
Query : 2019A&A...628A..79S

2019A&A...628A..79S - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 628A, 79-79 (2019/8-1)

Superflares on AB Doradus observed with TESS.


Abstract (from CDS):

We present short-cadence data of the ultra-active star AB Dor measured by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). In the TESS light curves of AB Dor, we found numerous flare events in addition to time-variable rotational modulation with an amplitude of up to 7%. We identified eight superflares (releasing more than 1034erg) and studied their morphologies and energetics. We compared these flares to both the most energetic solar flare seen in total solar irradiance measurements as well as to a very energetic flare on AB Dor observed by XMM-Newton, the superflare nature of which we also demonstrate. The total energy of both the solar flare and the event on AB Dor emitted in the optical exceed their respective X-ray outputs possibly by an order of magnitude, suggesting that the dominant energy loss of such flares actually occurs at optical wavelengths. Superflares are found to take place on AB Dor at a rate of about one per week, and due to the star's proximity and brightness can be studied in excruciating detail. Thus the TESS data offer a superb possibility to study the frequency and energetics of superflare events for stars in the solar neighborhood and at large.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2019

Journal keyword(s): stars: activity - stars: flare - stars: solar-type

Simbad objects: 9

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Number of rows : 9
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 V* CF Tuc RS* 00 53 07.7675726832 -74 39 05.608753668   8.31 7.90   6.730 G2/5V+F0 233 0
2 * bet Per SB* 03 08 10.1324535 +40 57 20.328013 1.70 2.07 2.12 2.08 2.11 B8V 1225 1
3 V* AB Dor TT* 05 28 44.8712165880 -65 26 55.199147208 8.259 7.856 6.999 6.496 5.993 K0V 1031 0
4 V* V1321 Ori Or* 05 35 04.3009445808 -05 08 12.737523192   11.94 10.538   9.117 K0III 101 0
5 NAME SEP reg 06 00 00.000 -66 33 38.55           ~ 178 0
6 V* WY Cnc RS* 09 01 55.4508997464 +26 41 22.746780564 10.54 10.34 9.60     G5V 202 0
7 V* RS CVn RS* 13 10 36.9077924448 +35 56 05.584994412 8.57 8.51 7.93 7.7   F6IV+G8IV 731 0
8 2MASS J19513906+4733497 Ro* 19 51 39.0632457912 +47 33 49.683456468           ~ 18 0
9 HD 224085 RS* 23 55 04.0520383542 +28 38 01.245426862 8.88 8.20   6.9   K2+IVeFe-1 732 0

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