
Query : 2018A&A...612A..79B

2018A&A...612A..79B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 612A, 79-79 (2018/4-1)

Early phases in the stellar and substellar formation and evolution. Infrared and submillimeter data in the Barnard 30 dark cloud.


Abstract (from CDS):

Aims. The early evolutionary stage of brown dwarfs (BDs) is not very well characterized, especially during the embedded phase. Our goal is to gain insight into the dominant formation mechanism of very low-mass objects and BDs.
Methods. We have conducted deep observations at 870µm obtained with the LABOCA bolometer at the APEX telescope in order to identify young submillimeter (submm) sources in the Barnard 30 dark cloud. We have complemented these data with multi-wavelength observations from the optical to the far-IR and compiled complete spectral energy distributions in order to identify the counterparts, characterize the sources and to assess their membership to the association and stellar or substellar status based on the available photometric information.
Results. We have identified 34 submm sources and a substantial number of possible and probable Barnard 30 members within each individual APEX/LABOCA beam. They can be classified into three distinct groups. First, 15 of these 34 have a clear optical or IR counterpart to the submm peak and nine of them are potential proto-BD candidates. Moreover, a substantial number of them could be multiple systems. A second group of 13 sources comprises candidate members with significant infrared excesses located away from the central submm emission. All of them include BD candidates, some displaying IR excess, but their association with submm emission is unclear. In addition, we have found six starless cores and, based on the total dust mass estimate, three might be pre-substellar (or pre-BDs) cores. Finally, the complete characterization of our APEX/LABOCA sources, focusing on those detected at 24 and/or 70µm, indicates that in our sample of 34 submm sources there are, at least: two WTTs, four CTTs, five young stellar objects, eight proto-BD candidates (with another three dubious cases), and one very low luminosity objects.
Conclusions. Our findings provide additional evidence concerning the BD formation mechanism, which seems to be a downsized version of the stellar formation.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2018

Journal keyword(s): binaries: close - brown dwarfs - stars: pre-main sequence - stars: protostars - open clusters and associations: general - open clusters and associations: individual: Barnard 30 dark cloud

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/612/A79): table2.dat table3.dat table4.dat table5.dat table6.dat table7.dat table8.dat list.dat fits/*>

Nomenclature: Table 2: [BDH2018] B30-LBNN (Nos 1-34). Table 3: [BDH2018] B30-LBNN a N=224 among (Nos LB01 a to LB33 a).

