
Query : 2021ApJ...913..102W

2021ApJ...913..102W - Astrophys. J., 913, 102-102 (2021/June-1)

AGNs on the move: a search for off-nuclear AGNs from recoiling supermassive black holes and ongoing galaxy mergers with the Zwicky Transient Facility.


Abstract (from CDS):

A supermassive black hole (SMBH) ejected from the potential well of its host galaxy via gravitational wave recoil carries important information about the mass ratio and spin alignment of the pre-merger SMBH binary. Such a recoiling SMBH may be detectable as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) broad-line region offset by up to 10 kpc from a disturbed host galaxy. We describe a novel methodology using forward modeling with The Tractor to search for such offset AGNs in a sample of 5493 optically variable AGNs detected with the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). We present the discovery of nine AGNs that may be spatially offset from their host galaxies and are candidates for recoiling SMBHs. Five of these offset AGNs exhibit double-peaked broad Balmer lines, which may have arisen from unobscured accretion disk emission, and four show radio emission indicative of a relativistic jet. The fraction of double-peaked emitters in our spatially offset AGN sample is significantly larger than the 16% double-peaked emitter fraction observed for ZTF AGNs overall. In our sample of variable AGNs we also identified 52 merging galaxies, including a new spectroscopically confirmed dual AGN. Finally, we detected the dramatic rebrightening of SDSS 1133, a previously discovered variable object and recoiling SMBH candidate, in ZTF. The flare was accompanied by the reemergence of strong P Cygni line features, indicating that SDSS 1133 may be an outbursting luminous blue variable star.

Abstract Copyright: © 2021. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Journal keyword(s): Active galactic nuclei - Galaxy mergers - Supermassive black holes

