
Query : 2017MNRAS.466..496R

2017MNRAS.466..496R - Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 466, 496-519 (2017/March-3)

X-ray-emitting active galactic nuclei from z = 0.6 to 1.3 in the intermediate- and high-density environments of the ORELSE survey.


Abstract (from CDS):

We studied active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity in 12 large-scale structures (LSSs) in the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey, at 0.65 < z < 1.28, using a combination of Chandra observations, optical and NIR imaging and spectroscopy. We located a total of 61 AGNs that were successfully matched to optical counterparts in the LSSs. We found that AGN populations across our sample had more recently had starburst events compared to the overall galaxy populations. We find no relation between AGN activity and location within the LSSs, suggesting triggering mechanisms that depend on global environment are at most sub-dominant. To focus on differences between our AGNs, we grouped them into four sub-samples based on the spectral properties of their parents LSSs. We found one of the sub-samples, SG0023 & SC1604, stood out from the others. AGNs in this sample were disproportionately luminous. These AGNs had the most recent starburst events, in contrast to their parent populations. Additionally, both the AGNs and the overall galaxy population in SG0023 & SC1604 had the largest fraction of close kinematic pairs, which indicates a higher rate of galaxy mergers and interactions. These results suggest that major mergers are driving AGN activity in SG0023 & SC1604, while other processes are likely triggering less luminous AGNs in the rest of our sample. Additionally, minor mergers are unlikely to play a significant role, since the same conditions that lead to more major mergers should also lead to more minor mergers, which is not observed in SG0023 & SC1604.

Abstract Copyright: © 2016 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: active - galaxies: clusters: general - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: nuclei - X-rays: galaxies - X-rays: galaxies

Nomenclature: Table 6: [RLT2017] SGJ0023 N (Nos 1-7), [RLT2017] RCSJ0224 N (Nos 1-4), [RLT2017] ClJHHMM N N=4+3, [RLT2017] RXJHHMM N N=9+1+4+4+2+5, [RLT2017] SCJHHMM NN N=8+10.