Simbad objects: 125

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Number of rows : 125
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 LDN 1495 DNe 04 18.1 +27 37           ~ 372 1
2 Barnard 213 DNe 04 20 51 +27 16.3           ~ 221 0
3 SCOPE G192.33-11.88 Y*O 05 29 54.410 +12 16 29.68           ~ 8 0
4 [DM99] 114 Y*O 05 30 05.6499815328 +12 09 37.182677796     16.86 15.54 13.94 ~ 11 0
5 V* GY Ori Or* 05 30 13.1310530448 +12 08 45.761229168     13.84 13.39 12.29 ~ 24 1
6 [BDH2018] B30-LB33 smm 05 30 13.36 +12 08 46.7           ~ 2 0
7 [BDH2018] B30-LB34 smm 05 30 13.36 +12 08 58.7           ~ 2 0
8 [DM99] 118 Y*O 05 30 17.0387571936 +12 15 40.988099952     16.00 14.97 13.9 ~ 13 0
9 Barnard 30 DNe 05 30.3 +12 46           ~ 46 0
10 Haro 6-51 Or* 05 30 36.0794405040 +12 06 40.589367480     17.18 16 14.71 M3.8 16 0
11 V* V448 Ori RS* 05 30 51.6996710928 +12 08 36.733954992   15.42 14.28 13.73 12.91 K5 29 0
12 QSO J0530+13 Bla 05 30 56.41674741 +13 31 55.1494688     20.00 19.35   ~ 967 1
13 [DM99] 127 Y*O 05 30 56.9074192344 +11 56 46.786903548     15.09 14.04 12.92 ~ 10 0
14 [DM99] 131 Y*O 05 31 01.0057807368 +12 04 14.311315128     16.53 15.37 14.08 ~ 13 0
15 WISE J053106.22+120501.3 MIR 05 31 06.22608 +12 05 01.3884           ~ 1 0
16 [BDH2018] B30-LB28 smm 05 31 07.64 +12 05 06.7           ~ 2 0
17 2MASS J05310783+1211074 * 05 31 07.8276282720 +12 11 07.751218236           ~ 1 0
18 [DM99] 135 Y*O 05 31 08.0198764800 +12 06 06.376763268     15.88 14.79 13.59 ~ 13 0
19 WISE J053108.30+120340.8 MIR 05 31 08.30784 +12 03 40.8492           ~ 1 0
20 2MASS J05310836+1204015 * 05 31 08.3493714744 +12 04 01.505727660           ~ 1 0
21 WISE J053108.43+120456.5 MIR 05 31 08.43240 +12 04 56.5464           ~ 1 0
22 [BDH2018] B30-LB29 smm 05 31 08.73 +12 03 46.7           ~ 2 0
23 WISE J053109.51+120701.0 MIR 05 31 09.51432 +12 07 01.0524           ~ 1 0
24 [BDH2018] B30-LB10 smm 05 31 09.55 +12 11 02.7           ~ 2 0
25 WISE J053109.55+120645.4 MIR 05 31 09.55320 +12 06 45.4500           ~ 1 0
26 WISE J053109.71+121051.1 MIR 05 31 09.71640 +12 10 51.1284           ~ 1 0
27 [BDH2018] B30-LB17 smm 05 31 09.82 +12 06 42.7           ~ 2 0
28 WISE J053109.97+120347.9 MIR 05 31 09.97104 +12 03 47.9124           ~ 1 0
29 2MASS J05311030+1211173 * 05 31 10.2962208960 +12 11 17.401874100           ~ 1 0
30 WISE J053110.34+120637.3 MIR 05 31 10.34880 +12 06 37.3536           ~ 1 0
31 [BDH2018] B30-LB11 smm 05 31 10.37 +12 10 38.7           ~ 2 0
32 WISE J053112.53+120542.3 MIR 05 31 12.53568 +12 05 42.3708           ~ 1 0
33 2MASS J05311274+1203391 * 05 31 12.7270318632 +12 03 39.084161544           ~ 1 0
34 WISE J053112.98+120506.2 MIR 05 31 12.98496 +12 05 06.2484           ~ 1 0
35 WISE J053113.30+120522.3 MIR 05 31 13.30704 +12 05 22.3332           ~ 1 0
36 [BDH2018] B30-LB30 smm 05 31 13.37 +12 03 34.7           ~ 2 0
37 [BDH2018] B30-LB27 smm 05 31 13.37 +12 05 30.7           ~ 2 0
38 WISE J053113.51+120514.4 MIR 05 31 13.51704 +12 05 14.4420           ~ 1 0
39 [BDH2018] B30-LB01 smm 05 31 13.64 +12 22 22.7           ~ 2 0
40 2MASS J05311437+1205472 NIR 05 31 14.37720 +12 05 47.2704           ~ 1 0
41 WISE J053114.42+120334.6 MIR 05 31 14.42856 +12 03 34.6968           ~ 1 0
