
Query : 2019A&A...628A.104B

2019A&A...628A.104B - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 628A, 104-104 (2019/8-1)

Neutral carbon and highly excited CO in a massive star-forming main sequence galaxy at z = 2.2.


Abstract (from CDS):

We used the Plateau De BureInterferometer to observe multiple CO and neutral carbon transitions in a z=2.2 main sequence disk galaxy, BX610. Our observation of CO(7-6), CO(4-3), and both far-infrared (FIR) [CI] lines complements previous observations of Hα and low-J CO, and reveals a galaxy that is vigorously forming stars with UV fields (Log(GG0–1≤3.25); although less vigorously than local ultra-luminous infrared galaxies or most starbursting submillimeter galaxies in the early universe. Our observations allow new independent estimates of the cold gas mass which indicate Mgas∼2x1011M, and suggest a modestly larger αCO value of ∼8.2. The corresponding gas depletion timescale is ∼1.5Gyr. In addition to gas of modest density (Log(n[cm3])≤3) heated by star formation, BX610 shows evidence for a significant second gas component responsible for the strong high-J CO emission. This second component might either be a high-density molecular gas component heated by star formation in a typical photodissociation region, or could be molecular gas excited by low-velocity C shocks. The CO(7-6)-to-FIR luminosity ratio we observe is significantly higher than typical star-forming galaxies and suggests that CO(7-6) is not a reliable star-formation tracer in this galaxy.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2019

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: ISM - galaxies: star formation - galaxies: high-redshift - submillimeter: galaxies - photon-dominated region

VizieR on-line data: <Available at CDS (J/A+A/628/A104): co43.dat ci10.dat 250ghz.dat>

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ACS-GC 90045460 AGN 03 32 31.462 -27 46 23.07 25.05 23.96 23.64 23.28 23.001 ~ 110 0
2 NAME Hubble Ultra Deep Field reg 03 32 39.0 -27 47 29           ~ 1705 0
3 NGC 6240 Sy2 16 52 58.9 +02 24 03   14.31 13.37     ~ 1650 2
4 EM* MWC 349 ** 20 32 45.499080 +40 39 36.74124   15.88 13.15 12.13   Bep 805 0
5 3C 454.3 Bla 22 53 57.7480438728 +16 08 53.561508864   16.57 16.10 15.22   ~ 2876 2
6 QSO B2325+093 Bla 23 27 33.58055652 +09 40 09.4627185   18.5 19.5 18.26   ~ 193 1
7 [ESS2003] Q2343-BX610 G 23 46 09.43 +12 49 19.2           ~ 51 0

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