for various astrophysical problems including the epoch of reionization. Short-lived massive stars are generally considered as the main stellar sources. We examine the potential role of less massive stars that lose their envelope through interaction with a binary companion. Here, we focus on the role of metallicity (Z). For this purpose we used the evolutionary code MESA and created tailored atmosphere models with the radiative transfer code CMFGEN. We show that typical progenitors, with initial masses of 12M, produce hot and compact stars (∼4M, 60-80kK, ∼1R). These stripped stars copiously produce ionizing photons, emitting 60-85% and 30-60% of their energy as HI and HeI ionizing radiation, for Z=0.0001-0.02, respectively. Their output is comparable to what massive stars emit during their Wolf-Rayet phase, if we account for their longer lifetimes and the favorable slope of the initial mass function. Their relative importance for reionization may be further favored since they emit their photons with a time delay (∼20Myr after birth in our fiducial model). This allows time for the dispersal of the birth clouds, allowing the ionizing photons to escape into the intergalactic medium. At low Z, we find that Roche stripping fails to fully remove the H-rich envelope, because of the reduced opacity in the subsurface layers. This is in sharp contrast with the assumption of complete stripping that is made in rapid population synthesis simulations, which are widely used to simulate the binary progenitors of supernovae and gravitational waves. Finally, we discuss the urgency to increase the observed sample of stripped stars to test these models and we discuss how our predictions can help to design efficient observational campaigns.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO, 2017

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - ultraviolet: general - stars: atmospheres - subdwarfs - stars: Wolf-Rayet - stars: mass-loss - stars: mass-loss

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Number of rows : 2
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 45166 WR* 06 26 19.1551917864 +07 58 28.063354980 9.05 9.81 9.88     WRpec+B8V 87 1
2 Mrk 116 PaG 09 34 02.1 +55 14 25           ~ 1114 1

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