42 UCAC2 36062970 * 05 31 14.4915127680 +12 22 27.485095584   17.44 16.08 15.74   ~ 1 0
43 [BDH2018] B30-LB31 smm 05 31 15.28 +12 03 38.7           ~ 2 0
44 [DM99] 136 Y*O 05 31 15.5027742936 +12 11 23.706639528     16.36 15.14 13.86 M1.6 15 0
45 WISE J053115.82+120332.4 MIR 05 31 15.82896 +12 03 32.4972           ~ 1 0
46 WISE J053116.25+120348.2 MIR 05 31 16.25304 +12 03 48.2004           ~ 1 0
47 WISE J053117.58+121127.3 MIR 05 31 17.58600 +12 11 27.3552           ~ 1 0
48 [BDH2018] B30-LB26 smm 05 31 17.73 +12 05 06.7           ~ 2 0
49 WISE J053118.15+120513.5 MIR 05 31 18.15840 +12 05 13.5348           ~ 1 0
50 [BDH2018] B30-LB13 smm 05 31 18.55 +12 09 58.7           ~ 2 0
51 [BDH2018] B30-LB09 smm 05 31 18.55 +12 11 26.7           ~ 2 0
52 2MASS J05311929+1204483 * 05 31 19.2987273048 +12 04 48.125875656           ~ 1 0
53 [BDH2018] B30-LB14 smm 05 31 19.37 +12 09 10.7           ~ 2 0
54 2MASS J05311945+1209152 Y*O 05 31 19.4538187896 +12 09 15.324455340           ~ 12 0
55 2MASS J05311952+1208584 NIR 05 31 19.5206583744 +12 08 58.423092864           ~ 1 0
56 2MASS J05311956+1209412 Y*? 05 31 19.5561205824 +12 09 41.220483048           ~ 6 0
57 WISE J053119.64+121111.4 MIR 05 31 19.64064 +12 11 11.4540           ~ 1 0
58 [BDH2018] B30-LB25 smm 05 31 20.46 +12 05 06.7           ~ 2 0
59 2MASS J05312053+1209169 Y*? 05 31 20.5280268840 +12 09 16.948412928           ~ 6 0
60 UCAC4 511-011736 Y*? 05 31 21.4697126448 +12 05 43.871114184       14.93   ~ 6 0
61 [DM99] 142 Y*O 05 31 21.6631303608 +12 05 47.692316796       13.31   ~ 12 0
62 WISEA J053121.99+120507.9 MIR 05 31 21.9975 +12 05 07.933           ~ 2 0
63 WISEA J053122.40+120411.3 MIR 05 31 22.407936 +12 04 11.36172           ~ 1 0
64 [BDH2018] B30-LB20 smm 05 31 22.91 +12 05 30.7           ~ 2 0
65 [BDH2018] B30-LB08 smm 05 31 23.19 +12 11 26.7           ~ 2 0
66 [BDH2018] B30-LB24 smm 05 31 23.46 +12 04 30.7           ~ 2 0
67 V* HI Ori Or* 05 31 23.5876736784 +12 09 43.832262636     13.20 12.09 11.41 K0Ve 42 1
68 2MASS J05312419+1205249 * 05 31 24.2078932008 +12 05 24.934413984           ~ 1 0
69 2MASS J05312693+1210204 Y*O 05 31 26.9400861504 +12 10 20.480848932           M4.4 11 0
70 [BDH2018] B30-LB12 smm 05 31 27.01 +12 10 14.7           ~ 2 0
71 [BDH2018] B30-LB15 smm 05 31 27.28 +12 07 26.7           ~ 2 0
72 IRAS 05286+1203 Y*O 05 31 27.78552 +12 05 30.9480           ~ 12 0
73 WISEA J053127.81+120530.9 MIR 05 31 27.817536 +12 05 30.98832           ~ 1 0
74 WISEA J053128.05+120514.6 MIR 05 31 28.057320 +12 05 14.61300           ~ 1 0
75 UCAC2 36062987 * 05 31 28.2304086504 +12 07 35.353167888       15.60   M2.3 6 0
76 2MASS J05312843+1217173 NIR 05 31 28.43712 +12 17 17.3112           ~ 1 0
77 2MASS J05312844+1204184 * 05 31 28.4978490840 +12 04 18.476041944           ~ 1 0
78 WISEA J053129.13+120420.3 MIR 05 31 29.130600 +12 04 20.38260           ~ 1 0
79 [BDH2018] B30-LB23 smm 05 31 29.19 +12 04 38.7           ~ 2 0
80 [BDH2018] B30-LB03 smm 05 31 29.20 +12 17 22.7           ~ 2 0
81 UCAC4 512-011416 * 05 31 29.3633541264 +12 14 28.579018416   16.64 15.18 14.50   ~ 5 0
82 [BDH2018] B30-LB05 smm 05 31 29.47 +12 14 30.7           ~ 2 0
83 2MASS J05312949+1212498 NIR 05 31 29.49672 +12 12 49.8096           ~ 1 0
