
Query : 2018A&A...610A..19R

2018A&A...610A..19R - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 610A, 19-19 (2018/2-1)

Photospheric properties and fundamental parameters of M dwarfs.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. M dwarfs are an important source of information when studying and probing the lower end of the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, down to the hydrogen-burning limit. Being the most numerous and oldest stars in the galaxy, they carry fundamental information on its chemical history. The presence of molecules in their atmospheres, along with various condensed species, complicates our understanding of their physical properties and thus makes the determination of their fundamental stellar parameters more challenging and difficult.
Aim. The aim of this study is to perform a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the high-resolution H-band spectra of M dwarfs in order to determine their fundamental stellar parameters and to validate atmospheric models. The present study will also help us to understand various processes, including dust formation and depletion of metals onto dust grains in M dwarf atmospheres. The high spectral resolution also provides a unique opportunity to constrain other chemical and physical processes that occur in a cool atmosphere.
Methods. The high-resolution APOGEE spectra of M dwarfs, covering the entire H-band, provide a unique opportunity to measure their fundamental parameters. We have performed a detailed spectral synthesis by comparing these high-resolution H-band spectra to that of the most recent BT-Settl model and have obtained fundamental parameters such as effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity (Teff, logg, and [Fe/H]), respectively.
Results. We have determined Teff, logg, and [Fe/H] for 45 M dwarfs using high-resolution H-band spectra. The derived Teff for the sample ranges from 3100 to 3900K, values of logg lie in the range 4.5≤logg≤5.5, and the resulting metallicities lie in the range -0.5≤[Fe/H]≤+0.5. We have explored systematic differences between effective temperature and metallicity calibrations with other studies using the same sample of M dwarfs. We have also shown that the stellar parameters determined using the BT-Settl model are more accurate and reliable compared to other comparative studies using alternative models.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2018

Journal keyword(s): stars: atmospheres - stars: fundamental parameters - stars: low-mass - stars: late-type