Simbad objects: 80

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Number of rows : 80
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 [RKG2012] Cl0023 6 AGN 00 23 45.60 +04 22 59.4           ~ 2 0
2 ClG 0021+0406 ClG 00 23 52 +04 23.1           ~ 48 0
3 [RKG2012] Cl0023 5 AGN 00 23 52.20 +04 22 59.8           ~ 2 0
4 [RKG2012] Cl0023 3 AGN 00 23 54.90 +04 25 24.6           ~ 2 0
5 [RKG2012] Cl0023 7 AGN 00 24 07.60 +04 27 26.9           ~ 2 0
6 SDSS J002409.34+042240.7 QSO 00 24 09.3536660328 +04 22 40.704128076           ~ 9 0
7 [RKG2012] Cl0023 1 AGN 00 24 10.90 +04 29 23.5           ~ 2 0
8 [RKG2012] Cl0023 2 AGN 00 24 15.50 +04 23 09.1           ~ 2 0
9 ClG J0224-0002 ClG 02 24 34.10 -00 02 30.9           ~ 51 1
10 [RLT2017] RCSJ0224 1 AGN 02 24 36.90 -01 53 56.5           ~ 1 0
11 [RLT2017] RCSJ0224 3 AGN 02 24 37.30 -01 55 02.4           ~ 1 0
12 [RLT2017] RCSJ0224 2 AGN 02 24 38.20 -01 53 49.7           ~ 1 0
13 [RLT2017] RCSJ0224 4 AGN 02 24 39.80 -01 54 30.7           ~ 1 0
14 NAME Chandra Deep Field-South reg 03 32 28.0 -27 48 30           ~ 2113 1
15 ClG J0848+4453 ClG 08 48 34.800 +44 53 41.90           ~ 123 1
16 ClG J0849+4452 ClG 08 48 58.8 +44 51 53           ~ 107 1
17 [RLT2017] ClJ0849 2 AGN 08 48 58.80 +44 56 21.8           ~ 3 0
18 CXOMP J084904.0+445024 AGN 08 49 04.0 +44 50 25       23.920   ~ 8 0
19 CXOSEXSI J084904.0+445646 AGN 08 49 04.10 +44 56 47.3       25.120   ~ 6 0
20 CXOMP J084905.2+445202 AGN 08 49 05.32 +44 52 03.7       24.610   ~ 11 0
21 [RLT2017] RXJ0910 7 AGN 09 09 45.20 +54 16 33.9           ~ 1 0
22 CXOSEXSI J090954.0+541752 AGN 09 09 54.00 +54 17 55.1       22.070   ~ 5 0
23 CXOSEXSI J090955.5+541813 AGN 09 09 55.70 +54 18 14.6       22.210   ~ 5 0
24 [RLT2017] RXJ0910 9 AGN 09 10 04.90 +54 17 36.6           ~ 1 0
25 NAME RX J0910 Supercluster SCG 09 10 30.0 +54 20 00           ~ 4 0
26 [RLT2017] RXJ0910 5 AGN 09 10 34.90 +54 24 54.9           ~ 1 0
27 CXOSEXSI J091040.8+542006 AGN 09 10 40.90 +54 20 08.8       22.380   ~ 6 0
28 CXOMP J091042.7+542036 AGN 09 10 42.7 +54 20 36     23.38 22.97   ~ 7 0
29 [RLT2017] RXJ0910 3 AGN 09 10 42.80 +54 20 11.0     26.41 25.09   ~ 2 0
30 [RLT2017] RXJ0910 2 AGN 09 10 48.20 +54 22 30.0     25.69 24.58   ~ 2 0
31 NAME Lockman Hole reg 10 45 00.0 +58 00 00           ~ 848 0
32 [HSE2011] RXJ1053-X11 AGN 10 53 39.50 +57 36 48.9           ~ 2 0
33 ClG J1053+5735 ClG 10 53 43.4 +57 35 21           ~ 29 1
34 ClG J1137+3000 ClG 11 37 +30.0           ~ 5 0
35 [RLT2017] RXJ1221 3 AGN 12 21 00.90 +49 20 38.7           ~ 1 0
36 ClG J1221+4918 ClG 12 21 25.0 +49 18 07           ~ 58 0
37 [RLT2017] RXJ1221 2 AGN 12 21 49.00 +49 12 49.0           ~ 1 0
38 [RLT2017] RXJ1221 1 AGN 12 21 51.40 +49 19 29.7           ~ 1 0
39 [RLT2017] RXJ1221 4 AGN 12 21 56.10 +49 13 45.7           ~ 1 0
40 [RKG2012] Cl1324 6 AGN 13 24 28.80 +30 53 19.5           ~ 2 0
41 [RKG2012] Cl1324 2 AGN 13 24 36.60 +30 23 17.4           ~ 2 0
42 [RLT2017] SCJ1324 3 AGN 13 24 38.60 +30 58 08.3           ~ 1 0
43 NAME Cl J1324 supercluster ? 13 24 45.0 +30 34 18           ~ 5 0
44 ClG J1324+3059 ClG 13 24 48 +30 59.0           ~ 12 0
45 ClG 1322+3027 ClG 13 24 48.2 +30 11 34           ~ 67 0
46 [RLT2017] SCJ1324 6 AGN 13 24 50.60 +30 56 24.2           ~ 1 0
47 [PLO2001] J1324+3011 3241 AGN 13 24 51.50 +30 12 42.6           ~ 3 0
48 [RKG2012] Cl1324 5 AGN 13 24 52.00 +30 50 51.5           ~ 2 0
49 [RKG2012] Cl1324 4 AGN 13 24 52.90 +30 52 18.0           ~ 2 0
50 [RLT2017] SCJ1324 7 AGN 13 25 08.70 +30 52 13.5           ~ 1 0
51 CXOSEXSI J134934.3+600225 AGN 13 49 34.40 +60 02 28.1           ~ 3 0
52 CXOSEXSI J135046.1+600658 AGN 13 50 46.0 +60 07 00           ~ 4 0
53 ClG J1350+6007 ClG 13 50 48.55 +60 07 06.7           ~ 44 0
54 CXOSEXSI J135050.2+600801 AGN 13 50 50.1 +60 08 03           ~ 4 0
55 NAME Cl J1604 Supercluster SCG 16 04 +43.0           ~ 47 1
56 [KLG2009] J160401.3+431351 AGN 16 04 01.40 +43 13 51.1           ~ 5 0
57 [KLG2009] J160405.1+431519 AGN 16 04 05.20 +43 15 20.8           ~ 4 0
58 [KLG2009] J160406.1+431807 AGN 16 04 06.10 +43 18 07.7           ~ 4 0
59 [KLG2009] J160410.9+432111 AGN 16 04 10.90 +43 21 11.2           ~ 4 0
60 [KLG2009] J160415.6+431016 AGN 16 04 15.60 +43 10 16.6           ~ 6 0
61 SDSS J160423.83+431127.0 AGN 16 04 23.90 +43 11 25.8           ~ 6 0
62 [RLT2017] SCJ1604 3 AGN 16 04 24.00 +43 04 35.1           ~ 1 0
63 [KLG2009] J160425.9+431245 AGN 16 04 25.90 +43 12 45.3           ~ 5 0
64 [KLG2009] J160436.7+432141 AGN 16 04 36.70 +43 21 41.1           ~ 6 0
65 [RKG2012] Cl1604 4 AGN 16 04 37.70 +43 08 58.0           ~ 2 0
66 [RLT2017] RXJ1716 3 AGN 17 16 24.40 +67 05 28.6           ~ 1 0
67 CXOSEXSI J171637.6+670730 AGN 17 16 37.72 +67 07 29.3           ~ 5 0
68 [RLT2017] RXJ1716 4 AGN 17 16 41.90 +67 06 07.0           ~ 1 0
69 ClG J1716+6708 ClG 17 16 49.6 +67 08 30           ~ 134 0
70 CXOMP J171703.8+670859 AGN 17 17 03.9 +67 09 00       21.790   ~ 8 0
71 [RLT2017] RXJ1757 2 AGN 17 57 07.50 +66 30 18.6           ~ 1 0
72 RX J175719.4+663131 ClG 17 57 19.8 +66 31 39           ~ 24 0
73 [RKG2012] RXJ1757 1 AGN 17 57 25.20 +66 31 50.7           ~ 2 0
74 [RLT2017] RXJ1821 3 AGN 18 21 02.80 +68 25 07.3           ~ 1 0
75 [LLS2010] J182108+682329 AGN 18 21 07.70 +68 23 39.3           ~ 3 0
76 [RKG2012] RXJ1821 2 AGN 18 21 23.90 +68 26 32.9           ~ 2 0
77 [RKG2012] RXJ1821 3 AGN 18 21 27.00 +68 32 34.7           ~ 2 0
78 ClG 1821+6827 ClG 18 21 33 +68 27.9           ~ 31 0
79 [RLT2017] RXJ1821 2 AGN 18 21 36.60 +68 30 02.1           ~ 1 0
80 NAME Lynx Supercluster SCG ~ ~           ~ 25 1

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