
Query : 2022A&A...663A..99K

2022A&A...663A..99K - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 663A, 99-99 (2022/7-1)

Detection of eccentric close-binary supermassive black holes with incomplete interferometric data.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Recent studies have proposed that General Relativity Analysis via VLT InTerferometrY upgrade (GRAVITY+) on board the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) is able to trace the circular orbit of the subparsec (≤0.1 pc) close-binary supermassive black holes (CB-SMBHs) by measuring the photo-centre variation of the hot dust emission. However, the CB-SMBHs orbit may become highly eccentric throughout the evolution of these objects, and the orbital period may be far longer than the observational time baseline.
Aims. We investigate the problem of detecting the CB-SMBH with hot dust emission and high eccentricity (eCB-SMBH, e = 0.5) when the observed time baselines of their astrometric data and radial velocities are considerably shorter than the orbital period.
Methods. The parameter space of the Keplerian model of the eCB-SMBH is large for exploratory purposes. We therefore applied the Bayesian method to fit orbital elements of the eCB-SMBH to combine radial velocity and astrometric data covering a small fraction of the orbital period.
Results. We estimate that a number of potential eCB-SMBH systems within reach of GRAVITY+ will be similar to the number of planned circular targets. We show that using observational time baselines that cover ≳10% of the orbit increases the possibility of determining the period, eccentricity, and total mass of an eCB-SMBH. When the observational time baseline becomes too short (∼5%), the quality of the retrieved eCB-SMBH parameters degrades. We also illustrate how interferometry may be used to estimate the photo-centre at the eCB-SMBH emission line, which could be relevant for GRAVITY+ successors. Even if the astrometric signal for eCB-SMBH systems is reduced by a factor of sqrt{(1-e2)} compared to circular ones, we find that the hot dust emission of eCB-SMBHs can be traced by GRAVITY+ at the elementary level.

Abstract Copyright: © A. B. Kovačević et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): galaxies: active - quasars: supermassive black holes - techniques: interferometric

Simbad objects: 9

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Number of rows : 9
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 Mrk 335 Sy1 00 06 19.5372339024 +20 12 10.617404076   14.19 13.85     ~ 1261 0
2 M 77 Sy2 02 42 40.7091669408 -00 00 47.859690204 9.70 9.61 8.87 10.1 9.9 ~ 4638 2
3 QSO J0854+2006 BLL 08 54 48.8749846272 +20 06 30.639583620   15.91 15.43 15.56   ~ 2364 1
4 [VV96] J091609.5-621929 Sy1 09 16 09.3662148312 -62 19 29.562130128   12.51 12.26 11.5   ~ 145 0
5 NGC 3783 Sy1 11 39 01.7096819040 -37 44 19.009642992   12.46 13.43 11.33 12.1 ~ 1667 1
6 NGC 4151 Sy1 12 10 32.5759813872 +39 24 21.063527532   12.18 11.48     ~ 3724 2
7 3C 273 BLL 12 29 06.6998257176 +02 03 08.597629980   13.05 14.830 14.11   ~ 5837 1
8 NGC 4593 Sy1 12 39 39.4435107024 -05 20 39.034988448   13.95 13.15     ~ 1099 0
9 2MASS J14025120+2631175 Sy1 14 02 51.1986308568 +26 31 17.554942092   17.52 17.15     ~ 53 0

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