
Query : 2022A&A...666A..52E

2022A&A...666A..52E - Astronomy and Astrophysics, volume 666A, 52 (2022/10-1)

The evolution of high-density cores of the BOSS Great Wall superclusters.


Abstract (from CDS):

Context. High-density cores (HDCs) of galaxy superclusters that embed rich clusters and groups of galaxies are the earliest large objects to form in the cosmic web, and the largest objects that may collapse in the present or future.
Aims. We aim to study the dynamical state and possible evolution of the HDCs in the BOSS Great Wall (BGW) superclusters at redshift z ≈ 0.5 from the CMASS (constant mass) galaxy sample, based on the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) in order to understand the growth and evolution of structures in the Universe.
Methods. We analysed the luminosity density distribution in the BGW superclusters to determine the HDCs in them. We derived the density contrast values for the spherical collapse model in a wide range of redshifts and used these values to study the dynamical state and possible evolution of the HDCs of the BGW superclusters. The masses of the HDCs were calculated using stellar masses of galaxies in them. We found the masses and radii of the turnaround and future collapse regions in the HDCs of the BGW superclusters and compared them with those of local superclusters.
Results. We determined eight HDCs in the BGW superclusters. The masses of their turnaround regions are in the range of MT ≈ 0.4-3.3 × 1015 h–1 M, and radii are in the range of RT ≈ 3.5-7 h–1 Mpc. The radii of their future collapse regions are in the range of RFC ≈ 4-8 h–1 Mpc. Distances between individual cores in superclusters are much larger: of the order of 25-35 h–1 Mpc. The richness and sizes of the HDCs are comparable with those of the HDCs of the richest superclusters in the local Universe.
Conclusions. The BGW superclusters will probably evolve to several poorer superclusters with masses similar to those of the local superclusters. This may weaken the tension with the ΛCDM model, which does not predict a large number of very rich and large superclusters in our local cosmic neighbourhood, and explains why there are no superclusters as elongated as those in the BGW in the local Universe.

Abstract Copyright: © M. Einasto et al. 2022

Journal keyword(s): large-scale structure of Universe

Status at CDS : Objects in title, abstract, text, figures, and all or part of small table(s) being processed in SIMBAD.

Simbad objects: 12

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Number of rows : 12
N Identifier Otype ICRS (J2000)
ICRS (J2000)
Mag U Mag B Mag V Mag R Mag I Sp type #ref
1850 - 2024
1 NAME Boss Great Wall SCG 10 52 +52.           ~ 15 0
2 PSZ1 G151.62+54.78 ClG 10 54 52.0 +55 21 12           ~ 22 0
3 ClG J1115+5319 ClG 11 15 14.8 +53 19 54           ~ 51 0
4 NAME Shapley Supercluster SCG 13 06.0 -33 04           ~ 621 0
5 NAME Corona Borealis SCG 15 25 +29.5           ~ 138 0
6 NAME ACO 2142 supercluster SCG 15 56 +27.           ~ 8 0
7 NAME Cl J1604 Supercluster SCG 16 04 +43.0           ~ 47 1
8 NAME Scl 2243-0935 Supercluster SCG 22 43.0 -09 35           ~ 9 0
9 NAME RCS J2319+00 Supercluster SCG 23 19 +00.0           ~ 13 0
10 ACO 2631 ClG 23 37 40.7 +00 16 35           ~ 173 0
11 NAME Saraswati supercluster SCG 23 37 40.7 +00 16 35           ~ 11 0
12 NAME Sloan Great Wall ? ~ ~           ~ 183 0

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