
Query : 2019A&A...630A..96A

2019A&A...630A..96A - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 630A, 96-96 (2019/10-1)

Colour-dependent accurate modelling of dynamical parallaxes and masses of visual binaries. Application to the VB+SB2 systems with definitive orbits.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Two fundamental characteristics of binary systems are the masses of their components and their distance to the Earth. In this way, the dynamical parallax is an accurate and very helpful tool. Nevertheless, there has been some concern with regard to the use of a unique linear mass-luminosity relation (MLR) for the entire main sequence (MS).
Aims. This article describes the accurate computation of both dynamical parallaxes and individual masses of visual binaries. The main aim is to formulate a model which would be suitable for binary systems attending to the exact locations of the components on the MS in the HR diagram.
Methods. An analytical model was developed which allows calculation of dynamical parallaxes and individual masses using a non-linear MLR valid for the entire MS. This up-to-date MLR is given by a polynomial of degree 20. In contrast to previous approaches, this model can be applied even in the case of components with unequal masses, that is, with an arbitrarily large difference of magnitudes between them. On the other hand, considering the fundamental equation of the theory that forms the basis of the model, we propose to estimate uncertainties in parallax and masses using Monte Carlo simulations.
Results. The model was validated by means of numerical tests using a synthetic sample comprising 103 systems. The results are much more accurate than those for previous models reported in the literature for deriving dynamical parallaxes and masses. Furthermore, we present dynamical parallaxes and individual masses for the 19 double-lined spectro-interferometric systems with definitive visual orbits and compare the former with the orbital parallaxes as well as with those measured by HIPPARCOS and Gaia. It is worth mentioning that the latter can only be a reliable source when the orbital motion is taken into account. Thus, at present, many Gaia DR2 parallaxes of binaries are biased.
Conclusions. Our model, composed of an exact analytical theory, along with a non-linear MLR, guarantees high accuracy even in cases where the components are of unequal mass.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2019

Journal keyword(s): methods: analytical - methods: statistical - astrometry - parallaxes - binaries: visual - stars: fundamental parameters

Simbad objects: 31

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Number of rows : 31
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 224690 SB* 00 00 01.0255723320 -19 29 55.809597372   10.28 9.23     K3V 24 0
2 * 13 Cet RS* 00 35 14.87968 -03 35 34.2367   5.75 5.21     F7V+G4V 298 0
3 HD 3443 ** 00 37 20.71960 -24 46 02.1843   6.28 5.57     K1V+G 240 0
4 HD 3443A PM* 00 37 20.729866 -24 46 02.43012   7.48 6.60     ~ 20 0
5 G 272-61A Er* 01 39 01.3772561114 -17 57 02.587471791           M5.5V 125 0
6 G 272-61 ** 01 39 01.452936 -17 57 02.04516   13.93 12.08 11.782 8.93 M5.5V+M6V 72 0
7 G 272-61B Er* 01 39 01.6377185550 -17 57 01.001240728           M6V 858 0
8 HD 15285 SB* 02 27 45.86150 +04 25 55.7489 11.398 10.101 8.673 7.797 6.972 M2V 138 0
9 * eps Cet SB* 02 39 33.7974128402 -11 52 19.551632148   5.33 4.87     F5V 208 0
10 HD 17134 SB* 02 44 14.6158780368 -25 29 43.552025268   7.600 6.962     G3V 61 0
11 * bet Per SB* 03 08 10.1324535 +40 57 20.328013 1.70 2.07 2.12 2.08 2.11 B8V 1225 1
12 * 70 Tau SB* 04 25 37.3225242048 +15 56 27.683560428   6.951 6.439 7.75   F7V 273 0
13 * 9 Pup ** 07 51 46.30295 -13 53 52.9169           G0V 245 0
14 * 9 Pup A PM* 07 51 46.307556 -13 53 52.83537   6.22 5.61     ~ 20 0
15 * 10 UMa SB* 09 00 38.38067 +41 46 58.6051 4.440 4.390 3.960 3.57 3.35 F3V+G5V 349 0
16 * pi.01 Cnc SB* 09 12 17.5474052342 +14 59 45.776204103 7.49 7.24 6.51 5.90 5.52 G9V 225 0
17 * eta CrB A * 15 23 12.230856 +30 17 17.56212   6.123 5.577     G2V 234 0
18 * eta CrB ** 15 23 12.30535 +30 17 16.1701 5.60 5.56 4.98 4.50 4.22 G2V+G2V 191 0
19 Wolf 629 PM* 16 55 25.2222453644 -08 19 21.296969167 14.691 13.436 11.759 10.574 9.044 M3.5V 225 0
20 HD 152751 ** 16 55 28.7575690 -08 20 10.787849 11.647 10.593 9.023 7.937 6.565 M3.5Ve 528 1
21 VB 8 LM* 16 55 35.2557374336 -08 23 40.753073075   18.7 16.916 14.566 12.24 M7Ve 435 0
22 HD 158614 ** 17 30 23.79699 -01 03 46.4882 6.34     5.52   G9-IV-VHdel1 297 0
23 HD 158614A PM* 17 30 23.7998973347 -01 03 46.877873844   6.69 5.981     ~ 35 0
24 * 70 Oph A SB* 18 05 27.2484131991 +02 30 00.526614953       3.6   K0V 230 0
25 * 70 Oph ** 18 05 27.28518 +02 30 00.3558 5.40 4.89 4.03 3.38 2.92 K0-V 654 0
26 * chi Dra SB* 18 21 03.38255 +72 43 58.2518 4.010 4.070 3.580 3.14 2.83 F7V 406 1
27 HD 178911 SB* 19 09 04.3519341413 +34 36 01.242009328   7.37   6.3   G1V+K1V 139 0
28 HD 184467 SB* 19 31 07.9663576561 +58 35 09.604190291   7.47 6.60 7.36   K2V 165 0
29 HD 189340 SB* 19 59 47.2802830338 -09 57 29.634435094   6.45 5.87     F9V 166 0
30 * del Equ SB* 21 14 28.8153077 +10 00 25.125878 4.98 4.99 4.49 4.06 3.78 F7(V)+G0(V) 326 0
31 NAME Hyades Moving Group MGr ~ ~           ~ 286 0

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