
Query : 2017ApJ...844..101A

2017ApJ...844..101A - Astrophys. J., 844, 101-101 (2017/August-1)

Calibrating the Planck cluster mass scale with cluster velocity dispersions.


Abstract (from CDS):

We measure the Planck cluster mass bias using dynamical mass measurements based on velocity dispersions of a subsample of 17 Planck-detected clusters. The velocity dispersions were calculated using redshifts determined from spectra that were obtained at the Gemini observatory with the GMOS multi-object spectrograph. We correct our estimates for effects due to finite aperture, Eddington bias, and correlated scatter between velocity dispersion and the Planck mass proxy. The result for the mass bias parameter, (1-b), depends on the value of the galaxy velocity bias, bv, adopted from simulations: (1-b)=(0.51±0.09)bv3. Using a velocity bias of bv=1.08 from Munari et al., we obtain (1-b)=0.64±0.11, i.e., an error of 17% on the mass bias measurement with 17 clusters. This mass bias value is consistent with most previous weak-lensing determinations. It lies within 1σ of the value that is needed to reconcile the Planck cluster counts with the Planck primary cosmic microwave background constraints. We emphasize that uncertainty in the velocity bias severely hampers the precision of the measurements of the mass bias using velocity dispersions. On the other hand, when we fix the Planck mass bias using the constraints from Penna-Lima et al., based on weak-lensing measurements, we obtain a positive velocity bias of bv 0.9 at 3σ .

Abstract Copyright: © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): cosmic background radiation - cosmology: observations - galaxies: clusters: general - galaxies: distances and redshifts - galaxies: distances and redshifts

Simbad objects: 17

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Number of rows : 17
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 PSZ2 G108.71-47.75 C?G 00 12 14.2119 +14 01 35.446           ~ 4 0
2 ACT-CL J0136.2-3359 ClG 01 36 18.522 -34 00 05.33           ~ 10 0
3 PLCKESZ G183.33-36.69 ClG 03 48 59.1 +04 35 14           ~ 2 0
4 PSZ1 G139.61+24.20 ClG 06 22 13.9 +74 41 39           ~ 29 0
5 PLCKESZ G157.43+30.33 ClG 07 48 45.6 +59 41 41           ~ 20 0
6 ZwCl 0847+3617 ClG 08 50 12.0 +36 03 36           ~ 69 0
7 PLCKESZ G235.6+23.3 ClG 08 56 05.90 -07 43 15.3           ~ 9 0
8 PSZ1 G250.02+24.15 ClG 09 32 10 -17 38.8           ~ 9 0
9 ZwCl 0947+1723 ClG 09 49 51.8 +17 07 05           ~ 82 0
10 PLCKESZ G272.9+48.8 ClG 11 33 14 -09 28.7           ~ 10 0
11 PSZ1 G329.45-22.67 C?G 18 32 59.5118 -65 33 10.055           ~ 7 0
12 PSZ1 G348.43-25.50 ClG 19 24 57.7215 -49 24 30.450           ~ 8 0
13 ClG J2135-0102 ClG 21 35 12.00 -01 03 00.1           ~ 63 0
14 PSZ2 G033.83-46.57 C?G 21 45 15.6509 -18 45 19.853           ~ 5 0
15 BAX 337.1433+20.6131 ClG 22 28 32.6 +20 37 08           ~ 120 0
16 ClG J2243-0935 ClG 22 43 21.1 -09 35 43           ~ 82 0
17 ACO 2552 ClG 23 11 31.7 +03 37 44           ~ 80 0

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