Simbad objects: 45

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Number of rows : 45
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 G 241-76 ** 00 13 15.83459 +69 19 36.7692     12.49 14.7   M4 43 0
2 G 217-56 PM* 00 32 15.7203237738 +54 29 02.337152259   14.9   13.460   M4.5V 25 0
3 LP 79-48 PM* 00 35 04.8817764120 +59 53 07.893762792   17.5   15.0   M4.3V 18 0
4 G 265-8 PM* 01 19 52.1739076588 +84 09 32.796818512   16.56   13.5   M5.1 38 0
5 G 173-39 Er* 02 08 53.6246553758 +49 26 56.437533465   14.02 12.45 12.12   M4.0Ve 73 0
6 G 246-30 PM* 03 15 29.4432234763 +57 51 33.128787772   16.4   14.6   M3.5V 19 0
7 G 221-12 ** 03 30 54.8086328523 +70 41 14.049755091   15.166 13.523 13.258   M3.5V 23 0
8 V* LR Tau Y*O 03 42 53.2520214408 +23 26 49.569284940   16.61 14.98 14.52 11.91 M4.0V 50 0
9 G 248-12 PM* 04 06 37.2406689223 +79 16 01.427916644   16.4   14.7   M4.5 24 0
10 Ross 28 ** 04 12 58.8326322803 +52 36 42.021350887   15.0   13.203   M4.0V 56 0
11 LSPM J0501+2237 LM* 05 01 18.0176515573 +22 37 00.913060690   16.5   14.2   M5V 27 0
12 LP 359-186 ** 05 03 05.657160 +21 22 35.76900   16.42 14.63 14.48   M5.0V 26 0
13 LSR J0521+3425 PM* 05 21 01.9290752570 +34 25 11.142445590   17.9   15.9   M5.0V 13 0
14 LP 658-33 PM* 05 47 09.1184340010 -05 12 11.388113929   16.32 14.54     M4.5V 29 0
15 G 98-52 SB* 06 11 55.9897141449 +33 25 50.504995442   16.3   13.9   M3.5 25 0
16 HD 258728B PM* 06 32 02.0355401907 +34 31 12.724234976   16.44 14.81 14.73   M4V 22 0
17 LSPM J0714+3702 LM* 07 14 03.9421559688 +37 02 46.016599776   20.9   18.3   M8 23 0
18 LP 486-16 ** 08 50 19.149960 +10 56 43.50408   17.64 15.92 15.25   M5e+M6e 18 0
19 LSPM J0930+2630 PM* 09 30 14.4286587744 +26 30 24.867632376   13.8   12.466   M3V 35 0
20 G 55-10 PM* 10 16 29.550720 +03 18 37.52532   16.57 14.95     M4.11 10 0
21 GJ 3636 Er* 11 00 50.4242113824 +12 04 10.702131312   17.2   14.8   M5.49 31 0
22 G 45-33 PM* 11 05 43.1350832236 +10 14 09.403291559 15.131 13.964 12.369 11.291 9.947 M3.0V 54 0
23 G 163-53 PM* 11 09 12.2399166793 -04 36 25.102121167   12.721 11.217 10.854   M0.5V 36 0
24 G 10-49 Er* 11 47 40.7472267384 +00 15 20.101843571   14.94 13.34 13.35 10.506 M4V 88 0
25 LSPM J1204+1728S SB* 12 04 56.1109609128 +17 28 11.434969668   15.1   12.3   M3.5V 24 0
26 Wolf 410 PM* 12 23 20.5955170152 +25 29 43.850294844   16.54   14.642   M3.73 19 0
27 V* CX Com Er* 12 26 57.3634176240 +27 00 53.738886168   16.61   13.7   M4.5 46 1
28 G 63-3 PM* 13 08 50.5430129185 +16 22 03.836201753   14.557 13.023 12.709   M3 32 0
29 CLS 73 ** 13 34 51.4418735424 +37 46 19.417059804     14.080 13.8   M3.5+M3.5 28 0
30 LSPM J1345+2852 PM* 13 45 11.0356150896 +28 52 01.229535408   14.7   13.388   M3.46 17 0
31 RX J1459.4+3618 PM* 14 59 25.0570803600 +36 18 32.169013776   16.57   14.62   M3.5V 19 0
32 LP 275-74 PM* 16 37 01.4327085149 +35 35 44.826960756   17.8   15.6   M5.5Ve 23 0
33 PM J18451+0620 PM* 18 45 10.2699409392 +06 20 15.939616848   12.28 10.763 10.381 8.800 M1.0Ve 28 0
34 G 205-40 Er* 18 52 33.833088 +45 38 34.02132   16.77   14.84   M5V 36 0
35 G 205-47 PM* 18 56 26.3110696365 +46 22 53.671757634   15.62   13.551   M4.11 30 0
36 G 205-55 Er* 19 05 17.3993237512 +45 07 15.354548807   15.723 13.836 13.474   M4V 34 0
37 LP 230-29 PM* 19 07 12.7228097400 +44 16 07.382747676   17.0   14.7   M4.5V 21 0
38 G 207-18 PM* 19 08 15.7765683355 +26 35 05.673766567   17.10   14.3   M5V 34 0
39 G 185-6 PM* 19 08 42.517776 +27 33 44.49204   14.8   13.55   M4.32 17 0
40 LSPM J1932+4747 Er* 19 32 17.971200 +47 47 03.41628   17.94 16.34 15.73   M5Ve 9 0
41 Ross 1063 Er* 19 33 39.4424861623 +39 31 36.614443412   13.06 11.39 11.175 9.39 M2V 40 0
42 LSPM J1943+4518 Er* 19 43 07.2878221800 +45 18 09.348901344   18.0   15.9   M5.5 21 0
43 LSPM J1944+4720 LM* 19 44 38.1407741257 +47 20 29.639679887   17.6   15.7   M5Ve 10 0
44 G 208-42 Er* 19 51 09.3205973189 +46 29 00.213809780   14.47   12.544   M4.0Ve 196 0
45 G 212-27 PM* 21 10 58.7922813748 +46 57 32.108216855   16.4 13.786 13.409   M3.5V 27 0

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