Simbad objects: 70

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Number of rows : 70
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 ZTF18abyoivl AGN 00 22 52.0180 +08 24 00.757           ~ 1 0
2 ZTF18abhpvvr AGN 00 38 33.0410 +41 28 53.681           ~ 1 0
3 ZTF18acajwep AGN 01 04 05.2800 +21 22 31.946           ~ 1 0
4 2MASX J01071376-1136027 AGN 01 07 13.7900717832 -11 36 03.051859176           ~ 4 0
5 2MASS J01120780-2104289 AGN 01 12 07.7951056416 -21 04 28.806603420   18.21   17.00   ~ 5 0
6 2MASS J01201245+0712584 QSO 01 20 12.4656382032 +07 12 58.233323916           ~ 6 0
7 ZTF19abucbkt AGN 01 36 04.2520 +21 37 25.882           ~ 1 0
8 ZTF19abpkoou AGN 02 34 16.1700 +05 18 42.732           ~ 1 0
9 NAME UGC 2773 OT2009-1 SN? 03 32 07.24 +47 47 39.6           ~ 55 1
10 ACO S 373 ClG 03 38 29.4 -35 27 08           ~ 1854 0
11 2MASS J03454549+2223578 LP* 03 45 45.4921815720 +22 23 58.042943916           ~ 3 0
12 V* S Dor sg* 05 18 14.3570612088 -69 15 01.149576912 9.08 10.39 10.25 9.74 9.14 Be3 378 0
13 3C 186 QSO 07 44 17.4720658920 +37 53 17.250697320   17.5 18.14 17.2   ~ 329 1
14 SDSS J075847.23+270516.4 AGN 07 58 47.23536 +27 05 16.4508           ~ 1 0
15 SDSS J081252.21+402347.3 AGN 08 12 52.21032 +40 23 47.3352           ~ 2 0
16 ZTF18abztovy AGN 08 29 24.6240 +34 50 45.655           ~ 1 0
17 LEDA 3095808 Sy1 08 29 44.3419151304 +32 52 21.050421636   18.23 17.90     ~ 23 0
18 2MFGC 6982 Sy1 08 54 41.7364808280 +30 57 54.731247768   18.65 18.22     ~ 29 0
19 2MASS J09043696+5536026 Sy1 09 04 36.9448557528 +55 36 02.716667100   17.16 16.73 13.5   ~ 70 0
20 ZTF18aceypvy AGN 09 51 12.3910 +31 35 37.084           ~ 1 0
21 ZTF18acbweyd AGN 10 20 38.5650 +24 37 12.421           ~ 1 0
22 2MASS J10383342+4658067 Sy1 10 38 33.428 +46 58 06.72   18.19 17.70     ~ 16 0
23 ZTF18adbhlyb AGN 11 17 59.1880 +20 15 19.078           ~ 1 0
24 SDSS J113323.97+550415.8 Sy1 11 33 23.9777686200 +55 04 15.894140412           ~ 17 1
25 NGC 3758 Sy1 11 36 29.3703820296 +21 35 45.984535728   14.8       ~ 166 0
26 LEDA 3096092 Sy1 12 04 15.9576201552 +56 02 58.052408604   18.03 17.60     ~ 19 0
27 NAME Virgo Cluster ClG 12 26 32.1 +12 43 24           ~ 6719 0
28 2MASX J12315204+4504428 Sy1 12 31 52.0542214920 +45 04 43.129838172   18.09 17.42     ~ 26 0
29 2MASX J12355766+5821230 Sy1 12 35 57.8755497432 +58 21 22.933335852   18.67 18.32     ~ 32 0
30 2MASX J12463346+4534214 Sy1 12 46 33.5248283904 +45 34 21.719998848   19.62 19.14     ~ 15 0
31 [B68b] 46 Sy1 12 48 53.8985031096 +34 24 29.374618644   18.19 17.83     WN4ha 50 0
32 ZTF19aavxims AGN 12 48 55.0530 -06 59 54.802           ~ 1 0
33 2MASX J12501623+0457451 Sy1 12 50 16.2168964008 +04 57 45.087105024   18.72 18.45     ~ 20 0
34 IC 3929 Sy1 12 57 41.0506246056 +20 23 47.731818768           ~ 15 0
35 Mrk 783 Sy1 13 02 58.773 +16 24 27.59   16.04 15.55     ~ 125 0
36 2MASS J13251811+4110099 Sy1 13 25 18.1423249152 +41 10 09.697869768   18.16 17.84     ~ 24 0
37 2MASS J13275142+0642490 Sy1 13 27 51.421 +06 42 49.06           ~ 6 0
38 2MASX J13370102+2025151 AGN 13 37 01.025 +20 25 15.17           ~ 2 0
39 2MASS J13420657+0505237 Sy1 13 42 06.5690532936 +05 05 23.913862224   17.54 17.32     ~ 71 0
40 ZTF18aamfuhc AGN 13 42 34.2140 +19 13 34.184           ~ 1 0
41 2MASX J14132983+2644355 Sy1 14 13 29.8121883960 +26 44 35.230377876   20.17 19.38     ~ 8 0
42 ZTF18aasxvyo AGN 14 17 56.5350 +25 43 21.506           ~ 1 0
43 SDSS J142614.30+272956.0 Sy1 14 26 14.3018420904 +27 29 56.028205680           ~ 12 0
44 ZTF18aazogyo AGN 14 56 27.4210 +30 53 40.225           ~ 1 0
45 2MFGC 12116 QSO 14 57 28.9483372152 +08 34 22.746863640           ~ 6 0
46 2MASS J15322716+0419221 Sy1 15 32 27.1614191064 +04 19 22.248786144   18.77 18.32     ~ 12 0
47 ZTF19aakjemw AGN 15 50 07.9390 +27 28 10.996           ~ 1 0
48 SDSS J155357.75+475232.0 QSO 15 53 57.754 +47 52 32.09           ~ 4 0
49 2MASS J15543268+2143480 Sy1 15 54 32.6798588304 +21 43 48.221046156   17.2       ~ 20 0
50 4C 18.47 BLL 16 09 11.2572400152 +17 56 16.284977412   20.21 19.60     ~ 57 1
51 2MASS J16304196+3036030 Sy1 16 30 41.9629749552 +30 36 02.566937916   18.77 18.35     ~ 23 0
52 2MASS J16305541+7226429 Sy1 16 30 55.42 +72 26 42.9   17.98 17.19     ~ 5 0
53 ZTF19abaktpb AGN 16 42 19.0740 +03 45 53.037           ~ 1 0
54 ZTF18aampabj AGN 16 52 58.8640 +44 48 45.540           ~ 1 0
55 NGC 6240 Sy2 16 52 58.9 +02 24 03   14.31 13.37     ~ 1650 2
56 2MASX J16551661+3215575 Sy1 16 55 16.5391080576 +32 15 55.174053024   18.76 18.44     ~ 10 0
57 ZTF18abamzru AGN 17 23 27.4860 +42 21 22.683           ~ 1 0
58 ZTF19aaviuyv AGN 18 56 20.5790 +37 12 36.076           ~ 1 0
59 ZTF18abujubn AGN 19 08 12.6170 +45 32 49.643           ~ 1 0
60 2MASS J20275338+1408506 AGN 20 27 53.382 +14 08 50.69           ~ 3 0
61 2MASS J20490759+0513174 AGN 20 49 07.5932262072 +05 13 17.395128912           ~ 2 0
62 LEDA 997072 Sy1 22 04 07.9451242848 -08 57 24.587666136   16.94   15.66   ~ 7 0
63 ZTF18abszfur AGN 22 07 16.0990 +12 11 03.278           ~ 1 0
64 2MASS J22121710+0350408 Sy1 22 12 17.1164796744 +03 50 40.545270708   19.3 18.59     ~ 13 1
65 SN 2009ip s*b 22 23 08.26 -28 56 52.4           LBV 363 0
66 ZTF19abipoqj AGN 22 43 14.7960 +80 59 27.375           ~ 1 0
67 ZTF19abfqmjg AGN 22 56 41.0620 +23 02 32.510           ~ 2 0
68 2MASS J23183591+4108001 LP* 23 18 35.9172519096 +41 08 00.235884660           ~ 3 0
69 2MASX J23325447+1513055 Sy1 23 32 54.4667670696 +15 13 05.448863316   18.25 17.88     ~ 39 0
70 2MASS J23461550+1247074 AGN 23 46 15.5109743472 +12 47 07.707581196           ~ 3 0

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