84 WISEA J053129.66+120429.8 MIR 05 31 29.61144 +12 04 28.7256           ~ 2 0
85 WISEA J053129.61+120532.8 MIR 05 31 29.6176 +12 05 32.862           ~ 2 0
86 WISE J053129.74+120448.2 MIR 05 31 29.74176 +12 04 48.2520           ~ 1 0
87 WISE J053129.85+120645.8 MIR 05 31 29.85864 +12 06 45.8136           ~ 1 0
88 [BDH2018] B30-LB16 smm 05 31 30.01 +12 07 06.7           ~ 2 0
89 WISE J053130.36+120436.8 MIR 05 31 30.36888 +12 04 36.8832           ~ 1 0
90 [BDH2018] B30-LB04 smm 05 31 30.56 +12 17 18.7           ~ 2 0
91 WISE J053130.63+121735.2 MIR 05 31 30.63336 +12 17 35.2032           ~ 1 0
92 [BDH2018] B30-LB06 smm 05 31 30.83 +12 12 46.7           ~ 2 0
93 WISE J053130.87+120413.9 MIR 05 31 30.87480 +12 04 13.9440           ~ 1 0
94 WISE J053130.99+120648.0 MIR 05 31 30.99672 +12 06 48.0204           ~ 1 0
95 WISEA J053131.61+120708.6 MIR 05 31 31.617720 +12 07 08.68872           ~ 1 0
96 [BDH2018] B30-LB22 smm 05 31 31.64 +12 04 14.7           ~ 2 0
97 2MASS J05313187+1217258 NIR 05 31 31.8738802320 +12 17 25.675259964           ~ 1 0
98 WISEA J053132.00+120410.7 MIR 05 31 32.005128 +12 04 10.75944           ~ 1 0
99 WISE J053132.02+121846.6 MIR 05 31 32.02632 +12 18 46.6020           ~ 1 0
100 [BDH2018] B30-LB07 smm 05 31 32.19 +12 11 46.7           ~ 2 0
101 [BDH2018] B30-LB02 smm 05 31 32.30 +12 19 14.7           ~ 2 0
102 WISE J053132.70+120406.4 MIR 05 31 32.70720 +12 04 06.4272           ~ 1 0
103 2MASS J05313454+1206310 * 05 31 34.5471702905 +12 06 30.789636028           ~ 5 0
104 [BDH2018] B30-LB18 smm 05 31 34.92 +12 06 22.7           ~ 2 0
105 WISE J053135.45+120521.3 MIR 05 31 35.45040 +12 05 21.3144           ~ 1 0
106 WISE J053135.51+120502.5 MIR 05 31 35.51736 +12 05 02.5620           ~ 1 0
107 WISE J053135.79+120450.7 MIR 05 31 35.79240 +12 04 50.7108           ~ 1 0
108 [BDH2018] B30-LB21 smm 05 31 36.00 +12 05 02.7           ~ 2 0
109 WISEA J053136.47+120455.3 MIR 05 31 36.477072 +12 04 55.38828           ~ 1 0
110 [DM99] 149 Y*O 05 31 37.6183966248 +11 58 18.361636500     14.64 13.93 13.23 ~ 9 0
111 [DM99] 152 RS* 05 31 40.4810427624 +12 10 46.876702908     15.10 14.05 12.97 M0 17 0
112 V* HM Ori Or* 05 31 47.783304 +12 18 08.19216   14.58 13.34 12.79 11.61 K4 24 0
113 [DM99] 164 BY* 05 31 59.9412903216 +12 08 06.798230376     16.14 15.05 13.8 ~ 18 0
114 [DM99] 169 Y*O 05 32 07.9689176374 +12 07 14.623320874     13.63 12.81 12.04 ~ 16 0
115 IRAS 05293+1207 FIR 05 32 10.8 +12 09 46           ~ 1 0
116 UCAC4 511-011814 * 05 32 12.3073398576 +12 09 55.527516936   16.86 15.92 16.17   ~ 1 0
117 [BDH2018] B30-LB32 smm 05 32 12.56 +12 09 54.7           ~ 2 0
118 WISEA J053213.37+120951.5 MIR 05 32 13.377000 +12 09 51.51636           ~ 1 0
119 WISEA J053214.08+121007.9 MIR 05 32 14.085504 +12 10 07.90392           ~ 1 0
120 Haro 6-61 Or* 05 32 15.4523814672 +12 09 34.249101048     16.38 15.4 14.17 M2.2 23 0
121 Cl Collinder 69 OpC 05 35 10.1 +09 48 47     2.8     ~ 319 0
122 Barnard 35 DNe 05 45.5 +09 03           ~ 59 0
123 NAME NGC 2071 IR SFR 05 47 04.4 +00 21 49           ~ 71 0
124 NAME Cha II MoC 12 54 -77.2           ~ 337 0
125 NAME Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud SFR 16 28 06 -24 32.5           ~ 3671 1

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