
Query : 2022A&A...666A..32X

2022A&A...666A..32X - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 666A, 32 (2022/10-1)

Reference-star differential imaging on SPHERE/IRDIS.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. Reference-star differential imaging (RDI) is a promising technique in high-contrast imaging that is thought to be more sensitive to exoplanets and disks than angular differential imaging (ADI) at short angular separations (i.e., <0.3'). However, it is unknown whether the performance of RDI on ground-based instruments can be improved by using all the archival data to optimize the subtraction of stellar contributions.
Aims. We characterize the performance of RDI on SPHERE/IRDIS data in direct imaging of exoplanets and disks.
Methods. We made use of all the archival data in H23 obtained by SPHERE/IRDIS in the past 5 yr to build a master reference library and perform RDI. To avoid biases caused by limited test targets under specific conditions, 32 targets were selected to obtain the average performances of RDI under different conditions, and we compared the performances with those of ADI.
Results. In the point-source detection, RDI can outperform ADI at small angular separations (<0.4') if the observing conditions are around the median conditions of our master reference library. On average, RDI has a gain of ∼0.8 mag over ADI at 0.15' separation for observations under median conditions. We demonstrate that including more reference targets in the master reference library can indeed help to improve the performance of RDI. In disk imaging, RDI can reveal more disk features and provide a more robust recovery of the disk morphology. We resolve 33 disks in total intensity (19 planet-forming disks and 14 debris disks), and 4 of them can only be detected with RDI. Two disks are resolved in scattered light for the first time. Three disks are detected in total intensity for the first time.
Conclusions. RDI is a promising imaging technique for ground-based instruments such as SPHERE. The master reference library we built in this work can be easily implemented into legacy or future SPHERE surveys to perform RDI, achieving better performance than that of ADI. To obtain optimal RDI gains over ADI, we recommend future observations be carried out under seeing conditions of 0.6'-0.8'.

Abstract Copyright: © C. Xie et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): techniques: high angular resolution - techniques: image processing - planets and satellites: detection - protoplanetary disks

