
Query : 2022A&A...657A..36L

2022A&A...657A..36L - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 657A, 36-36 (2022/1-1)

Characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres through a model-unbiased spectral survey methodology.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Collecting a large variety of exoplanetary atmosphere measurements is crucial to improve our understanding of exoplanets. In this context, it is likely that the field would benefit from broad species surveys, particularly using transit spectroscopy, which is the most successful technique of exoplanetary atmosphere characterization so far. Aims. Our goal is to develop a model-unbiased technique using transit spectroscopy to analyze every qualified atomic spectral line in exoplanetary transit data, and search for relative absorption, that is, a decrease in the flux of the line when the planet is transiting. Methods. We analyzed archive data from HDS at Subaru, HIRES at Keck, UVES at VLT, and HARPS at LaSilla to test our spectral survey methodology. It first filtered individual lines by relative noise levels. It also corrected for spectral offsets and telluric contamination. Our methodology performed an analysis along time and wavelength. The latter employed a bootstrap corroboration. Results. We highlight the possible detections of Mn I and V II in HD 209459b data taken by HDS at Subaru (5.9σ at 5916.4 Å, 5.1σ at 6021.8 Å). The previous detection of Ca I in the same planet is classified as inconclusive by our algorithm, but we support the previous detection of Sc II (3.5σ at 6604.6 Å). We also highlight the possible detection of Ca I, Sc II, and Ti II in HD 189733 data taken by UVES at VLT (4.4σ at 6572.8 Å, 6.8σ at 6604.6 Å, and 3.5σ at 5910.1 Å), in addition to the possible detection of Al I in WASP-74b data taken by UVES at VLT (5.6σ at 6696.0 Å).

Abstract Copyright: © ESO 2021

Journal keyword(s): planetary systems - planets and satellites: atmospheres - techniques: spectroscopic - methods: observational

Simbad objects: 7

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Number of rows : 7
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 Ross 905b Pl 11 42 11.0933350978 +26 42 23.650782778           ~ 823 1
2 CD-34 8618b Pl 13 04 10.5339280776 -35 32 58.322148612           ~ 29 0
3 HD 147506b Pl 16 20 36.3576063720 +41 02 53.106772488           ~ 256 1
4 Kepler-1b Pl 19 07 14.0375836512 +49 18 59.091482160           ~ 335 2
5 HD 189733b Pl 20 00 43.7129433648 +22 42 39.073143456           ~ 1465 1
6 BD-01 3943b Pl 20 18 09.3209454504 -01 04 32.609372016           ~ 50 0
7 HD 209458b Pl 22 03 10.7727465312 +18 53 03.549393384           ~ 1887 1

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