
Query : 2020A&A...639A.137K

2020A&A...639A.137K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 639A, 137-137 (2020/7-1)

Linear dust polarization during the embedded phase of protostar formation. Synthetic observations of bridge structures.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Measuring polarization from thermal dust emission can provide important constraints on the magnetic field structure around embedded protostars. However, interpreting the observations is challenging without models that consistently account for both the complexity of the turbulent protostellar birth environment and polarization mechanisms.
Aims. We aim to provide a better understanding of dust polarization maps of embedded protostars with a focus on bridge-like structures such as the structure observed toward the protostellar multiple system IRAS 16293-2422 by comparing synthetic polarization maps of thermal reemission with recent observations.
Methods. We analyzed the magnetic field morphology and properties associated with the formation of a protostellar multiple based on ideal magnetohydrodynamic 3D zoom-in simulations carried out with theRAMSES code. To compare the models with observations, we postprocessed a snapshot of a bridge-like structure that is associated with a forming triple star system with the radiative transfer codePOLARIS and produced multiwavelength dust polarization maps.
Results. The typical density in the most prominent bridge of our sample is about 10–16g/cm3, and the magnetic field strength in the bridge is about 1 to 2mG. Inside the bridge, the magnetic field structure has an elongated toroidal morphology, and the dust polarization maps trace the complex morphology. In contrast, the magnetic field strength associated with the launching of asymmetric bipolar outflows is significantly more magnetized (∼100mG). At λ=1.3mm, and the orientation of the grains in the bridge is very similar for the case accounting for radiative alignment torques (RATs) compared to perfect alignment with magnetic field lines. However, the polarization fraction in the bridge is three times smaller for the RAT scenario than when perfect alignment is assumed. At shorter wavelength (λ ≤ 200 µm), however, dust polarization does not trace the magnetic field because other effects such as self-scattering and dichroic extinction dominate the orientation of the polarization.
Conclusions. Compared to the launching region of protostellar outflows, the magnetic field in bridge-like structures is weak. Synthetic dust polarization maps of ALMA Bands 6 and 7 (1.3mm and 870µm, respectively) can be used as a tracer of the complex morphology of elongated toroidal magnetic fields associated with bridges.

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2020

Journal keyword(s): circumstellar matter - magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) - polarization - stars: formation - ISM: magnetic fields - submillimeter: stars

CDS comments: Haro 6-5 B not in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 11

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Number of rows : 11
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 [EM98] DG Tau B cRN Y*O 04 27 02.66088 +26 05 30.4548           ~ 182 0
2 RAFGL 5123 Y*O 04 31 34.07736 +18 08 04.9020           K3V/M3III 870 0
3 V* HL Tau Or* 04 31 38.5107609312 +18 13 57.859747968   15.89 14.49 14.39   K5 1444 0
4 V* DO Tau Or* 04 38 28.5880527336 +26 10 49.467596196 12.78 13.44 12.30 13.01   M1Ve 383 1
5 V* RW Aur TT* 05 07 49.5662483 +30 24 05.177426   10.86 9.60 9.95   K1/5e+K5e 784 0
6 HOPS 88 Y*O 05 35 22.4451 -05 01 14.123           ~ 63 1
7 IRAS 16293-2422 cor 16 32 22.56 -24 28 31.8           ~ 1264 1
8 NAME Serpens SMM 1b mm 18 29 49.69 +01 15 21.2           ~ 10 0
9 NAME Serpens SMM 1a mm 18 29 49.80 +01 15 20.6           ~ 19 0
10 EM* AS 353 Or* 19 20 30.9918166680 +11 01 54.605482968   13.22 12.21     K5 188 1
11 LDN 1157 DNe 20 39 06.4 +68 02 13           ~ 575 0

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