Simbad objects: 67

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Number of rows : 67
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 HD 1466 Er* 00 18 26.1235857360 -63 28 38.980983432   8.00 7.46     F8V 124 0
2 HD 8558 Er* 01 23 21.2547930336 -57 28 50.688846336   9.21 8.543   7.773 G7V 90 0
3 HD 11506 PM* 01 52 50.5344163920 -19 30 25.108242192   8.11 7.51     G0V 88 1
4 HD 15115 PM* 02 26 16.2457848552 +06 17 33.186453252   7.15 6.80   6.33 F4IV 202 0
5 HD 16743 PM* 02 39 07.5626487408 -52 56 05.304122592   7.13 6.77   6.33 F0/2III/IV 56 0
6 HD 24966 * 03 56 29.3766020328 -38 57 43.805016612   6.90 6.89   6.85 A0V 39 0
7 V* RY Tau Or* 04 21 57.4092550080 +28 26 35.555316612 10.82 10.34 9.30 9.67 8.87 K1IV/Ve 708 1
8 V* DG Tau Or* 04 27 04.6921275888 +26 06 16.060169268 13.57 13.97 10.50 12.28   K6Ve 1035 1
9 V* UX Tau A TT* 04 30 03.9932216088 +18 13 49.469925504   12.92 11.15     K2Ve 359 0
10 V* UX Tau Or* 04 30 03.99626 +18 13 49.4355 11.23 11.84 10.80 9.83 9.05 K2Ve+M1Ve 359 0
11 * 51 Eri PM* 04 37 36.1326090888 -02 28 24.775726260   5.486 5.209     F0IV 252 0
12 V* V1366 Ori Ae* 05 16 00.4765181328 -09 48 35.393784012 10.19 10.16 9.84 9.77 9.63 B9.5V 214 0
13 HD 36112 Ae* 05 30 27.5285630040 +25 19 57.076288752   8.57 8.27     A8Ve 475 0
14 HD 45270 PM* 06 22 30.9408581256 -60 13 07.147057296 7.186 7.11 6.508   5.87 G1V 125 0
15 BD+20 1790 BY* 07 23 43.5893479416 +20 24 58.650645816   11.08 10.001 9.43 8.522 K5e 96 0
16 BD+21 1764 Er* 08 08 13.1858384276 +21 06 18.248947590   10.89   8.7   K7Ve 71 0
17 BD+01 2063 BY* 08 19 19.0513575384 +01 20 19.906257624 9.858 9.266 8.347 7.829 7.365 K1V 66 0
18 HD 73267 PM* 08 36 17.7762322776 -34 27 35.919642672   9.66 8.87     K0V 75 1
19 HD 75519 PM* 08 49 05.6894618784 -39 57 15.800480820   8.50 7.83     G8V 41 0
20 HD 77825 BY* 09 04 20.6940062640 -15 54 51.301830636   9.75 8.758   7.703 K2V 64 0
21 HD 81485B SB* 09 19 23.9788595160 -77 38 45.104008632   10.43 9.56     K0IVe 20 0
22 V* LQ Hya BY* 09 32 25.5683895648 -11 11 04.692242760 9.316 8.761 7.891 7.288 6.815 K1Vp 465 0
23 HD 90884 * 10 28 23.5497206424 -51 42 18.949980600 10.885 10.022 8.976 8.397 7.884 K3.5Vk: 32 0
24 V* SZ Cha Or* 10 58 16.7500775160 -77 17 17.185749900     12.68   10.62 K0e 127 0
25 V* TW Hya TT* 11 01 51.9053285064 -34 42 17.033218380   11.94 10.50 10.626 9.18 K6Ve 1928 1
26 HD 97048 Ae* 11 08 03.3109731720 -77 39 17.490777444 9.03 8.76 9.00   8.64 A0Vep 548 0
27 HD 97244 PM* 11 11 43.7559643248 +14 24 00.553026528   6.514 6.295     A5V 50 0
28 HD 100453 Ae* 11 33 05.5766482920 -54 19 28.547100696   8.09 7.79     F1Vn 293 1
29 HD 100546 Be* 11 33 25.4408872296 -70 11 41.241297948   6.71 6.30   6.64 A0VaekB8_lB 815 1
30 V* T Cha Or* 11 57 13.5245085552 -79 21 31.530508884   10.00 11.86     K0e 274 1
31 HD 104125 * 11 59 23.7351915456 -57 10 04.742317416   6.93 6.76     A2V 31 0
32 HD 105690 PM* 12 10 06.4712050176 -49 10 50.657624976   8.86 8.199   7.414 G5V 67 0
33 HD 106906 * 12 17 53.1915103944 -55 58 31.893027240   8.95 8.89 8.46   F5V 155 0
34 HD 109573 PM* 12 36 01.0317461592 -39 52 10.220465388   5.786 5.774 7.25 5.81 A0V 643 1
35 HD 110058 * 12 39 46.1962525608 -49 11 55.550898744   8.12 7.97     A0V 88 0
36 HD 111520 * 12 50 19.7183455512 -49 51 48.961948068   9.37 8.87     F5/6V 60 0
37 HD 115600 * 13 19 19.5409822176 -59 28 20.441034660   8.59 8.22     F2IV/V 71 1
38 HD 119152 PM* 13 41 52.7783923992 -18 59 05.447060376   7.89 7.56     F0V 32 0
39 HD 120326 * 13 49 54.5032282344 -50 14 23.876991348   8.75 8.39     F0V 64 0
40 HD 121156 RG* 13 54 16.6405572696 -28 34 10.615888776   7.182 6.045     K2III 37 0
41 CD-40 8434 TT* 14 08 10.1545500744 -41 23 52.573291080   13.42 12.18 11.71 10.506 K7IVe 379 0
42 HD 129590 * 14 44 30.9625895592 -39 59 20.628246480   9.96 9.33     G3V 60 0
43 HD 131488 * 14 55 08.0288316288 -41 07 13.401374232   8.09 8.00     A1V 36 0
44 HD 131835 * 14 56 54.4677661992 -35 41 43.658813184   8.05 7.86     A2IV 125 0
45 HD 133954 V* 15 08 42.5074509312 -44 29 04.367201172   8.32 8.14     A2/3III 29 0
46 HD 141569 Y*O 15 49 57.7482550392 -03 55 16.341617064 7.22 7.20 7.12 7.00 7.04 A2VekB9mB9(_lB) 546 0
47 V* NZ Lup BY* 15 53 27.2916958608 -42 16 00.710765508   8.48 7.975   7.213 G2 103 0
48 V* RY Lup Or* 15 59 28.3864710696 -40 21 51.249496176   12.62 9.90     G8/K1IV-V 224 0
49 ATO J241.0901-21.5080 Y*O 16 04 21.6547947840 -21 30 28.550063304   13.3       K2 135 0
50 V* V1094 Sco TT* 16 08 36.1772010696 -39 23 02.464980972 16.01 15.00 13.48 12.47 11.45 ~ 78 1
51 WRAY 15-1443 TT* 16 15 20.2341630672 -32 55 05.097631872 13.88 13.22 12.00 11.658 10.50 K5 91 0
52 V* AK Sco Ae* 16 54 44.8491575376 -36 53 18.566586456 9.80 9.63 9.00     F5V 278 1
53 HD 156751 PM* 17 22 47.8854372504 -58 28 23.679597756   7.05 6.84 7.75   A7II/III 27 0
54 HD 319139 SB* 18 14 10.4818675368 -32 47 34.516836060   11.47 10.68   9.11 K5+K7 367 0
55 ASAS J181422-3246.2 Em* 18 14 22.0736727072 -32 46 10.132941432   14.14 12.78 12.316 10.380 M1Ve 49 0
56 HD 169142 Ae* 18 24 29.7799891464 -29 46 49.327400568   8.42 8.16     F1VekA3mA3_lB? 460 0
57 V* V889 Her BY* 18 34 20.1028767504 +18 41 24.234675864   8.00 7.449   6.720 G2V 143 0
58 HD 197481 BY* 20 45 09.5324974119 -31 20 27.237889841   10.05 8.627 9.078 6.593 M1VeBa1 1181 0
59 HD 199443 PM* 20 57 40.6448451432 -16 01 53.540343840   6.047 5.869     A2/3III 66 0
60 HD 204277 PM* 21 27 06.6144795672 +16 07 26.949155664   7.226 6.725     F8V 69 0
61 HD 207204 * 21 47 24.8115231048 -04 36 31.126138596   6.89 6.84   6.77 A0V 12 0
62 HD 207575 PM* 21 52 09.7248858144 -62 03 08.506270296   7.72 7.23     F6V 84 0
63 HD 208233 Er* 21 57 51.4678054992 -68 12 50.140046952   9.73 8.90   7.961 G9IV 51 0
64 HD 212658 PM* 22 26 13.5283494312 -19 11 18.332713212   10.44 9.31     K4.5Vk 26 0
65 * tau01 Aqr * 22 47 42.7694661672 -14 03 23.141291904   5.650 5.681   5.67 B9V 64 0
66 HD 219246 PM* 23 14 38.3346837624 -29 42 08.978037012   10.41 9.40     K2.5Vk: 17 0
67 HD 223340 PM* 23 48 50.4949536528 -28 07 15.663490608   10.1 9.28     K1V 41 0

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